Wednesday 27 January 2016


She stood up slowly, trying to trace the cries. She turned around and walked towards the sound. she had lost her shoes while running, and her feet were bleeding. She walked with a limp and tried to be as noiseless as possible.

The trees were like dark phantoms waiting to plunge her into an unending abyss. She was terrified, and more so when one or more night birds broke into a chorus. At that sound, she crouched in fright. She could hear her heart beating so hard and cold sweat dripped down her spine. She cursed herself for not changing out of her office clothes before leaving the house to pick up the baby. Her silk blouse was plastered to her frame, and the night air made her chilly.

Gracie stopped suddenly, the cries were just in front of her. She gave her eyes time to adjust to the terrain, but she could barely make out the outline of a bundle on the floor. Her baby! Without thinking, Gracie rushed forward to the bundle and squatted to lift the baby. But it was just rags. A piercing scream came from behind her, she turned, and a woman was standing behind her with arms outstretched. In a blink, the woman was right in front of her.

 giriş əldə etmək üçün Mənim uşaq vermək və ya əziyyət

  giriş əldə etmək üçün Mənim uşaq vermək və ya əziyyət

The woman spoke to her with a voice as hot as ice. Gracie stared wide eyed at the creature, the cold emanating from her filled Gracie's soul and she felt her heart stop beating. The creature raised a finger, and slashed Gracie's left cheek, but she did not bleed. Instead the creature raised her head to the night sky and drops of blood fell on her face. The smell was nauseating and Gracie knew she was dead. Then she screamed...
The creature cackled and disappeared.

Gracie tried to stand up, needed to run, but she was paralysed, transfixed to the spot. Then someone crashed into her, toppling her over. It was the girl. Gracie was glad to see her alive, glad to have company.
The girl seemed even more shocked than Gracie was. Thankfully she was not the screamer.  
"Did you see that? Did you see her?" Gracie asked perplexed.
Gracie could not see her face, but from the silence she guessed it was a NO.
Gracie stood up, and began walking, she could hear footsteps behind her. No doubt the girl was bent on sticking to her. Gracie didn't mind. Gracie walked for five minutes or less, when she couldn't hear the girl behind her.  She turned around, and the girl wasn't there. She walked back, wondering where she went. Few steps later, she tripped.

Gracie screamed. Snakes coiled around her, slimy and cold. She fell to the ground on a body, the girl. She covered in snakes. Gracie couldn't stop screaming. She felt one in her blouse, and he struggled to rip it away, to crawl away. But they were too slippery. Not one bite on her though but she didn't think, couldn't think. She kept screaming, until she was able to get away. She crawled a few feet, shivering. Her teeth chattered and tears rolled down her eyes.

Gracie was running mad. Her body itched like crazy, up to her scalp. She pulled at her hair, and scratched her arms drawing blood. When she snapped out of her panic, she stood up and ran. Her normal life, had become a nightmare. One minute she was in a hurry to pick up her child, and the next minute she was in an unknown.

She looked around her forlorn, seeking a place to hide till dawn. She couldn't stand, her whole body ached. Moving to a small tree, she went close to the stem and sat down. She didn't care what lurked in it's shadows. She just needed to curl up and die if possible. Then she heard voices from afar. Her instincts said call for help, but her body didn't respond. She dozed off.

She woke up to the sound of a horn. It sounded like the horn of a train.u Gracie opened her eyes and she was drowsy. But she wasn't under a tree... She was back in the cave, but she was alone, and she was naked. Sun streamed in, and she realised it wasn't a cave after all. There was no dead body, but the stench remained. Back to reality. A nightmare.

Getting to her feet was like pulling a filled shopping cart with her pinky. She looked around her, and noticed etchings on the walls, in a strange language.  One was recurrent.


Gracie pronounced the word over and over, curious. Her shoes were one the floor, but besides that there was nothing around. She picked them up and walked out into the sunshine standing close to the wall. All she could see was the forest, and instead of dawn, the sun was setting. She wore her shoes, and ran into the woods.

She was panting, and her throat was parched. She could only imagine how good water tasted. Sweat from her brow stung her eyes and she tried to breath. The sun was setting and clouds were gathering. Her thoughts were on her child and her husband. She wasn't dead, but it was only a matter of time.

Then she heard her name. It was her husband's voice.

to be continued........



  1. Oh!Ivy, ok o, waiting for the next part. I hope the baby is safe

  2. Replies
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  3. Whatever is happening to Gracie,only Ivy knows. Opus abi you sef know?

  4. I will just cross my legs and watch how it unfolds

  5. Whatever is happening to Gracie,on Ivy knows. Opus abi you sef know?

  6. I will just cross my legs and watch how it unfolds

  7. Oh God! Her husbands voice? We're both kidnapped? Or is he behind d kidnap?

  8. Have i told u how much I missed u?

  9. Omg! What is happening? I can almost feel her fear! What next, what next...

  10. Okay o! Eventually the mystery will be solved.

  11. Na dream joor. Na 4d end she go wake up

  12. Hmmmmm, haunted abi? You will be just fine Gracie (My maternal granny's name sake)....just saying.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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