Friday, 1 May 2015
My uncle KARIBO and his wife ELIZABETH are the kind of couple every one notices.
Just looking at them, you can tell they were a very attractive couple in their younger years.My Uncle is in his late Sixties/early Seventies.
But he has the vitality of a Forty-year old.
If the old pictures my dad has of him are anything to go by,he was a very handsome young man.
His wife ELIZABETH(or aunty LIZZIE) who is in her Mid-Sixties,(although, don't tell her I said that)was quite a"stunner too.
They've been married for close to Forty years now.
No children.
What strikes you about the two of them is not just their looks,or vitality but the way they are with each other.They just seem to "go well" together, like extensions of one another.
One Day I invited them over to my house for lunch....or rather they invited themselves over.
My Uncle and his wife were like that. They could just pop in at any time unannounced.To be honest,they are the only couple in creation that can do that with me.
At lunch(which they brought with them from a nearby Chinese restaurant)I was half-expecting the "so-why-are-you-not-yet married? speech.
Obviously, most Bachelors hate that question.
But surprisingly, the question never came up.Instead we had a great lunch, had some wine and talked.
As we ate, I couldn't help being a little envious of them.They seemed so........."together"
I couldn't take it any more so I asked;
''Uncle, what's your secret?''
They both stopped in the middle of their meals to look at me.
''Secret?'' they said together and smiled at each other.
It was amazing how they could do that sometimes.
"I mean, you two seem so happy together and you've been together for longer than a lot of people have been alive in this country." I said, sitting up in my seat.
"In a time when divorce rates are so high, you too seem to be come?"
Once again they smiled at each other.
"Well,'s three things; Patience, tolerance and Hard work.These are three things lacking in most relationships today."He said.
I adjusted myself in my seat to hear more.
"You see, we live in a world where everyone is in a hurry"He went on.
"Everything is fast.Fast cars,fast internet,fast food.......I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that,....... I just think that when you're too much in a hurry to reach a destination,you miss out on the journey itself."
Interesting perspective.I thought.
He continued talking.
"There was a time when we wrote letters.Sometimes, it took about two weeks for your letter to get from one place to the other."
His wife giggled at this.
"Nowadays, people send pings halfway across the world in seconds and still complain of slow internet."
It was my turn to laugh.
"Everything is fast."He said.
"People are in a hurry to get married but don't want to take out the time to appreciate what marriage really is.
Nobody wants to learn anything, everyone wants a quick fix.
You spend time reading to get into the University.
You spend time reading for an aptitude test/interview for a job.But when it comes to marriage(that lasts a lifetime)we sort of just want to "jump in" and hope for the best."
At this point,His wife pitched in.
"Happy/Great relationships don't just happen"She began as she poured some wine into her husband's glass.
"A lot of people assume that all that matters is finding the right
person,falling in love...then BOOM!happily ever after.
Any sensible married couple would tell you that Happily ever after in marriage requires hard work.
Patience,Tolerance and understanding are a must.
Any couple that's not ready to imbibe these three basic principles have no business getting married.....period."
Long silence.
I let her words sink for a few minutes.I sort of got where she was coming from.
"I love movies"My uncle jumped in again.
"They make love seem so colourful,sweet,and nice."
He said.
"Don't get me wrong, it's entertaining....and all.....but after the guy and girl kiss at the end, and the credits roll by,and the screen fades to black,...real life begins"
"Hmmm..."I said.
"If and when you meet someone nice...."Elizabeth added as she gave him a playful nudge.
"....Don't expect instant miracles.....BE PATIENT....just because it takes two people less than two hours to fall in love and live happily ever after in a movie doesn't mean it happens that fast in real life"
"Don't expect or anticipate perfection from your spouse.
Your spouse is not perfect, that is a reality you must face. She maybe a pretty dainty figure of beautiful feminity during the day, then at night she snores like the horn of a train and farts like a the exhaust pipe of a beat up trailer. That's where tolerance comes in" Elizabeth said.
"People make mistakes. Don't dwell on them, o Learn from them.
Be friends, and laugh with each other." She smiled
"People need to realise that a relationship is a contract between two people working towards a common goal.
It's not a function of passion or chemistry though,these things count they are not The basis of a long-lasting relationships.
Like every good thing in life,a great marriage requires patience and time.
A united couple can stand against anything.
Unity requires understanding" She concluded.
My uncle got up from his seat at that point as if he were about to make some monumental statement.
I had a feeling the wine was working.
"....relationships/marriages fail these days because of lack of discipline,patience,and tolerance"He declared.
".....and plain old hard work" Elizabeth concluded.
After that, we just hung out for a little longer,then they left. I am really looking forward to their next visit.
Interesting perspective I thought. So what do you all think are the necessary ingredients for a good and lasting marriage?
Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
I'm just saying
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Wow! Dey are indeed right. Patience is something to look out for.
Did some one broke your heart in marriage?
DeletePow! Iyke. Hahaha
DeleteI agree on all grounds mentioned and would like to add respect and understanding on the part of couples.
ReplyDeleteCommunication & friendship
DeleteGod's blessings above all.
Selflessness and self control
ReplyDeletecommunication. communication.. communication... this can never be over emphasized. Lack of it can lead to unneccesary wreckage of something wonderful
ReplyDeleteU are so damn right about communication, in Africa we lack the understanding of communication in a relationship. May God help us all...
DeleteIvy Brown, you just typed my mind. I mean, without communication, that relationship is doomed. Simple and short.
ReplyDeleteSo so true! A whole lot of patience, compromise and communication.
ReplyDeleteThe points your uncle gave are actually missing in failed marriages today. I also think contentment is also among the points. Happy to see my comment at last
I agree with them 101%,Communication is also very important, lack of communication kills faster than Ebola. I Love Opus
ReplyDeleteThe old couple is absolutely right n as a Christian I will add the fear of God as my number one thing in marriage. I think self discipline alone can not keep a marriage without the fear of a God in it
ReplyDeleteTrue that
DeleteFear of God sure,but there are men/women of God that don't consider these. it is some one's will power to add fear of God in marriage!
DeleteAll well said. Do unto odas what u wish de do unto u. Not when a man sleeps with anytin in skirt and expect d wife to be loyal as a virtues wife, but when d wife do otherwise, everyone casts stone. Dts what kills marriage faster, when a man thinks dt bc he is a man, he can do anytin without regards to wife, n b4 u no it, d wife looses d respect he av for d man, n d seed of discord is sown, n nagging sets in, n d marriage collapse. And vise versa if d woman is d one cheating. Earn d trust of ur spouse and keep d trust alive bc once broken, can never return back to its original length. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGod has to be the foundation of every home and every couple must have a vision. Marriage is a journey, you can't jump in without having a destination in mind.
ReplyDeleteSee ehn, from what I've witnessed recently! Hmn! Wahala dey o... Just play and enter a court handling divorce petitions n you'll weep.
ReplyDeleteOur generation is plenty broken for a lot of reasons including the ones ur admirable n adorable uncle and aunt gave.
For some, their formative years were all about what they have become cos that's what they grew up watching.
Some in that category sef know they don't want to be what they grew up observing but find themselves becoming that person and their disappointment in themselves drag them deeper into that deep and dark hole.
Others are too busy chasing the wrong things and forget to nurture the most important, forgetting every other thing will fade away but a well nurtured home will eventually blossom into what will stand d test of time.
I believe every problem can be tackled if we find the root n like a poisoned tree, heal it so it'll bear good fruits.
Not to sound preachy but check out 1Corinthinans 13:4-8 of the Holy Bible (think of it as an inspirational verse in a novel if u no de take your eye see Bible)
I believe love as stated there is the secret ingredient we all need.
If we can understand it in its purest form and learn to show it to our hubby/wifey (don't forget to extend it to everyone around us) and more importantly, teach our kids... marriages will be something to look forward to.
But with what I see everyday, hmn. I fear for my future and that of my unborn kids... last last Godwin o!
I'll do my best and pray my efforts pay off. Ona de well.
Like you pointed out..they didn't have kids. I believe most people marry now just to have kids legally and when that doesn't happen after a year or two, they allow in-laws and friends dictate to them how to run their homes. I believe a couple should show a United front to the world.
ReplyDeletewow... I agree with them. but then again communication is also very important
ReplyDeleteE well written
ReplyDeleteSound advice, fear of God, patience, trust and realizing that we are from different backgrounds and family settings are key ingredients. Like someone mentioned, contentment and moderation in all things should be applied.
ReplyDeletePatience! No two imperfect persons can live without disagreement,but all depends on how it is been handled!