"Looks like her....throat's been slashed"Christian's voice said softly.
Bola suddenly threw up by the bed.
"What did you do, Christian???"Victor shouted launching at him with ferocity.
".....It was you...."came Victor's enraged voice as he tried to grapple Christian's throat.
Peter stepped in just in time between the two men.
"....st-st-stop this nonsense..."Peter said warding Victor off.
Christian didn't even flinch.
".....he killed her....bastard....he always hated her!!!"
"....everybody just relax...."Eva said in a small voice.
Bola was still on the ground,face cradled in her palms as silent tremors ran through her body.
"C-christian....where were you....?"Peter asked cautiously.
Christian's mask of calm broke....he stared at Peter as if he were a strange alien life form.
"I went out to the south balcony for a smoke....You're asking me?.....not the guy in the same room with the dead body....???"
"I...heard the steel shutters go down....she must have activated them before....."Eva's voice trailed off as her eyes settled on Victor again.
"....Before what?....what?.... you think I killed her? the love of my life?...."Victor's tear-filled and angry face said.
"...What other explanation is there?....you were alone with her in the room .....then suddenly she turns up dead....I don't believe in coincidences"Christian said without blinking.
"You're Mad!!!"Victor charged again at him...this time,almost connecting with a hard right before Peter deflected it.
"St..stop this nonsense...."Peter spat.
Long pause as Christian and Victor exchange glares.
"S-so what happened?"Peter asked Victor.
He maintained his glare at Christian for a few more seconds,then he spoke.
"....I went into the bathroom after we....then I heard the bathroom door shut and lock behind me.....I banged on the door ....then I heard the shutters go down...seconds later, I heard the screams."
All eyes were on him,save for Bola's,as she still kneeling down by her best friend's dead body.
"Why would Habiba lock you in....did you guys have a fight?"Christian asked with a skeptical expression on his face.
"I don't know why she locked me in....or why she activated the shutters...."Victor said defensively.
"Your story doesn't add up,only two of you were inside this locked room"Christian said with a steady gaze.
"I didn't kill her....!!!"Victor shouted as he stared at all of them incredulously.
"Christian..is right...."Came Eva's soft voice.
"....only two of you were in the room....and the door was locked"
"....(sob)...no it wasn't "came Bola's tremor filled voice.
They all turned.
"...When I got here....(sob)....the door was....ajar.." Bola concluded without raising her eyes from Habiba's corpse.
"D-door ajar?"Peter asked cautiously.
Bola nodded.
"Did you guys.....?"Eva began
"...don't be silly,of course we kept it locked ....when we....."Victor's voice trailed off broken by sobs.
Christian didn't seem convinced.
"None of this makes any sense...."Eva said in a small voice.
" .....okay...l-lets say he's t-telling the t-truth,..that m-means...."
"....someone else did it...." Bola ominously
Long pause as they pondered on what that implied.
"Don't be ridiculous....HE killed her"Christian pointed at Victor.
"Maybe he killed her,opened the door,activated the shutters and locked himself inside the toilet and...." Christian said.
"Yea? and .........what? the key miraculously appeared there?"came Victor's sarcastic response.
"....he couldn't have..done that..... and....the key was lying far away from the door...and there's no space under the door....."Bola's voice trailed off again.
"So...who k-killed Habiba then?"Came Peter's shaky voice.
Long silence.
"B-Bola...you're the one who f-found her..." Peter continued.
Bola's eyes lit up with shock.
"How dare you accuse me?....she was my best friend....when I got here the door was ajar......!!!!"
"....or so you you say...."Christian said softly.
Bola rose from her crouched position like an enraged bull poised for a charge.
"Are you accusing me of something, you weakling -woman-beater?"She was advancing towards him with hate in her eyes.
"No...should I be?"Christian asked with a steel look.
"D-don't accuse my g-girl friend"Peter turned to Christian.
"Why shouldn't I?....by the way,where were you?"Christian asked Peter.
Peter was on the verge of saying something when Eva cut in.
"I think we should all try to be calm and think this through....our friend is dead,and we can't seem to account for each other's whereabouts....."
"And the shutters are down....which means we're trapped..."Bola said softly.
"S-so we deactivate the shutters,and we call the p-p-police"Peter said.
Bola threw him a side glance that wasn't very flattering and said,
"It's only Habiba and her dad's voice that can deactivate it, you idiot"
Once again,Eva's voice cut Peter's off before it could be heard.
"We can't stay here.......,"She said looking about fearfully.
".......Habiba's killer is with us in this room....."
"....or there's someone else in the house with us" Bola added.
The room fell silent as they all looked around themselves.
"That's impossible w-we're th-the only ones here"Peter said with a tremor in his voice.
"She's right..."Victor added.
"...This is a big house...one of the servants could have easily hidden in...."
"....so what? is this a case of a disgruntled employee?"came Bola.
"....This is bullshit, I'm calling the police"Eva said as she brought out her phone.
Seconds later, she was still staring into her phone.
"I don't have a signal"she said in an alarmed voice.
"Me neither "came Christian.
"I don't have a signal t-too"Peter said softly.
Long pause
"what the hell is going on?"Eva said looking around nervously.
"It's the shutters....they must be messing with the phone signals....but the shutters reboot themselves every six hours"Victor said.
"And how would you know.......?"Christian asked with all the sarcasm in the world.
"....Habiba told me"His voice trailed off as he began crying again.
They all turned to stare at the dead girl.
"So you mean we're st-stuck in here f-for the next s-six hours with her?" Peter asked.
"Lets just pray the killer doesn't strike again...before then" Bola said ominously.
Eva goes over to Victor's side and places a comforting hand on his shoulder and whispers in his ear.
"what are you doing"Christian said eyeing the two of them suspiciously.
"Cut it out Christian...she's just comforting a guy who just lost his girl friend"Bola said.
"...or killed her"Christian added still staring at them.
Long pause
"L-let's split up and search the house "Peter began.
"...you and which army?"Bola went.
"....if there's a killer on the lose,I'm not going to risk being alone with him.......Or her..."she concluded as her eyes settled on Eva.
"Really?"Eva said with a shocked expression on her face as she went into the bathroom.
"Now....where are you going??"Came Christian's alarmed response.
"...I've never been around a fresh corpse before...can I at least pee?"
She felt Christian's infamous dark look as she went inside,but she didn't care...she'd have to find some way to avoid him for the rest of the night.She thought.
She decided then that if they were going to split up and search the house,she wasn't going with Christian.....no way.
They searched the house in two groups,Eva went with Victor(to Christian's annoyance) while Bola went with Peter.....and Christian.
They left Habiba's body on the bed....sprawled amidst bloodsoaked sheets.
Fifteen minutes later, they are all seated in the living room downstairs...in silence.
All through, Christian's eyes were fixed on Victor.
He clearly didn't buy Victor's "story"
"So...."Christian began.
"......Now that we know there's no one else here but us...what do we do?"
"W-we don't know that,...there m-m-may be hidden rooms or chambers in this house"Peter retorted.
"This can't be happening"Victor said in a small voice as he hid his face in his hands.
For a long time,they sat in silence,listening to the ticking of the large gold plaited clock on the far side of the room.
Bola sobbed quietly in the corner as Peter tried to comfort her.
"Don't touch me"she warned.
Peter's hands hovered over her shoulders for a few seconds....he seemed hurt by her angry response....then he shifted away from her.
They sat in silence, each to his or her thoughts.
"I'm hungry" Christian said after almost an hour of silence.
"Really....???"Bola glared at him.
"....you can think of food at a time like this?"
"...Well I'm sorry if my timing sucks,but that's just what it is...."He said defensively.
Bola continued glaring at him.
"...em...is there any soup left?"Eva asked Bola.
Bola rolls her eyes but didn't respond.
Eva went into the kitchen.
Sounds of plates and cutlery being moved about followed
"I...I t-think I will have some t-too"Peter called out hesitantly as he cautiously eyed Bola,who at that time had an angry look on her face.
Few minutes later,Eva returned with two steaming bowls of soup on a tray.
Bola seemed oblivious to everyone around her,as she stared blankly at the floor.
Peter dug into his bowl almost immediately.
"Th-this is d-delicious"he said with a mouthful of fish.
"Don't thank me,thank your girlfriend...she made it"Eva said as she handed a bowl to Christian.
"It's d-delicious"Peter said awkwardly to Bola.
"...I didn't make it for you,....I made it for Habiba"Bola said without looking up.
"What's this?"Christian said with scorn in his eyes.
"...It's soup,....you said you were hungry"Eva said defensively.
"...And you decided to feed him before me???"there was a rising rage in his voice.
"Christian, this isnt the time for this...we just lost our friend.....you said you were hungry and....."
But before she could finish,Christian violently knocked the tray out of her grasp.
The bowl and it's contents were flung across the room crashing into the nearest wall.
"...Don't you ever talk back at me again,you hear me???"Christian shouted ,as he rose to his feet with clenched fists.
Eva backed away fearfully.
"Leave her alone"Victor said rising to his feet also.
"Typical! you think I don't see the way you look at her???"Christian said advancing towards Victor.
"G-guys...!"came Peter's voice.
But suddenly, it seemed he couldn't speak.He put his hand to his throat as weird choking sounds emanated from his mouth.His eyes were red.
"Peter,what's wrong?"came Bola's alarmed voice.
His bloodshot eyes stared her.But all that came from his mouth were the choking sounds.
All eyes were on him now.
"What's wrong with him??"Eva said with terror in her face.
"What did you do...?...what did you give my boy boy friend???"Bola's alarmed yell rang out at Eva.
".....I only gave him the soup..YOU prepared."Eva retorted.
More choking sounds.
Peter tried to rise from his seat,but crashed into the floor with a loud thud.
He continued to hold on to his throat.
"My God!Peter whats wrong???"Bola shouted.
More choking sounds.
Then suddenly he was still.
"What's wrong with him?...is he epileptic or something???" For the first time,there was fear in Christian's voice.
"Peter!!!"Bola was screaming as she shook the limp form on the floor.
He wasn't moving.
"What the hell did you do???.....you poisoned him!!!!"Bola screamed at the top of her lungs.
"I...I only gave him the food you cooked....I swear!!!"Eva pleaded.
All eyes suddenly turned to her as she fearfully looked about herself.......she was terrified.
"No.... I didn't...you cooked the food!" Eva retorted with tears forming in her eyes.
....to be continued
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Tuesday, 16 June 2015
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "Mr...um..." "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
Oh my God! That's a strange house. Maybe the house is haunted. Or maybe Bola cooked d soup with a poison thinking it's an ingredient. Am officially confused now. Opus!
ReplyDeleteopus, who killed isaac???
Delete#carloy #BelEsprit #INFAMOUS
Habiba haven't tasted the food before she died!
DeleteMore confusing. Plus opus, make the next episode soon.
Oh wow!
ReplyDeleteWhat could be going on in this house??? Weird much.....2 down, who's next???
DeleteHow do one subscribe to d BBM channel. I tried it yesterday but no luck. I av done oda ones
ReplyDeleteYeah really. I tried the BBM channel too, but nothing!
DeleteOpus, you no dey sleep? A no fit read the story cos me a wan sleep now but tomorrow a go see Wetin dem don do.
ReplyDeleteA t Last!!!
ReplyDeleteI swear it, Eva or Victor... or maybe both of them know what is going on? Uh hmm, they surely do.
Opus, don't wait forever before you give us the next part.
*feels so good to be harassing another writer, hehehe*
I support oooo...Don't wait for ages before giving the next part... Meehnn but this is damn scary... Earnestly waitng for the next part.
DeleteNot scary at all. I'm just thinking about the giant snake nd wen it will be released. Maybe dat one will be a bit scary.
Pam shey you de form no fear abi? Ngwanu, make I teleport you go that house? Lol.
DeleteI don't even know what to think right now. I'll just watch the story unfold.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!!! cant wait for part 3! wow!!!
ReplyDeleteI think we are going to see another version of Opuwari and Nse here very soon!Opus i no go run for you!
ReplyDeleteI was suspecting the snake b4...Hmmm. Let me just continue reading. Opus, do something about the bbm channel plz. Can't even find it. Try replying us, it makes the blog fun
ReplyDeleteYou should try searching for the channel, type in opustjkwrites if the channel pin doesn't work.
ReplyDeletePlease remember that if you want to be a character in a story, you can only submit an entry on the bbm channel. Thanks
Opus am using 3310! so tell me,how can i submit my own my entry? am serious oooh!
ReplyDeleteAm so loving this story. Please Opus don't let us wait for too long oh!
ReplyDeleteNext part plsssssss......opus love u plenty
ReplyDeleteNext part plsssssss......opus love u plenty
ReplyDeleteLike Tamia, I'm watching it unfold too. Ain't cracking my head and besides will make the suspense more interesting. Opus, abeg make part 3 follow sharp sharp o!
ReplyDeleteLike Tamia, I'm watching it unfold too. Ain't cracking my head and besides will make the suspense more interesting. Opus, abeg make part 3 follow sharp sharp o!
ReplyDeleteHmmm what a twist my fingers cross.
ReplyDeleteI can't even predict where this is going... Poor Peter :(.
ReplyDeleteUnlike Naija films that you will who is what immediately the film starts!
DeleteWhile u guys are watching it unfold,I'll just read it unfold. Thanks Opus.
ReplyDeleteEl Oh El!
DeleteOsironmunro (God is good)
ReplyDeleteOpus put d devil 2 shame....try nd finish 1 series in a week.haba we hv nt heard 4rm amaka in a while now
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehmmm...this is getting quite intriguing... six-hour reboot shutters, poisoned soup, dead Peter and what or who next???? ooooh!!!! YOU ARE NEXT!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes,'YOU' are the next person!
DeleteSomeone else is definitely in that house with them, I hope I am wrong because if it is one of them (knowing all their strengths and weaknesses), they will stand no chance. Against an outsider, they can unify and survive.
ReplyDeleteOpus, let me feature in action packed series like Kollupia. I am tired of being a hero *tongue out*
ReplyDeleteAmaka ooooo. Give me amaka
ReplyDeleteshe is now a married woman!
DeleteThat's all!
Okokobiyoko lol this is getting intresting
ReplyDeleteOpus, thanks for following. ,'Grammy Week' is so full of those fake people that the world admires... if only they know...
ReplyDeleteI don't even know who to blame..this is too good.
ReplyDeletehmmmm.... Bola had the intension to kill Habiba hence the poisoined soup... Only for her own boyfriend to taste it first... hmmm... Karma. interesting.
ReplyDeleteI've never commented before,but I had to comment on this... Reminds me of Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None"...Amazing!
ReplyDeleteWow....opus u are simply astounding!!! The killer is amongst them..