NO 12 Osaigbon Close Benin
The Residence is a One Bedroom Flat.
Living Room and Kitchen are intact
.........Save for the Blood stains by the Kitchen sink
Door to the Master's bedroom is severely damaged.Wooden splinters litter the floor.It appears to have been SAVAGELY SMASHED inwards, possibly from numerous blows from a LARGE BLUNT INSTRUMENT
The nature of the weapon used in the attack is yet to be determined.But a safe assumption would be something Metallic.......probably.
INSIDE the Master's Bedroom.
BLOOD SPLATTER patterns on the wall, the floor and the bed.The dressing mirror lies in Broken fragments across the room.
Bloody towel by the bathroom door.
The victim is FEMALE, Age 29
Name- EBERE.
Her body lies FACE DOWN on the floor by the bed......NAKED.
Hands tied behind her back with what appears to be a long USB CORD.
The surrounding Blood on the Carpet has long DRIED OUT leaving a large dark Circular pattern around the body.
The back of the victim's head is BASHED beyond recognition.It would appear the victim was VIOLENTLY HIT with a blunt instrument....over and over again.
Very likely, the cause of death.
The back of the skull was literally SHATTERED. Chunks of bloodied hair and skull fragments litter the scene.
One can only speculate that the object used to smash the door and the murder weapon are likely one and the same.
Witnesses( who choose to remain Anonymous)claim to have heard screams emanating from the Flat that morning between the hours of 6 am and 7 am .
When asked why they chose not to intervene,one Witness stated,...and I quote;
''......this is not the first time We've heard such screams coming from that flat.They were always fighting.Each time we tried to intervene, EBERE(the deceased) would warn us to stay away,that it was a 'husband and wife' issue........and so we minded our business.....!.''.
End quote.
The Victim's husband- ANDREW 36,was the only one in the Flat at the time of the screams.He was apprehended by Concerned neighbors whilst attempting to flee the scene.
According to the neighbors, ANDREW had numerous blood stains on his clothes.
He is currently in Police Custody.He is our ONLY suspect.
We need to question him further
This was a very brutal crime.
ANDREW was brought into the Interrogation room.One of his eyes was swollen.His lower lip split open..He looked like a man that had just received the beating of his life.
The two officers ROUGHLY placed him in a chair..The interior of the Interrogation Room was essentially a small space with bare walls, a window and a ceiling fan.
There was barely any air inside the Humid Cell.
The Inspector sat directly opposite the BROKEN and badly bruised ANDREW.
There are those who would have felt sorry for Andrew because of the state he was in.But the Inspector had learnt a long time ago never to trust Appearances.
Besides after examining the body of Andrew's late wife, the Inspector could barely restrain himself from BEATING the suspect to death .
Inspector Godwin Leaned forward and stared into ANDREW'S eyes.
''Oga, you don't look like a killer'' the Inspector said calmly. ANDREW flinched at the sound of that last word.It almost seemed to cause him physical pain.
Andrew turned around fearfully, to stare at the two officers behind him.The one on the left had kicked him in the groin on the way here.
His life as he knew it was over.That was for sure.
He turned to face the Inspector again.
''I'm ready to confess'' he said finally.
With that, the Inspector leaned back casually into his chair.Andrew clearly had his undivided attention..
'' My late wife wasn't a very sane person'' Andrew began.
''She had a very bad temper, but I loved her anyway.Even while we were dating, I could see the signs .
She always thought I was weak.No matter what I did. I loved and treated her with respect.But it was never enough.Months into the marriage,She told me she'd made a mistake. She shouldn't have married me, She said to me one morning.
She told me I was weak,she wanted a real man.That love wasn't enough,She wanted a man that could 'beat' her when she was bad.
I was too soft and weak for her.What was she thinking??? She screamed at me.How could she end up with such a loser???
From that day,the marriage became hell for me.She never let me touch her again......said my 'touch' irritated her.
I kept doing my duties as a husband,paying the bills and all.Buying her expensive gifts etc.
You see, that is the only way I know how to love. Without violence or drama.
I've never hit a woman before in my life.
But she felt this was what a man was supposed to be ...a 'beater'.That all her EXs used to beat her that's why she loved them.
Some nights she'd pour hot water on me while I slept.Afterwards she'd scream obscenities into my face, Daring me to hit her.
I took the matter to our Church.But all they told me to do was pray.Every where I went,was a waste of time.
Sometimes, I'd ask for us to talk, but all she'd do was taunt me.
Anyway soon after that, I lost my job and fell on hard times.So we had to move from a 3 bedroom to a 1 bedroom flat.That's when she started sleeping around.
It didn't matter who the person was.There were unconfirmed rumors that she slept with My mechanic.
Each time I caught her,she'd ask for my forgiveness and I would forgive her.....then she'd do it again.
The pattern kept on repeating itself.
This morning,I woke up to the sound of Moaning coming from my living room.It was about 5:30am. The living room lights were on.
I opened the door to find our Pot-bellied Land lord on top of my wife's naked body.
How he had managed to enter the house without me waking up, I had no Idea.
He jumped up in a mad panic when he saw me.He pulled up his pants. In a blink he made for the front door at a speed I didn't think was possible for a man his size.He banged the side of his face against the door as he dashed out of the house.
Ebere was still lying on her back.I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
In my house????
Ebere rose up from the floor slowly, her beautiful body as Naked as Eve.At that point I decided that I was having a nightmare.It couldn't be real I thought to myself.
Ebere was laughing.
I suddenly felt dizzy as the sound of her laughter filled my ears.I had to steady myself. Black spots were at the edge of my vision.
'Can you imagine?'I heard Ebere say.
'You want to faint????' her voice had the familiar Taunting edge to it.
'A real man......' she said defiantly
'....would've chased him down and given him the beating of his life,but you.....'
she starts laughing again.This time uncontrollably.
'....you, catch a man sleeping with your wife,.....and you want to faint????.....TAH!!! Godforbid!!'
She was standing naked clapping her hands LOUDLY.
' TAH!!!!'she went on.
'Calling you a boy would be an insult to boys......you are worse than a woman..so you want to faint eh???'
With that she rushed into the kitchen.I was still feeling faint. My chest was pounding.
I could hear her going fiddling with the Mortar in there.
In seconds she was out, brandishing the Pestle in her hand.
That was when she attacked me.
I felt the back of my head explode with pain as the Pestle made contact.
She swung the Pestle again.But the memory of the first assault had woken me up.I wasn't dizzy anymore.I felt a sudden coldness inside me as I grabbed and wrestled the Pestle from her hands.
In seconds,I'd thrown her against the bedroom door.Her naked body made a funny sound as it hit the wooden frame.
I now had the Pestle in my hand.
For a few seconds we stared at each other.It was in that moment that the rage took over.In an instant, the coldness was replaced by a kind of rage I'd never felt before.
EBERE saw the rage in my eyes.I think in that moment she realized what was about to happen.
I'd never seen her so terrified before.There was Raw panic in her eyes.
That's when I charged.
To be fair, she put up quite a fight.
She Rushed into the Master bedroom slamming the door behind her as the Pestle BASHED against the wooden frame.
If she'd stood there for another split second, the Pestle would've smashed into her face.
From inside the room, I could hear her screaming for me to stop.
I slammed my foot into the door with all the strength I had.The entire flat seemed to vibrate.For some weird reason, this made me feel good.The way the entire building seemed to respond to me.
I don't know how many times I hit that door(with the Pestle and my Feet).But it was a real thrill to see it splinter.
Ebere was still screaming.I could hear her trying to lock her self inside the Bathroom.Which was pointless because.Our 'cheap house' didn't come with a bathroom door that actually LOCKED.
I gained entry into the room,smashing the dressing mirror as I went by(I hated the damn thing anyway....it saw more of my wife's naked body than I did)
By the time I'd pulled her out of the bathroom (by her hair)she was pleading for her life.I could barely even hear her.
I ordered her on her knees.
She obeyed,Even as I forced her to lie on her stomach, she was crying. I don't know when or how the thought came, but I suddenly had the urge to tie her up.
I can't explain it.The thought was just....there!
I grabbed her USB cord lying next to her Laptop.Then I bound her wrists behind her back.
All through this, she was screaming my name,begging me in God's name, asking for my forgiveness.
'Baby,..please..don't do this...I...love you' she was saying desperately as I tightened the cord.
Then I heard it again ;
'I...love..you' she said. I hadn't heard her say that in years.It felt alien to me.
Then the image of The landlord on top of my wife came back to me again.
That's when I struck the first blow with the Pestle...
......then a second.
...then a third.
After that, I lost count of how many times I hit her head.
All I know is by the time I stopped, I was out of breath, and she was...SILENT.
The back of her head was all mashed up and BLOODIED.Their were chunks of flesh(which I later learnt were parts of her brain)dripping down my face in Bloody streaks.
I must've stared at her broken skull for a long time.
Oh, God!! I thought as I fell backwards, resting my back against the bed.
'Oh GOD' this time out loud.There was blood everywhere;on the floor, on me,on the sheets,on the wall......just everywhere.
In confusion, I tried covering her up with a towel.But the blood soaked it up real fast, so I threw it away.
So much blood...
I threw the Pestle under the bed.
This isn't happening I thought,......This isn't happening.
INSPECTOR GODWIN. had sat perfectly still for the duration of the story.
''Why was there blood in the kitchen?'' The Inspector asked calmly.
Andrew sighs and says;
'' Ehm before I threw the Pestle away, I tried to wash it at the kitchen sink.....but decided it was a stupid Idea''
''So you returned to the room with the murder weapon you'd tried to wash in the kitchen,.....and later decided to throw it under the bed?'' The sarcasm in the Inspector's tone is merciless.As he maintains a steady stare .
''.....em....I was confused and I didn't......''
''Why walk all the way to the Kitchen, when the bathroom is closer?'' The Inspector asks without blinking.
''.....like I said sir,.....I was confused''.Andrew's voice was in tremors.
Long silence
''One last question,'' asked the Inspector as he rose to his feet
Andrew looked up expectantly.
''Where were you going?''
''......going?'' Andrew repeated clearly confused.
''When the neighbors caught you......where were you going?''
Andrew stared at the Inspector and calmly said;
''I don't know...I was confused''
Another long silence.
''Don't you think it's odd that your security man at the gate didn't see your Landlord arrive or 'dash out' like you claim this morning.????''the Inspector asked curiously.
''I AM TELLING THE TRUTH'' now there was panic in Andrew's Eyes.
Then the Inspector Leaves
OUTSIDE the Interrogation room.Another officer asks the I.P.O;
''So what did the suspect say,do you think he's innocent?''
After a long pause, the Inspector says;
''Honestly, I believe he is.but then again,Only God knows what really happened in that flat this morning.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
I'm just saying
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "Mr...um..." "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
Terrible,, terrible! Bad, when a woman taunts you continuously, I was there once. You feel helpless when you know beating is out of it, for me, it is a no-no to touch a woman, no matter what.
ReplyDeleteDon't marry a person who has severe anger issues. He/she is a demon waiting to explode. The devil constantly uses them (especially the ones that haven't sought for help to get over their anger problems)
DeleteWell said
DeleteShe deserved what she got. We are saying no to violence and there are women who actually enjoy this? Thank God for the man he blessed me with. A non violent man is actually the strongest of them all.. first timer.. I really enjoy your write ups,had to start from your very first to this point. Keep it up n dont keep us in suspense like you did this 2 days..
ReplyDeleteNo matter the situation, a man has no right to hit a woman. She neither a piece of wood or a boxing bag.
Even after the woman hit him with a pistol. Well done. So if she carries a gun and wants to shoot me and i can wrestle the gun off her hand, i should not shoot her because I wan to be a "real man" in your opinion. Abeg PARK WELL!!!!
DeleteHmmm, I won't say she deserved d beating but mehn!!! Ha! Short of words
ReplyDeleteI had to skip this epistle @ some point just because my hands couldn't hold my phone anylonger. Terrible! Ok my take is,no matter how a woman taunts u,pls and pls just let her be.
ReplyDeleteAll the beating she had been craving all those years were finally served in one day! Hope she's satisfied.
ReplyDeleteOpus, I'm mad at you! I'm so upset.....I refreshed this page over 10 times yesterday & was disappointed! Biko, stop this ur bad habit & keep us glued daily.
Xo" so you've got addicted to "Marijuana Opus" please reduce refreshing tendencies, it's sign of Rehab is around the corner...lol
DeleteTeasing, am an addict too...lol
You are such a good writer and a you have such a cool blog. I enjoy your stories so much.
ReplyDeleteGuys try to resist temptation towards women.
Pls check out www.effiezy.com
I'm speechless. Dnt really know wat 2 say. I just hope dis isn't real. Hmmm, so sad, so so sad.
I actually pictured the crime scene in my minds eye. Exquisite details really.
ReplyDeleteso detailed.poor man
ReplyDeleteDomestic violence is not restricted to women alone. Verbal and emotional abuse also constitute domestic violence. The man was an abused husband, just like the story where the woman snapped and killed her boyfriend with a car so also Andrew snapped and committed the ultimate crime of passion which is murder. You are a wonderful writer, feels like I was watching Crime and investigation channel.
ReplyDeleteOoooooboy!! This guy won't 'kill' me ooooo!!!! Ooooboy! You re simply amazing honestly. Saw ur link on SDK blog and decided to check you out and I'm soooooo loving it. Your imgination is over active! Meanwhile are you a 'virgo' on the zodiac sign? Love your blog scatter.
DeleteLet the guy be interrogated again,cos his statement doesn't relate with the incident,also the gateman and neighbours should also be investigated cos we might be suprise that the guy wasn't the murderer or hynotise.....my opinion
ReplyDeleteNice write up....but I dnt think he did it
ReplyDeleteWhat a wife. Omg!!! Anger really clouds the senses. I feel for him. But why do I get the feeling there is more to this story, like he's hiding exactly what happened to his wife, and he's innocent? Opus, a follow up?! Nice write up. I was literally in the room seeing the crime scene so vividly clear. Like I said, I'm a story junkie. Pls don't let me wait, refreshing, refreshing, refreshing.........
ReplyDeleteThis is real crazy, feel for the poor guy what a bad wife can do to a man, whem
ReplyDeleteAt times,most Females forget that "A perfect gentleman,is a patient wolf in disguise". A little incentive from this Ladies and the wolf snaps. That's what happened to Andrew.
ReplyDeleteIt's really gory.......*pop goes the weasel *
Honestly, with the way you detailed every scene, it was as if I was watching the whole thing on a big screen. Her laughter, His unbridled rage, Brains sliding down his face, blood soaking the towel fast... It's all very vivid. You're one gifted writer.
ReplyDeleteI was anti-Kolade in the Arowolos' case...Stop playing games with my mind, Opus! This man deserves no pity. Or does he??
ReplyDeletehe does!!!!
DeleteThis is the first time i'm visiting your blog but I beg you in the name of whatever you hold dear,try and get an app for phones and tablets...ppppplllleeeaase!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time too, you are an awesome writer, and your story is a wonderful piece
ReplyDeleteThis is my first time too, you are an awesome writer, and your story is a wonderful piece
ReplyDeleteWelcome to all the newbies. Glad you are enjoying the blog. Stay tuned, n have lots of fun.
ReplyDelete''So what did the suspect say,do you think he's innocent?''
ReplyDeleteAfter a long pause, the Inspector says;
''Honestly, I believe he is, but then again,Only God knows what really happened in that flat this morning."
Hmn... could this be a case of admission as a result of coercion? Cos our NPF can beat any story out of anyone.
Then again, his detailed explanation gives room for speculation... with a flaw of course... the part about washing the pestle. Very possible he was disoriented but... *hand on jaw*
Bros this kain task sha!
i think he deserves a pardon cos i doubt he would ever lay his hand on a woman again regardless the taunts...besides she said that she wanted a real man that would beat her "to death" and moreover, she told him to die so she can have peace...well now she's the one dead, shebi she get peace now...