Tuesday, 17 February 2015
AMAKA lies on her stomach as the Masseuse works on her shoulders.
She likes coming to this Spa....twice a month.
She moans as the hands of the Masseuse Caresses her skin........She finally looks up at us......
"...And how did I spend my Val?
C'mon!!!! I bet you're just DYING TO KNOW!!
She grins an evil grin.
Be honest, I promise not to laugh.But How many of you got stood up on Val?........OOH! how many of you got the, “I don’t celebrate valentine ” excuse? Or my personal favorite“don’t you think you 're too old for Val” speech?
I can't help but laugh(in French and Swahili). That is what you get when you lose your market value. ”See finish” sets in. The jerk gives you all those sermons.
Guess who got a brand new SUV from Amaka’s husband. Did I mention that she didn't get anything for her birthday? I got a 24 carat gold bracelet from her husband. Do you have any idea how much is in my account right now?
I know beggars can't be choosers, but c’mon. why would you choose to become a beggar in the first place? Is the title “wife” actually worth it? Raymond is a classic example. He doesn't hide it from his wife that he is cheating. She knows. She also calls begging him to come home at every point in time.”The children miss you” blah,blah!!!!. Mtcheew. Rubbish!!!
Raymond had been pleading with me for months to spend the Val with him.
Despite so many offers, and in the end, I chose Raymond for two reasons.
First, he had planned everything out so perfectly in advance,
Secondly, he is really young, handsome,well-endowed and more importantly,has money.
He owns a jet, and I have a thing for being Shagged in the air..
So I had a BLAST on valentine’s day and his pitiful wife was alone at home, pitifully hoping that her husband would remember to at least send her a Val text
Believe me he didn't have the time to even think about her.
Not when we were together.
Raymond's wife is beautiful. No sorry, let me rephrase, If I were a guy, I'd DO her(......well, EVEN as a woman ,...I'd STILL DO her) Yet she chose to get shackled by marriage.Maybe she was pregnant and decided to get married .
HA!!! I hate PIMs jor (Pregnancy Induced Marriages)
She get luck say Her husband get money, but she could have made so much more as a single woman . Her loss...
Your men do for me, the things you crave, cry, beg and even nag them to do for you, without blinking. Why? because I am of value to them. When you marry them, or even date them exclusively, you lose your value. They have nothing else to anticipate, nothing to drive them.
You can't pitch your tent in the Sahara and pray for Ice cubes.
I mean who does that?
Men love the chase, and with me, the chase is unending. knowing that I really don't give a Crap, and can leave them at any time,makes them hunger for me more.
I had MAD sex on Vals day with another woman's husband.
Because I CAN!!!!!
I don't pretend to be something I'm not. I am a Mistress.... an Unrepentant one at that.I'm not afraid of the truth.
I always warn; Keep your men away from me!!!!!. ..... ,. I am AMAKA .lest you forget....!!!!
Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
I'm just saying
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Sister Priye 2
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I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
Hehehehehehehehehehehe........... I know everyone will curse the shit outta this girl but i wont. Why? I have my reason's. I know the bible instituted marriage but truth is, not every woman will get married (hard pill to swallow yeah) and many women will be forced to play second, third and fourth fiddle by the time they realize that no single man is forthcoming.
ReplyDeleteInstead of getting married and forced to live under very harsh and unpleasant conditions, why dont you live like Amaka? Live free, have money, be happy, have loads of fun...... When the time is right you have your babies, thats if you want to ruin your body. If not, pay for surrogacy. At the end of the day, happiness is all that matters. Do whatever makes you happy.
If u apply ds principle in real life u ar heading for doom. Life is a choice according to the poster.
DeleteWhat shall it profit a man to gain the whole world & lose his soul? People say life is too short, have fun! For me, eternity is too long to be in hell. Amaka, repent!!!
DeleteDear Annonymous, i am glad you said "IF". My opinion on this issue is as a result of all that women go through all in the name of marriage. Why will a woman be abused by her husband the Raymond did to his wife in this story and she sits back there and begs for his attention? Marriage is not a do or die affair, if you are not happy in your marriage, GET OUT before you die there. Instead of being the fourth wife all in the name of getting married and bearing some man's name, why dont you collect all the gifts they have to offer, go on trips, get them to buy you that house, that car? Believe me, very few men do these things for their wives. I know 'cause i am married. You get these treats when you are single, once you marry them, kiss dem treats goodbye.
DeleteDear Miss, this may be a very hard pill for you to swallow but i can categorically tell you that not all men dump their wives for mistresses once they marry. Some go out of their way to continue to shower their wives with love, intimacy and attention including honesty. They may be hard to find but they still exist. Yes the temptations may be there but they overcome them and stick to their wives. Now tell me why i wouldn't want to submit and do everything for such a man?
DeleteMy husband showers me with gifts, love, and all the good things in life. He is not a pastor but an actively spiritual man and above all he is very concerned about where we all will spend our eternity.
So wake up and please stop advising women to seek for the things of this Earth that will come to nought at the end of the day. Jesus is the only true source of happiness and joy in every person's life: Married or Single!
If Raymond's Wife want him back she should not beg him..reduce the attention she is giving him..have fun on her own with the kids..this is why women MUST BE INDEPENDENT
DeleteI see it but I don't believe it, we have a real Amaka in thé house. Hello 'Miss', how market ?
ReplyDeleteHey Tamia, business is booming. Thanks a bunch.
DeleteDid you just say you were kidding? Between you and i, we know you were damn serious. I know you from Linda Ikeji's blog and you seem to have a very caustic tongue. Please bear in mind that people are entitled to their opinion, do not bring all of the razzness and insults from Linda's blog on here ok? Allow people express themselves the way they deem fit. You really cannot judge people by the things they say. You clearly do not know me.
Heheheheheh @ Tamia that was a bit harsh....Amaka better trend carefully....
ReplyDeleteBetween Opus I came across your blog from another blog and I think am stuck....your narratives rock.
Heheheheheh @ Tamia that was a bit harsh....Amaka better trend carefully....
ReplyDeleteBetween Opus I came across your blog from another blog and I think am stuck....your narratives rock.
Come on Jenny, I was kidding. Lol
ReplyDeleteLol....Thought as much anyways
DeleteLol....Thought as much anyways
DeleteAmaka, its not worth it. Y make anoda woman cry for her husband?
ReplyDeleteMaka why na??
This thing that you are doing.. This marriages that you are breaking.. DiarisGuduoo!!!!
Yeah, I bliv marriage isn't for everyone. But common, too many sadness in ur wake. It's more like destroy what other women have cos you can't have it yourself. Men will rather use you like you claim to love than make a lifelong commitment to you. Anyway, enjoy while it lasts
ReplyDeleteOpus, give me like 100 stories a day o! I'm a story junkie and you've unleashed the beast! Hehehehehehe
ReplyDeleteno wori,her punani go soon dry up
ReplyDeleteDis is my 1st tym on dis blog but I read all ur articles....9c.
ReplyDeletepls wen is d continuation come out......i tink m stock here ooooooooo sm1 help
ReplyDeleteMiss" for the 1st time I see someone who would agree with me, not all of us"Women" are frigging meant to get married, work hard, make money, you need a baby, adopt or surrogate or visit the sperm bank or IVF.... ladies would seat in marriage, take beating, mistreatment, stinginess, all in the name of marriage. Am not condoning, neither would I stoop to do what Amaka does, what da hell happened to all the single men folks or they've all become gay? Kikikikiki(laughing in greek)
ReplyDeleteMiss welcome on board jawe.
Exactly my point dear. No one said a man must be married to be rich. Work hard for your own money (Legit), when them single boiz come around, play around with them. While at it, use your head, collect what you can and beat it. Even many of the single guys now date women for what they can obtain from them. Beat them to there game and free them nicely. If a good man comes, you marry him, if not live your life and be happy. Only you can make yourself happy. Your happiness is not and should not be tied to any man. When you have said enough money to buy a car, do it. When you need to vacation, do it. When you are ready to start building your house, fucking do it. That time has come and gone when women sit, cry, lobby, and beg their husbands to do shit for them. The society is even favouring us in the world of work. There are more working women than men these days. What's the problem? This is so that the day when your husband decides to play around with the likes of Amaka, instead of being subjected to ridicule, you pack your bags and live quietly. When Amaka has milked him dry and ruined what is left of his life, then will he appreciate you the more.
DeleteI am new here by the way, kisses Maya for the warm welcome.
Women rock. Its just that we don't know the powers we have nor how to wield it.
Delete*Hugs plenty *
Deletemiss.............u took the blasts right outta my mouth. this is how I think exactly ; PS guys ;I am married so no nid cussing me , plus have got a great hubby, but I still tell u guys don't kill urself in the name of marriage . ain't worth it .be happy ,live live, enjoy. ur happiness is not in the hand of man or in bn a MRS.
DeleteLoads of Hugs Maya.
Delete@Chick, I am glad more women are waking up from their slumber. My hubby treats me well and i know my boundaries too. But you hear all sorts of unpleasant stories from friends, colleagues, family and neighbours. I am in my marriage to enjoy it and not to endure it.
Nice one ladies.
DeleteMiss, I don't know you but I liiiikkkke you already! I couldn't have said it any better.
DeleteThank you KWEEN.
DeleteInteresting comments
The loudest cry on social media is that "ALL MEN CHEAT". fat lie, that is.
ReplyDeleteThere seems to less focus on the women who blatantly go for the married men knowing they are hurting a fellow woman and seem to derive some fulfilment from it. The womenfolks should please address themselves on this. They seem to be more unfair to themselves.
As far as I'm concerned, cheating really does belittles a man in many ways he can never fathom. Its a weakness. Just imagine Raymond BEGGING to give to another woman much more than he could ever dream of giving his beatiful wife. That's sick. And it happens in real life!
It definitely happens much more than we can ever know. Lots of men won't pay their children's school fees but they can give out large sums of money to side chicks, while the wife is left to hustle for money for feeding, rent and payment of recurrent bills.
DeleteCome to think of it bro, What will you and society say to a woman who finds herself in this unpleasant situation and decides to date a single or married man just for the money?
A good man with a good heart will not even look at another woman once he is married. If a woman comes after you, she will only get you if you allow her to. Meaning that the power to be caught in a temptation like this is in your hands. If you dont want to be caught you wont be caught.
Turn it around, what if some other man were chasing your wife.... Will you accept it if she says she was chased or tempted thats why she slept with another man? If you ask women to address themselves that will amount to being biased. Men too should do same. The rate at which they cheat has become alarming. Like a new girl everyday, while the family they swore to protect suffer. It's preposterous.
@Miss" you say preposterous? You being so polite, permit me to add it's, ludicrous, outrageous, harebrained and completely absurd...
@Miss" you say preposterous? You being so polite, permit me to add it's, ludicrous, outrageous, harebrained and completely absurd...
@miss ad maya ''and you forgot.......disgusting
Delete@miss, as a man, I still find difficult to understand why men cheat. I'm still trying to research. In the first place, I find it disgusting and much more tasking than remaining faithful.
DeleteIts like surrendering your life to more than 1 woman and exacting to be somewhere you don't belong.
Bottom line, it is ungodly.
I have tried to as politically correct and "unjudgemental" as possible about the cheating issue but it seems the natural man cannot help it without the help of a higher power or a higher level of spiritual enlightenment.
I've concluded that any complete man can cheat but that it takes a man who fears God and whose mind has been renewed to resist the strong temptation that comes with cheating. It MAY help a lot if woman accept this as a fact.
The following are those who may not:
A God-fearing man
A spiritually enlightened man
A well-brought up man
A man without confidence from anything
A man with little or no libido
A man with sexual dysfunction
And many more.
Mothers can start by teaching their sons to really respect womenwomen and their daughters to value virtue.
Fathers should extol the fear of God and practicality in their households.
I find it baffling when friends tell me about the difficulty of staying faithful. Its a real problem for them. Deep within me, I just know Christ makes all the difference.
Its possible to love just one woman. Its easier. Ignorance of other women's intimate parts can be bliss.
You may scoff at this, but avoiding pre-marital sex is useful too. You can't have tasted all kinds of delicious soups and choose to restrict yourself to only one when the others are being pushed at you. It can be quite difficult to accept except something changes because quite frankly sexuality differs from one woman to another. So when boredom is allowed to set in in the marriage, most men quickly run into the "variety that is the spice of life". I've also heard it said that "women are the spice of life"
People, cheating is a whole package filled with many dynamics. The more you understand, the better you will be able to navigate around it.
Well said D'Arc. These cheats get a thrill from getting calls from different women, hanging out with them, sleeping with them, dark, fair, plump, fat, slim, tall, short, petite, midget, all sorts.
DeleteHe who fights and runs away will live to fight another day, so goes a popular saying. When you have issues at home and you drive away, into the arms of another woman, does it make your problems go away? NO. A real man with confidence will sit in there and resolve his issues with his wife. Cheating only suggests lack of control, self confidence, self value, self worth, self ego, same goes for wife beaters. Why spend 1million on 5 different girls when you can give your wife 300k and still have a lot to save? And she will be showering you with prayers too. I think its only foolish men that cheat. A sensible man will know that this pussy is the same as that pussy. A sensible man will teach his wife the things he likes and the way he likes it (vice versa) instead of chasing after every lizard and frog with breasts. Soon, we will have the likes of Hanks Anuku everywhere, infecting their innocent wives with AIDS. It is monstrous. Haba!!!
Hehehehehehehehehe...... Indeed, i minced words. Thanks for helping out babes @ Maya & Chick. Let me add to it, it is foolish, senseless, farcical, insane, ridiculous, risible, etc.... hahahahahahahaha......
DeleteWell said D'arc
DeleteD'arc Ed may God bless you for those words. Why people must stoop so low to the status quo of men in this wicked world remains a puzzle to me.
DeleteLive right! Live for Christ! It may not sound easy but if you decide to do it, you would accomplish it!!!
Oh Amaka!!!
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I totally agree with d'arc ed.