"Sniper!!!....At 6 o'clock" the First Lieutenant screamed at his men as they all spun around and took cover in the tall grasses.
Two more of his men fell as they fired at the Sniper's position.
The First lieutenant knew the futility of their actions.Their weapons were out of range.
The sniper had the advantage.They were out in the open and he was clearly using a powerful weapon.
He watched the soldiers duck and fire wildly at his position.
Brave.He thought.
Ill-advised,.....but brave.
This was the closest firing position he could find on such short notice, before all the madness began.
He'd followed the girl and her "Companion" to the border.He'd barely had any water to drink in the past few days and was essentially running on fumes.
But the mission came first.
His instructions had been explicit.
He couldn't believe his luck when his Target suddenly revealed himself in the crowd.
When he saw the soldiers closing in on the Target,he knew he had to act fast.He couldn't risk losing his Prize just when he had found him.
More Gunshots.
"Lets go!!!"
DAMIETE broke into a run.The soldiers had turned around and couldn't see them.This was their last chance.
More shots.
He desperately wanted to believe Kadilo was right behind him ...he really hoped she was.
Then he heard her screams,he turned around to see Opuwari roughly pulling her away as she thrashed and kicked about violently.
He stood there helplessly watching her being pulled away.
More shots fired.
He was only a few feet away from the border gates.The guards on the other side seemed poised and egdy as they watched the battle unfold.
A few more paces, and he'd be free.Damiete thought.
But .....
KADILO felt her back hit the ground HARD as Opuwari's body pinned her down.
He had dragged her to a clearing behind a make-shift tent.
His fist bashed the side of her face.She saw stars instantly as he hit her again.
"....Do you have any Idea what I've been through because of you???"Opuwari barked with spittle spraying from his mouth.
Then he hit her again.
NSE flinched as another wave of rounds tore through the air.
Tari had her in his arms as they crouched for cover.
"The border would be safe"Micheal had told her .
How the hell was she supposed to know that there was a fierce gun fight going on?
Bullets were flying in all directions.It was hard to discern who was firing at who.This was crazy she thought.
KADILO could feel the pressure on her neck.She could barely keep her eyes open as Opuwari was literally choking the life out of her.
More gunshots.
"...I've been dreaming of this moment for a long time....."Opuwari's voice was saying as his fingers pressed into her throat.
".....Once I'm done with you,....I'll...."
He never got a chance to finish.He was suddenly thrown off her body.
She could barely breath,and her vision was blurry.But she instantly recognized the figure standing over her.
"...So you decided to be a hero after all.....?
Opuwari said nursing the part of his head that had been struck by Damiete's hand gun.
More gunshots outside.
Damiete helped Kadilo up as she picked up her fallen pistol.
The two stared at the slightly disorientated Chiefo as he awkwardly rose to his feet.
".....c'mon...You and me Damiete..put down your gun and fight me like a man"Opuwari said poised for combat.
".. ..this is war,Damiete....only the strong survive."He had an insane grin on his face.
Kadilo casually cocked her gun and gave Damiete a long silent gaze.
"....he's right..."She said finally.
There was a silent confirmation in Damiete's eyes as he cocked his own gun and pointed at the suddenly petrified Opuwari.
"....only the strong survive...Opuwari....but no one ever said you were strong."Damiete concluded.
Both pistols went off at the same time .Rounds ripped and tore through Opuwari's body sending sprays of blood in all directions.
The Chiefo remained standing as his body seemed to suck in more bullets.
Damiete and Kadilo kept on firing until both weapons were empty. The sounds of their guns were drowned out by the chaos around them.
MICHEAL broke into a fast crawl as blood oozed out of his wound.From the sounds around him,he could tell that at least one of the soldiers survived.Though he couldn't pin point the Man's exact location.He had to stay low.
As long as he remained on the ground,the sniper couldn't find him.
He was losing so much blood.But he had to keep on moving.
Then he felt the nozzle of a rifle pressed against the side of his head.
"Move and you're dead"came The First Lieutenant's voice.
Finding this Sniper was next to impossible CAPTAIN DUMO thought.The man was perched at an impossible angle.If the Captain fired and missed he'd have exposed his own position.And if the fresh corpses of Kollupian soldiers on the field were anything to go by,THIS sniper wouldn't miss.
The Captain focused on his Sniper Scope .He only had one shot...he couldn't afford to miss.
The FIRST LIEUTENANT nudged Micheal towards the road with the rifle.
"....call off your Sniper..."The First Lieutenant said slightly out of breath.
Micheal's hands were in the air.He could literally feel his life draining from the wound.
He was growing weaker by the second.
"....This is tactically stupid...I have no sway over the Sniper...he'll kill us both...."
"Shut up...tell him to stand down or you die!!!"The First Lieutenant said harshly and nudged him further into the road.
KADILO and DAMIETE watched in horror as Micheal was shoved into the road.
Getting the an angle on the soldier behind his Objective proved problematic.
He couldn't risk killing his objective.That was not the mission.
Shooting had stopped.
TARI peeked out to stare at the road.He saw a Kollupian soldier pointing his rifle at the back of a man.
The man was being roughly nudged into the road.
Tari ducked back,heart racing.
"What is it?....what's going on?"Nse was frantic.
"Micheal"Tari said calmly.
"....I saw Micheal."
Long pause.
Nse quickly upholstered her gun and handed it to Tari.
".....what...what are you doing?....I can't fire a weapon"Tari said defensively.
Nse still had a second gun tucked in her belt Under her shirt.It was a weapon she'd picked up from a fallen soldier on the way to the border.
"...Take it...I need you to give me cover fire while I go get Micheal...."She said frantically.
Tari threw her a devious smile.
"You must be really important to the bosses for all the trouble they've gone through to catch you...."The FIRST LIEUTENANT was saying as he pushed Micheal again.
There was a momentary pause in Micheal's head as he saw something that froze the blood in his veins.
He strained his eyes to focus on the two figures approaching.He wasn't certain If the loss of blood had created some sort of hallucination.
As he strained ,he saw clearly....
He saw Nse, his heart began thudding in his chest.
"Micheal....!!"She called out as Tari nudged her with the gun she'd given him.
It wasn't just the sight of Nse that shocked Micheal,it was the sight of the man behind her.
Micheal would know his features anywhere.
"Micheal!!!" Nse screamed out as she saw him.
She tried running to him...but ......
"Any sudden moves and I'll shoot you where you stand" came Ghost's voice .
The man she'd known as Tari for the past few days.Pressed the nozzle of her own gun into her spine.
Micheal felt a surge of raw panic run through him as he saw Ghost standing behind her.
"Alpha Tango 286....Identify yourself soldier"ghost announced as he pushed Nse into the open.
"I am First Lieutenant Soki Of the Federal Kollupian Army.....My orders are to capture this man and bring him to the military head quarters.."
Even the wind seemed to pause...
"Lieutenant,my ...associate has a high powered rifle aimed at you as we speak....I'm sure by now,you know he's a crackshot.....my advice, is that you put down your weapon ......and hand over your prisoner"
Long pause.
The Lieutenant seemed to be considering his options.
"....No...YOU,put your gun down and....."
The lieutenant never finished the sentence as a high powered bullet broke through his skull,throwing his body backwards to the ground.....violently.
Micheal turned around slowly to see the body of the fallen Lieutenant.
Long pause.
"....why are you doing this?....I saved your life."Micheal began as he felt his body growing weaker with each passing moment.
Ghost leaned forward and grabbed Nse by the back of the neck.
She winced in pain as his steel-like fingers dug into her flesh.
"....you think you saved me???....This is the Only life I know, Micheal"Ghost's voice carried across the road like the harsh hot afternoon wind.
"......I tried going straight for a few years....I even met someone(scoffs)but who was I kidding?,...I was a killer....and a damn good one too....the first chance I got,I took out Four men with my bare hands.....I couldn't deny my own nature....YOU can't deny it either Micheal,...we're killers ....it is who we are."
There was Terror in Nse's eyes.
"It was foolish for you to think you could escape this life....It's who we are.....Now,Just give yourself up...or my associate will....!
Gun shot.
Long Silence.
CAPTAIN DUMO breathed a sigh of relief after pulling the trigger.
When the Sniper shot the First lieutenant,he exposed his position.
All the Captain had to do was reposition his rifle,...aim and fire.
The Captain's bullet found its mark....and the Sniper was silent forever.
Long pause.
Ghost......cautiously stared into the hills for his .....associate.
There was a look of uncertainty in his eyes.
"What was that....you were saying about your associate and his high powered rifle again??? Came Micheal's mocking tone
The Ghost had rage in his eyes.
"He was assigned to me when I arrived in this hell hole....he had promise....a good soldier.."Ghost said in a small voice.
Then he smiled.
"..Your sniper hasn't taken a shot at me, probably because he needs to reposition himself...."Ghost continued grinning from behind Nse's ear.
"...And THAT usually takes time....time which Nse here doesn't have....you have five seconds to surrender yourself to me or she dies. ......"Ghost yelled.
"...just leave her out of this.."Micheal said trying to stem the tide of dizziness he felt. Now that he had found her,he wasn't ready to lose her again.
"....you for the girl Micheal" Ghost said shoving Nse towards the road.
Long pause.
Micheal knew he had no choice.He was injured and was losing strength fast.
He threw a casual look behind him.The Niroulian soldiers had been watching all this time.Guns trained, but they dared not interfere.
They were reluctant Umpires in the carnage on this side of the border.
Micheal started walking towards Nse.
"...sorry it had to be this way Nse,....guess you should be more careful who you trust next time."Ghost said with an evil grin on his face as he shoved her towards Micheal.
He had to move fast.Ghost thought.Sooner or later,that Sniper was going to reposition himself.
Kadilo moved stealthily towards a discarded rifle on the ground.
"No....."Micheal said to her calmly.
"....You two should stay out of this"
Kadilo halted her approach.
Nse reached under her shirt to feel the gun tucked under her belt.
Her caught Micheal's eyes in that moment.
He suddenly realized what she was about to do .
"No...don't....."Micheal's voice was hollow and the eyes filled with urgency.
"....You gave yourself away when you mentioned Micheal's name....."Nse said to Ghost without turning around.
"....and you still gave me your gun?Ghost chuckled
Nse paused.
"...who says I gave you a loaded weapon??"
Short pause.
"Oh sh....!!!"
Ghost began as Nse spun around pulling the gun from her belt and firing three rounds into his face
Ghost went down with a dazed look in his eyes ,still clutching the empty weapon in his hand.
Nse ran to Micheal....and threw her arms around him.The joy she felt sent a flow of tears down her face.Micheal's lean figure partially collapses into her body.
"No..No..no baby ..."Nse said as she tried to keep the panic out of her voice.
She wasn't going to lose him again.....she wasn't .
She heard footsteps behind her.
She spun around with her gun.
"....We're friends came Kadilo with her hands in the air.Damiete also had his hands in the air.
Damiete couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between this woman and Kadilo.
Micheal's attachment to Kadilo now made sense. They could pass for sisters.
Both women studied each other, obviously they saw it too.
Long pause.
Nse didn't seem convinced.
"...three of you can make....it across"Came Micheal's voice.
More tears streamed down Nse's cheeks.
"I'm not leaving you here..."
"You won't have to"Came a male voice.
All three of them turned around to see Captain Dumo stealthily approaching with his rifle poised.
"...Drop your weapons and step away from him....."The Captain ordered as he drew closer .
"He's injured....He needs...."
"I won't ask you again...."Came the Captain cutting off her frantic voice.
Nse reluctantly rose to her feet and put her hands in the air as she stepped away from her lover's body.
"...if you hurt him,I'll kill you..."she said simply.
The Captain ignored her and closed in on Micheal,gun first.
"That looks really bad,"The Captain said frowning at Micheal's wound.
"...just let them go across....you can take me back..."Micheal's weakened voice said.
The Captain eyed the Medical centre by the border.
"....We both know you wont make it that far"The Captain said.
Long pause.
"....just don't ever show your face in Kollupia again"The Captain said sternly.
He turned to his three prisoners.
"....he has lost a lot of blood....take him to the Medical centre ....Now!!!"
The three scrambled and hurriedly picked up Micheal's body.
Kadilo mouthed a silent "thank you"which the Captain acknowledged with a light nod.
The Captain watched them carry Micheal towards the border gates .
"Micheal...!!!"The Captain called out.
They all stopped and turned around.Micheal's face was getting paler by the second.
"....If I ever see your face again,....I'll kill you"The Captain said with a smile.
"...not ....if I kill you first..."Came Micheal's weakened voice...which was accompanied by an even weaker smile.
Then they turned around again heading towards their freedom.
Saturday, 30 May 2015
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "Mr...um..." "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
choi na wa oooo. at last.
ReplyDeleteAt last oo. I really liked how it ended. Ghost really messed up by calling Michael's name, and thank God dat Nse was sharp to notice nd wise enough to remain calm nd act it. Good one opus.
Thumbs up Opus. Happy I didn't miss any episode.
DeleteWow wow wow....this is awesome... Never thought Tari was going to be Ghost but its all good...Every story has an ending. Good ending, I love *winks*
DeleteNse is smart!!!
Seee as opuwari die like fowl lol........we talk am say Tari na Ghost see gobe
ReplyDeleteIt ws worth d wait.......realy loved hw it ended and am so hapi micheal didnt die
DeleteOpus, I'm so mad at you. Fingering a sister's brain for what?! Tari was Ghost after all.
DeleteHahaha. Happily ever after.
Opuwari was gonna have some. bleh
I caught on that immediately as soon as Tari said Michael. My antenna don stand. I wondered how he was able to identify him.
Soki shoki'd to hell. The struggle to br acknowleged is real. Haha
Hmmm. Humans are truly created in twos. I can hardly wait to see my look-alike.
Kadilo & Damiete turned out to be useful. Nice
Captain Dumo stole the show!!! Stand up! Stand up!! For the champion...Stand up!
Opus, u drove me nuts with "Michael". You know it's "Michael", right?
Opus hun, I love you from the buttocks of my heart. *tongue out*
...nuts with *Micheal*
DeleteGrand climax, bravo Opus. Good show ol' chap. Encore!
DeleteAwwwwww! Glad Michael didn't die.
ReplyDeleteSo Tari was Ghost afterall.
Nice one Le boo.
Always knew Tari was ghost......with his "pretend cowardice"..........finally..nice ending...the "great ghost" outsmarted by a woman
DeleteOh my God!! I don't even know where to start. Nse ROCKS!!! So tari was ghost afterall? I love how opuwari and ghost died. I'm so glad Micheal didn't die. Thank you captain Dumo. Spell bounding and worthy ending I must say. Well done Opus. *applause*. And goodbye to my beloved Kollupia.
ReplyDeleteUnless of course you want to give us a treat by giving a bonus sequel where Micheal and Nse get married, Kadilo and Damiete hook up and they all live happily ever after. Lol *winks* . I'll really miss Kollupia.
DeleteYaaaaah! It was worth d wait. I knew dt Tari was ghost, good for him n Opuwari, very stupid ppl. Opus, if I know where u live now, I would av bought a chilled rose wine for u, u deserved it. Thanks for making my day. Pls we need part 2 of Who Dunnit? I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteHian! not a bachelor ooooooo
DeleteHe is a bachelor.
DeleteWoooow it was Definitely worth d wait.love d way tari nd opuwari died.nw I cnt wait 4 amaka's story 2 end
ReplyDeleteNOOOOOOOOOOO!!! There must b a part 2 o. If not we riot
ReplyDeletepart 2 ko part 20 ni. are you a new comer?
DeleteHmm, at last. Kollupia o. Love how it ends, brilliant. Keep it up and keep feeding us from the abundance of your mind.
ReplyDeleteRest in hell Opuwari. Nse is such a brave lady..and thank goodness Micheal,kadilo and Damiete made it.
ReplyDeleteSo happy they made it.I hate war
ReplyDeleteWoooww what can I say
ReplyDeleteOpus a standing ovation for you
Nse badoskii too much intelligence
Love the way d story ended.
Will really miss kollupia.
Nse!!!!!!!!! I love me some Nse!! Shows she has learnt a lot from Michael, wow! So so smart! Opus pls can you sell this script to nollywood, I will make a great seasonal movie! I love you opus!
ReplyDeleteNice one Opus. Nice one.
ReplyDeleteVictory at last..
DeleteYou are a great writer i must confess
I love the twist you gave to the story
I followed from the very first episode
Kollupia series will be greatly missed
You should send your stories to other 'WOOD'
Not nollywood please...
Thumbs up opus
Your ink will never run dry
to the other "WOOD"
DeleteBolly or Golly? *tongue out*
OMG, it wonderful I LOVE IT............u are a grt
ReplyDeleteHalleluyah it all ended well..see the butterflies in my tummy jumping up and down. Well done Opus!!
ReplyDelete... And a perfect ending it turned out to be. Opus u are good! U kept me at d edge of my sit from d beginning to d end. Wherever ur inspiration comes from, may it never diminish. Weldone!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow. What a rush ! Nice one Opus. Reason why I keep refreshing every hour. Even Glo cannot come btw me and Opus writes, with their crappy service today. One love....
ReplyDeleteNice ending Opus... the twist, the suspense, the intrigue and the happy ending. What more can a reader ask for...
ReplyDeleteFlawlessly flawless. This is soo it. I very become an addict. How did I ever survive before I stumbled on this blog. Opus u sure did your research. What's u r pseudo name. Cause I can't believe u ve not published a book. More grease to your knuckles and an increased dopamine level to your brain.
ReplyDeleteNow I speak gibberish. Simply excellent
Nice ending Opus... the twist, the suspense, the intrigue and the happy ending. What more can a reader ask for...
ReplyDeletePheeeeeeew finally.
ReplyDeleteOpus u are talented.
I pray this story doesnt end on this blog.
*standing ovation* I'm wordless or is it speechless?
ReplyDeleteOh! What an amazing end. Loved the twists.Wish it didnt end though, I loved reading kollupia. Thanks opus the genius. I had to go to the very beginning when you started. Been reading all them stories, and none has fallen short. I am glued to opustjkwrites!!!
ReplyDeleteFinally. Welldone Opus.
ReplyDeleteis this my michel?? #thinking
DeleteAwesomeness!! :)
ReplyDeleteHey Opus, were u born in July?
ReplyDeleteNooo. It has to be June. Opus, make my day. Tell me u're Gemini 😘
Deletenone of the above. i am july tho. #tongueout.
DeleteLol! Le boo is a Virgo man!
DeleteHmmm. Still processing... So Tari was ghost after all....
ReplyDeleteWow wow wow! I wasn't just reading this! I was seeing this great story as it unfolds with each episode! Great job Opus!
ReplyDeleteNee is my girl for life. Opuwari didn't die early enough sef.i will miss kollupia.it has been a journey. Happy they made it out alive.
ReplyDeleteNee is my girl for life. Opuwari didn't die early enough sef.i will miss kollupia.it has been a journey. Happy they made it out alive.
ReplyDeleteMy thoughts... since he's a thoroughly trained soldier, he should have been able to tell d gun had no bullets... weight n all. N err...
* scratches head * anyhow sha
Cool series Mr.
Really? He was excited to give himself away by identifying Michael...saying his name. At that moment, do u think he would have thought otherwise...that maybe d gun wasn't loaded? He was too focused on Michael for him to have paid attention to other details.
DeleteHawt mrs. You're Right on point. At that moment, Ghost was obviously too consumed with his hatred for Micheal and his desire to kill him. Noticing the state of the gun was the last thing on his mind.
DeleteOpus you always leave us with personal thoughts even after suspense. #kadilo and Nse probably were sisters?
ReplyDeleteOpuwari was going to die from the day he became a robber.
Another story that should be in Movies
One good turn deserves another when Life has a choice.
Opus you always leave us with personal thoughts even after suspense. #kadilo and Nse probably were sisters?
ReplyDeleteOpuwari was going to die from the day he became a robber.
Another story that should be in Movies
One good turn deserves another when Life has a choice.
Wow! I love the way it ended. I never 4 once thought that Tari is ghost. Nse is a sharp babe. Opus keep up the good work. Hope you feel stronger now?
ReplyDeleteOpus you are still 2 much and half. Now we can pay attention to other stories!
ReplyDeleteBy the way who should we vote for as the main character of this movie? I vote for Nse ! what about you?
ReplyDeleteI'll go with michael.
DeleteAww finally! The grand finally, I felt it in my bones that emem was walkin with Ghost but didn't want to conclude. Menh love dey character of micheal his my crush. Tongue's out
DeleteWho is emem?
DeleteLwkmd. The grand "finale"
Awwwwww! At last
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed every bit of kollupia .opus you the best.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed every bit of kollupia .opus you the best.
ReplyDeleteLoud standing and clapping ovation! U re the best!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm short of words man. Opus u're too much. More grease 2 ur elbow.
ReplyDeleteSplendidly, gloriously concluded. Idi too much Opus Nwanne m. Come and sip zoo joor!
ReplyDeleteFinally !!! Thank you Opus.
ReplyDeleteYayyy!!! I love the ending! Opus! U did well!! Hurray... lol!
ReplyDeleteYayyy!!! I love the ending! Opus! U did well!! Hurray... lol!
ReplyDeleteOpus hun.... You are the best! Finally Kollupia series has come to an end! RIP to Opuwari and Nse... High five for Nse d badass chick... Congrats to Kadilo n Damiete for surviving
ReplyDelete27 times! No chill.
ReplyDeleteaaaaahhhhhh!!!! this is just amazing, read this late gaan......o Michael, reminds me so much of Noob Saibot oh no Ninja smoke oh wait, Samurai Jack? Kurosaki Ichigo!!! some shinigami things...chaii oh yes Kenshin Himura the Battousai, Samurai X plus the sniper things oh like Solid Snake of Metal Gear....just love the character!!! Opus this is just dope, huge fan here, oh here, take my daughter* loool *celebrity no time!!!