"Though I've never spoken to you,It seems I have loved you all my life.Your smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen,your eyes are like the love spell of a goddess,the sound of your voice is like the sweet melody of a violin.Why am I saying these things?Why do I sound like a drunken fool?
My heart is yours Zainab A,...from now till the day I die....my heart is yours......!!!"
She realised her heart was racing,....like it always did when she read his notes.......!!
"Who are you?"She heard her own voice whisper into the morning air as she stood in the middle of the parking lot of the office complex.
She'd only left the car for about ten minutes when she remembered her laptop.
Cursing herself for always forgetting the damn thing,she rushed back to get it.
Only to find HIS note on her windshield.
"Who are you?" She whispered again.
The notes had started showing up a few weeks ago.
Same emotion..different words.So far,she'd recieved a total of twenty-eight of these "love notes"....and they didn't seem like they were stopping any time soon.
She cautiously looked about herself in the empty parking lot.
"The Poet"Was what she'd come to call him.His words were passionate ...and very intense.No one had ever told her words so passionate.....so real.
Of course calling the police had crossed her mind.His notes had an uncanny ability of finding her any where.
He was obviously following her.....stalking her.
But some how,she knew he wasn't dangerous.....she just knew.
His words made her heart flutter...she felt light headed just hearing them in her head.
They were intoxicating.
What am I doing?She thought to herself as she folded the paper into her coat pocket.
She looked around again.
But there was no one about.
"Madam....!!!"Came a male voice from behind her.
She felt a tiny jolt of shock run through her.But quickly relaxed when she realized who it was.
"Gideon...."She sighed with relief and turned around.
"..your steps are quiet.....almost creepy"she shrugged.
The Security Man stepped out gingerly from between two cars.
"Sorry ma...I doesn't mean to afraid you!!!" he said awkwardly.
Zainab rolled her eyes. Gideon's english was out of this world.
His sentences always left her with a curious look on her face.
"...Did you see anyone come this way towards my car?"
He paused thoughtfully for a few seconds.His lean face almost seemed handsome as he pondered her question.
"...ma I doesn't know any actually person oh...is only me that is here!"he said scratching his head with a puzzled look on his face.
"Never mind,"She said waving him away.
She walked back to her office.
Gideon wasn't lying.She thought.
Grammatically deficient, yes.But no liar.He was as honest as they came.He had a nack for staring at her like she were something out of a fairy tale.
First time he saw her, he more or less fumbled words together and spoke like he were just discovering the English language for the first time.
But Gideon was the least of her problems as she approached her workstation.
Why was she still dwelling on
" .......your eyes are like the love spell of a goddess......"
Who says that?She thought as she sat down.
No man had ever said something like that to her before.
She felt her heart flutter again.
You shouldn't be doing this Zainab,she thought to herself as she turned on her computer.
She was a strong independent,disciplined woman.
She wasn't prone to flights of excitement when ever a man said she was beautiful.But the words on the note got her thinking.
Was it true?Could it be possible...just possible that somewhere out there there was a man that could feel such passion for her?
It just seemed so unreal.
But this wasn't the time.
"...em..is everything okay?"came Martin's voice.
She looked up to see her colleague and long time Chyker standing by her desk with a curious look on his face.
"...yes...I'm fine...."she said sitting up in her seat.
She always felt a little awkward under his stare.The dude could stare for days.
"....long weekend....??"he asked leaning against her table.
"...yea...something like that"she replied.
Martins regarded her in silence,then said.
"...So...can we have lunch later??"he asked with a flirtatious grin.
You had to give Martins points for persistence.She thought.
He was a true die hard chyker.
"...Sorry,My boyfriend's taking me..."she smiled apologetically.
Martins was an extremely good looking guy.In fact he was so good looking it was almost distracting.
But even in a universe where she was single she'd never date someone like him.
Dude had "Player"written all over him.
"If you say so..."Martins shrugged and walked away.
That was another cool thing about him,he knew when to back down.
She forced her thoughts back to the files before her, and tried to focus on work till it was lunch time.
"You seem distracted"Philip's voice said.
Zainab blinked out of the trance she was in.
She realized she'd been thinking about the Poet's words again.
What was it about them that intrigued her so?She wondered.
"....work related...?"Philip asked with concern in his voice.
They were at her favourite restaurant for lunch.
As always, being the dutiful boyfriend he was,he had shown up by 12noon to take her to lunch.
She usually looked forward to hearing about his Oil well construction business.
But that afternoon was different,it was as if a white veil had been drawn over her eyes.....a white veil with the poet's words.
She couldn't get them out of her head.
For weeks the poet's notes had been coming,sometimes three times a week sometimes four.
They never showed up at the same place twice.
Whoever The Poet was, he was smart.Somehow he always knew how to find her.
So why wasn't she afraid?
This was Classic Stalking.
She should go to the police.Stalkers could be dangerous.Why was she entertaining the notion of meeting with a total stranger while she was at lunch with her boyfriend?
"Zainab....??"Philip nudged her.
"Oh..I'm sorry darlin!!"She realized she had zoned out again.
Long pause.
"....so...you haven't answered my question."
"W-what question?"she asked.Clearly at a loss.It suddenly dawned on her that he wasn't seated any more,.....he was down on one knee.
Something bright and shiny on the table caught her eye.
Philip sighed.He clearly had been monologing while she had been in La-La Land.
"...will you marry me?"
Zainab's heart skipped several beats.
How could she have been so absented minded to have missed her own proposal?
She hadn't even noticed the huge diamond ring on the table.
What was wrong with her?
Who does that?
Philip was still staring her.
As well as half of the restaurant.
Long pause.
"Yes!!"She heard her own voice say.
Philip looked like he had won the lottery.....twice.
He got up and threw his arms around her as a loud applause exploded around them.
Zainab was on auto-pilot as he put the diamond ring on her finger.
She could see the joy in Philip's face.
She could hear the loud clapping.
She could hear the cheers.
So why did it feel like she......... wasn't there?
Why did she suddenly feel....disconnected?
"How would you describe my eyes?"She said trying to raise her voice above the noise.
"...What?...."Philip asked face still filled with happiness.
"....my eyes....how would you describe them?"She leaned into his face as more people congratulated the newly engaged couple.
Philip stared at her curiously.
"light brown...or grey...I think....why?"he asked as the cheering and clapping continued.
"...Nothing..."she said forcing her mind to the present.
"...This is the happiest day of my life..."Philip said finally.
"Your eyes overflow with a brilliance, that pierces my soul...."
If I were the sea,
I would caress your skin with my currents
If I were the wind,
I would bring you the scent of a rose from distant eden.
If I were the sky,
You would be my moon and sun
And my stars would be yours.
If I were time,I would cease to that first kiss...over and over again.
If I were anything but yours,
I would be nothing.
Zainab sat alone in the parking lot again.
This note had come almost two weeks after the engagement.
It had some how miraculously found it's way to her car's windshield wiper while it was parked outside a super market...down town.
That's it.
She thought.
She decided to do something about this once and for all.
She'd always had a theory that The Poet watched her read his notes.
She was almost certain he did.
Listed as one of the craziest things she'd done in her life,she replied his note.
"I am engaged,..."she wrote.
"...I appreciate your kind words.But I belong to someone else.And your notes are begining to scare me(which was a lie...his notes excited her).....I'd appreciate it,if they stopped.
She folded it and put it on the wiper of her car.
Then she walked away.
This is crazy.She thought.
For what seemed like hours,she had just watched the car from a distance.
Maybe he wasn't watching this time.she thought.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
After wasting another hour watching the parking lot from the window of a home Appliance Shop,she decidede this was an insanely dumb idea.
The Poet wouldn't be that stupid to show his face here(assuming he WAS still nearby).
She went back to the car,on the way,she checked her phone.Nineteen Missed calls from Philip.
Probably more wedding plan Ideas,she smiled to herself as she started calling him back.
She reached the car and suddenly realized the note was gone.
That was a week ago.
No more notes had come from The Poet.
Was that the last she would hear from him?She wondered.
Part of her was relieved....the other part wasn't.
She and philip had dated for about four months.
Did know him well enough to embark on this sort of journey?
Wasn't it too soon?
She wondered if The Poet had given up the chase. She had spent sleepless nights reading his poems, she always looked around expecting a note from him.
There was nothing on her windshield.
She started to make her way back to the office when she felt fingers touch the back of neck.
In an instant,all her Self-Defense classes kicked in.
Panic or fear were not an option.
She kicked back as hard as she could with her right heel.
She heard a painful grunt behind her as her heel connected with what she hoped was her assailant's shin.
Then she spun around and crashed her elbow into the side of his face.
She felt a shockwave of pain explode across her arm upon impact.
Her assailant went down...hard.
"Ma,abeg oh!!!" Gideon pleaded from the floor as he shielded himself from any further attacks.
Zainab was still breathing heavily.
"Oh my God,sorry"She said.
He seemed quite pathetic on the ground.
"You startled me......oh Jesus,I am so sorry"She said helping the skinny man to his feet.
"...don't be vex ma"He said straightening himself up and massaging his jaw.
"...somebody,give me letter to you....."he said reaching into his shirt pocket just above his name tag to bring out a folded piece of paper similar to what The Poet used.
Her heart started racing again.
"A man?...where?...what did he look like...how long ago?what did he say?was he smiling?"Zainab's questions came at Machine gun rapidity.
The poor Gideon could only stand there scratching the side of his head in confusion.
Zainab hurriedly unfolded the paper.
But unlike the previous ones,this one was short....too short infact.
"Is he what you need or what you want?"
It said
There was a Mobile number at the back.
Long pause.
She looked at the note for what in her head seemed like a millenia.
"What....?"Zainab said out loud.
"Gideon,how long ago did you get this note?"she asked trying her possible best to be calm.
Gideon straightened his back and folded his arms.He suddenly seemed taller.
"Does it matter....?"he said quietly.
"....answer the question" even his voice sounded different.
And then it hit her.
His grammar....Gideon was speaking proper english.
"W-what question.....?"she asked wondering if this were a dream.
"The man you're about to marry, is he what you want or what you need?" Gideon said with extreme poise and confidence.
Long silence.
Zainab was still attempting to process what was happening.
The note had slipped from her fingers unto the ground.
"...But...your english.....are you......HIM?"
Gideon nodded with a smile.
"I graduated from the university about Nine years ago,since then I've been looking for a job.
Things havent been very great in my life.I decided I wasn't going to wait for a job anymore,I had an idea for a business...but I didnt have capital....so I managed to get this job to raise capital.
"So.....why were you talking like that before,when you could talk....like this....whats going on...?"Now she was shouting.
Gideon was still calm as he said,
".....I needed a job badly so I lied that I only had a Secondary School Certificate....because If I had shown them my Accountancy degree,I'd never have gotten this job"he said simply.
".....wai-wait!You're an accountant,....and you work here as a security guard???"Zainab's eyes popped open.
Gideon chuckled and said.
"It's the society we live in my dear, I realized early that the dumber I sounded, the more like-able I was to my would be employers......I needed the money...I needed to work."
"So...."She began
"........the notes,the poems......were all...."
".....exactly how I feel about you"He said flatly.
"...so why all this.....why all the deception....why didn't you just come out and say something....?"She said trying to clear the web of confusion in her head.
"....I guess I was afraid..of facing you...!!!"he said in a small voice.
Zainab covered her face with her hands.
This was so unreal.
"...I have loved you from the first day I saw you"
Gideon went on.
"....I have watched you from a distance.I know you're engaged to a handsome rich man.....and I know I might not have the means to be with you now,...but I have to ask.....Is Philip what you want.....or what you need?"
"What sort of question is that,of course he's what I want?"She said with a hint of annoyance.
"but I was taught that needs supersede Wants." Gideon said calmly.
Zainab just stared at him in silence.
"I mean,what's more important to you,love,adoration,respect and friendship or goodlooks and a fat bank account?"He asked.
"...did you just call me a gold-digger?"She retorted in shock.
"No,I would never call you that,I know I waited too long to make myself known....I know I've been a pest...."
"You haven't"Zainab interjected before she could stop herself.
"....I'm resigning from this job today..."he went on.
"....for two reasons;1.I don't know if I can face you again after this,
And 2 .I have saved enough money to finally start my business."
Gideon shifted uncomfortably but went on.
"....there's no reason for you to believe me,for all you know I could be a psychopath.....But if you give me a chance,....I'll prove to you that I can make you happy....you are an awesome woman, Zainab A....you truly are"
Her heart was racing again.
She was speechless.
"That's my number on the back....if you change your mind,give me a call....if not....I'll understand"He said with a smile.
Zainab noticed that there were tears in his eyes.
They stood staring at each other for a while.
Then Gideon turned around,and walked away.
"...congratulations on your engagement"He said without turning back to look at the confused beautiful woman.
Do you want to know what Zainab did about her dilemma? Your guess is as good as mine.
This story is for @Zainab_Ajokeade......
This is the download link to a song titled one in a million.... a love song... to God.
check it out guys... its a really great song
Kaydee Numbere..one in a million
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
I'm just saying
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "Mr...um..." "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
Awwww! I love it. Opus why did you end it so abruptly??
ReplyDeleteAnon 15.25 because he wants you to long for more.
DeleteOpus, you are awesome. Haven't had the time to read the full story but I must say the opening was "body Shaking" Lol. I admire your style of writing, kind of reminds me of ME. Thanks for following too. :))
DeleteI love love!!!
I knew it was Gideon all along!!!!
ReplyDeleteMy guess was as good as your... Such a love story.
DeleteHmm, I don't have a guess here oo. Opus please come back and finish the story biko. Did she marry Philip or go for Gideon? Chai! Which kain hypertension story be dis? Opus please na!!!
She better marry Philip, people should be more practical than emotional please.
DeleteThank you Tamia!
DeleteI thought d stalker will turn out to be a lady... Gideon should go pitch his tent elsewhere jor. All these types of distractions always come when something good is coming ur way
You took the words out of my mouth, Tamia.
DeleteMy thinking did not deceive me on this one! The moment you describe Gideon,my mind went to him direct,But then i know what happened to Zainab.She later jilted Philips and married Gideon and they lived happily ever after! All of you say thank you to me!
ReplyDeleteO Gideon.
ReplyDeletea round of applause to all those who "knew" it was Gideon.... U have suceeded in unraveling d mystery behind d bemuda triangle. mtceeew. like it was rocket science or has ended world hunger. pls shift
ReplyDeleteWow. What temper! Easy girl it's only a comment.
DeleteA round of applause to me too#winks
DeleteWho wouldn't know it was Gideon.
Come on now.....its not that deep!
DeleteNavaisha, why do you sound so bitter and snide? Lmao! Abeg, #Swerve!
DeleteHia nne, take it easy na. Y the bitter comment? Nawaoo.
Deleteehen....no surprises here. i just knew i wld have subscribers on my comment. oya a round of applause for me too. #yimmu
DeleteThine eyes are as windows to thy soul as thine words are as a reflection of thy being
DeleteEnough Said
Are you a leaner @ Navaisha or Zainab A?
DeleteBurn not thy soul with hurt of your being,
DeleteLove soothes and heals within,
Like the sweet taste of water on parched lips,
Dripping like honey to a willing mouth.
Navaisha needs some love.
Lol! Easy my dear, we unwind here, each to his own comment.
I guess it right this time. I knew it was Gideon. Dude wasn't smart enuf to hide himself
ReplyDeleteAwwww she shouldn't break poor Philip heart oo
DeleteOpus,i love love the story! And your uncanny ability to decipher me totally with little or no details about ...*LOL...thank,thank you so much! As always more grease to you knuckles! Zainab_ajokeade
ReplyDeleteYes!!! I just thought Gideon and my mind refused to budge! Aww, lovely love story. Zainab, go for love o!
ReplyDeleteExcuse you? Who said Philip doesn't love her? *side eyes at Bunny*
DeleteI want a story with my name on it......no mushy stuff...love sucks......make me d villain......plsssssssssssssssssss......or d manipulative b**ch
DeleteI bet you'd like Amaka's character.. that girl is mean!
DeleteI bet you'd like Amaka's character.. that girl is mean!
DeleteHmmm....i think i prefer d ice princess...that probably suits me better
ReplyDeleteMtchewww! This is what I call mumu love.
ReplyDelete*scratches head*
ReplyDeleteBeautiful story. Well done. You will soon start love connections on this blog using a male bv and female bv as characters in a story.
ReplyDeleteI knew it was Gideon all along.... Hehehee
ReplyDeleteNice story. I never wanted it to end.
ReplyDeleteGideon wasn't lying.She thought
ReplyDeleteThis sentence gave Gideon away. For once I knew who the culprit was. Thank God he's harmless.
Yes!!! I just thought Gideon and my mind refused to budge! Aww, lovely love story. Zainab, go for love o!
ReplyDeleteI immediately knew the stalker was Gideon. Nice story
ReplyDeleteLol for a split second I thought this was my story because my name is zainab mohammed Ali.. so the zainab A got me too excited 😧. . It's a beutiful write up and I would just imagine Gideon and I got married and lived a happy life 😊😊..
ReplyDeleteThe ball is in your court! look for Gideon.
DeleteOpus y did u swallow my comment? Side eyes @ u
ReplyDeletenice feel good story. Your emotional fans will love it. Lol
ReplyDeleteBeautiful story. I love the poems Opus. Zainab please go for love (Gideon), he might not have now but u guys can make it together. Smiling mulishly in
ReplyDeletethe office.
you dey sure? i mean shes been dating her fiance for like four months and these poetic lover has known her for some 'few' weeks...well sha, its never how long you've known one..could meet a day and just zing or must have been imprinted on her long long ago.llooool...well i just thought Zainab would have been a bit spontaneous, that moment she knew twas him, saw him and still had her heart beating faster and slower at the same time by his words, she shouldnt have let him walk away...yeah well she was dumbfounded and all but let me get this straight? these feelings were not really there between her and Gideon 'with the crazy grammar' but now he is Gideon the graduate?...the devil you know is better than the angel you do not know but then again...he might actually be that angel..well na only Zainab go fit answer, lol
DeleteGideon Gideon! Dts alright. So he finally man up to face her. Nice one @ Opus.
ReplyDelete. She should go ahead with Philip, unless she can live and understand the psyche of a poet. So many emotions and undercurrents of emotions to handle, on the flip side, poets have so much love to give. If you can't handle their mood swings (not violent ones), don't bother, but if you can understand them, they make your world rock. I don't know Zainab's temperament, but if she can handle it emotional fluctuations, Gideon will do her a whole lot of good. I love people who create their own destinies, and make their own rules, Gideon looks like one.
ReplyDeleteGideon is more of a man to me, he didn't wallow in pity cos he cldnt get a job,instead he stooped low to work n save for his future, dt alone is endearing and now the poems? Just a complete man Abeg. Mrs Lade
ReplyDeleteI am in love
ReplyDeleteWell i suspected it was Gideon i mean such bad english though (lol) but then what woman wouldnt be with a man who can truthfully excite her senses, worship her beauty and adore her like he did?? We all pray for our men to appreciate us more and look at us with such passion everytime and never forget to tell us they love us..i hope she goes for Gideon because he will make her very happy.. its never always about a fat bank account. Its truly about who you would look at 20 years from that day and still be madly inlove
ReplyDeleteWell i suspected it was Gideon i mean such bad english though (lol) but then what woman wouldnt be with a man who can truthfully excite her senses, worship her beauty and adore her like he did?? We all pray for our men to appreciate us more and look at us with such passion everytime and never forget to tell us they love us..i hope she goes for Gideon because he will make her very happy.. its never always about a fat bank account. Its truly about who you would look at 20 years from that day and still be madly inlove
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletehow sure are we he would make her happy?? good with words dont necessarily mean one is a good lover...on other things, nothing more fascinating than a man who can play with words like strings of a guitar...oooh strings of a Spanish guitar that makes the heart vibrate to its rythym... but what if she hadnt written back?would he have shown up? or probably show up days before the wedding?... if its the latter gaskiya i go kill am...hehe
DeleteI am in love
ReplyDeleteI love dis! Give me some more love stories darling, I knew it was Gideon all along hehehehehe, I decoded dis one yeepee
ReplyDeleteWe tend to demonize rich guys a lot in this part of the world.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes you think phillips isn't the perfect man for her.
I would reset her brain if she dumped phillips for Gideon.
Dude's a slacker.
After engagement e come show face.
Funny something.