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Image courtesy of hyena reality at FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
She continued looking at Halima who sat quietly, staring straight ahead.
“I don't like this….. ” Bisi's voice said from the back seat.
“Quit whining…. Nobody knew this would happen” Chisom said, looking at her from the rear view mirror.
Halima sat in the front passenger’s seat, looking straight ahead.
The night was cold.
Chisom sighed, and started fishing in her bag for her phone.
“No need, it’s useless….. There is no network here…. Look around you babe, we're in the middle of nowhere” .
Chisom brought out her phone, and opened her door stepping out of the vehicle in search of network.
“This is just annoying…… she said the car was good, why did it have to stop here of all places, this creepy place” Bisi said to Halima, who sat there quiet.
“All of a sudden you cannot talk abi?” Bisi said angrily, hissing and getting out of the car.
The road stretched out before them, untarred and muddy. Luckily it was dry season or else the road would be impassable.
“What do we do now?” Bisi asked Chisom who had her hands stretched up towards the heavens, holding her phone. She looked at Bisi obviously exasperated.
“You should quit yapping, and try using your head instead” she said
“Don’t insult me Chisom, it is your car that has us stuck here in the first place” Bisi retorted.
“My car is perfectly fine, or rather it WAS perfectly fine….. I have no idea what's wrong with it. This road is deserted” Chisom said, leaning on the car, in a resigned manner.
“That was the idea wasn’t it?” Halima said in a small voice.
They both turned around frightened.
“Gosh Halima, please don’t do that, you scared the scrap out of us” Chisom screamed.
“Shh, keep your voice down, we do not need to attract unwanted attention to ourselves” Bisi said softly.
“Maybe someone would drive by” Chisom said, trying to sound cheerful.
“Nobody would drive by” Halima said quietly.
“She's right. We were on this road for one hour before the car stopped, and we didn’t see a soul” Bisi said.
“I think we should walk, who knows…….” Chisom said, walking down the road and Bisi was right behind her.
“What are we going to do about the body?” Halima asked
They exchanged nervous glances.
The question had the effect of a gun going off.
“Well, we can’t just leave her here!” Halima said, looking towards the trunk of the car.
Chisom and Bisi walk back towards the car.
“You're right. I definitely do not need the police on my a**. This is my car…… we could dump it somewhere" Chisom said in a low tone.
“We would have to dig a hole. We can't leave her lying around for animals to find" Halima said, looking at Bisi.
“That would suit her perfectly…… the b***h!” Bisi replied spitefully.
“My religion doesn't allow that” Halima says looking towards Chisom for help.
“Neither does mine….. but there's no way I am going to spoil my manicure for that a** wipe” Bisi says staring at her fingers.
“Both of you should hold on…. I need to think” Chisom says.
“We do not have anything to dig with, we planned on sinking the body remember?” Bisi says to Halima who nods her head in affirmation.
“Okay…. I have a plan. First we get her out of my boot, and dump her in the bush somewhere far from here” Chisom says.
“We can’t……”
“I am not through Halima, let me talk........” Chisom interrupts her.
“All of a sudden you're thoughtful and courteous….. to a corpse” Bisi sneers at Halima.
“Please, let me finish okay?….. We would come back later to dispose of the body, so we are not stuck with the corpse just in case help comes……” Chisom continues,
“Good plan” Bisi says
“Agreed?” Chisom asks Halima, who nods her head.
“Good, let us get to work” Chisom says, going towards the boot.
Chisom opens the boot, and the three girls scream.
The body is gone.
“Where is she?” Halima asks, taking a step backwards.
"Are you asking me?"Chisom asks, obviously afraid.
“Guys…. Are we sure she was dead? I mean….” Bisi says, still sitting in the ground where she had fallen in fright.
“You slashed her throat, Halima stuck a knife in her chest, and I tied a rope around her neck….. yep, she was definitely dead” Chisom replies, looking around her.
Slowly, a cloud covers the moon and it gets dark.
“Don’t tell me it wants to rain….” Bisi says
“In April?, In Sokoto?…. That's impossible” Halima says, as the rain comes pouring down.
“Well you are wrong” Chisom says, as they all scramble into the car.
The girls sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Look we can't stay here indefinitely….. The rain doesn’t seem to be letting up anytime soon. It's almost 9pm” Chisom says rousing Bisi who had dozed off in the back seat.
“We can't go out in this rain, it is too dark even” Halima said.
Suddenly Bisi screams, and they turn around to look at her.
“What is it?” Chisom asks Bisi who has folded herself into a ball.
“Lock the doors” she screams.
“The doors are locked what is it” Chisom asks
“A….a face…. There.......” Bisi , points towards one of the windows.
“There's nobody there” Halima says to Bisi, who is sobbing uncontrollably.
“I saw it………… I swear I saw it” she says repeatedly.
The face reappears, and the three of them scream. It is a face of horror. Black Faces.
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Image courtesy of hyena reality at FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
Very soon, all the windows are occupied with faces black as night.
“Chisom do something” Halima screams
“What I’m I supposed to do?” Chisom screams in response. Then hands begin to hit the windows relentlessly. The girls huddle in the back seat, holding themselves tightly with their eyes shut.
“We have to run out of the car, if they get in, we are finished.” Chisom says.
“Please God, tell me I am dreaming…. Tell me I am watching Walking Dead…..This cannot be happening to me” Bisi says over and over
“We do not know what they are, or how many there are” Halima says frantically to Chisom.
“That is a chance we have to take” Chisom says and suddenly, the pounding stops.
Long Silence.
The girls stay hurdled for a while, before venturing to open their eyes.
The rain had ceased, but it was deathly dark. The time on the dashboard blinks 11:40.
“….. What the F**k is going on?” Bisi asks with fear in her voice.
“Lord have mercy on me….” Chisom says shivering.
“Too late for that don’t you think?” Bisi replies in a small voice.
The sound of a car approaching could be heard in the distance.
The girls jump at the sudden noise, then a pair of headlamps flash.
“Praise be to Allah” Halima exclaims, trying to open her door. Chisom holds her arm, stopping her.
“Wait…. We are safer inside the car…. We do not know who that is…..It could be a ritualist, a serial killer, even one of those strange faces” Chisom says, as the headlamps came closer.
“We are also killers Chisom, I need to get out of here, before I lose my sanity” Halima says, shrugging her off and running out of the car.
“Chisom, we should try our luck, we cannot stay here,” Bisi says looking towards Halima, who has run ahead and was waving her hands, to stop the truck that was approaching.
“Let us stay here, and watch. If it is safe we can go….please, let's watch” Chisom responds.
The truck stops, and Halima talks to the driver, gesticulating wildly.
Then she points in their direction, and the door to the truck opens.
A man steps out, and talks to Halima for a while, then he looks towards the car.
Then suddenly, he strikes her......hard on her head.
She crumples to the ground like a heavy sack of bones.
Bisi screams.
“We have to get out of the car. We have a better chance of surviving outside.” Chisom says, as the man walks towards them.
They open their doors, and run out into the night. The now wet ground, is muddy and slippery. Chisom falls to the ground, and struggles to get up. Bisi is ahead of her, and she can hear the man behind her.
She takes a leap, and she's inside the bushes.
She runs blindly in one direction, with the leaves tearing at her arms.
She thanks God that she was wearing jeans.
Bisi looks behind her, but doesn’t see Chisom.
She didn’t see the man either and took that as a good sign. She runs along the road, cursing the rain for the mud. She looks behind her once again, and when she turns her face forward, she catches sight of a flash ahead of her.
She stops.
Her breathing is labored, and a layer of sweat covers her skin.
She wonders how the day turned out into this living hell. “Stupid B***h!!!” she swears under her breath trying to steady her lungs.
She sees it again. A movement, fleeting, but movement all the same.
“Stupid idiot B***h”.
She leaves the road, and runs into the thick bush by the side.
She takes a few steps, before deciding she'd rather not stray far from the road.
She bends down by a tree, trying to be as still as possible.
Chisom looks towards the sky, there is not a star to be seen. She runs ahead, determined to get as far away from the strange man as possible.
Then she falls into a pit. She screams all the way to the bottom.
She can feel the pain in her left leg as she tries to stand up.
Impossible….. the pain was unbearable. She looks up towards the entrance of the hole when she feels the first shovel of sand.
Somebody stood by the hole, with a shovel.
She couldn’t make out who it was, whether it be a man or a woman. The person starts filling up the hole really fast.
“Please…. Stop! Don’t do this!!” she cries all the while, until she is completely covered.
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Image courtesy of hyena reality at FreeDigitalPhotos.net |
Bisi wonders how long she has been crouched on the ground.
A few minutes she surmised, but to her cramped legs it felt like several millenniums.
Too bad.
She thought of her bed, where she should be lying warm under her covers, but for the unfortunate incident of that morning.
“That b***h had it coming” she thought to herself.
She slowly stands up, wondering how far Chisom went, if she made it. She had heard her fall to the ground the first time, but adrenaline didn’t allow her go back to help her up. She looked at the glowing hands of her wrist watch,
12:57am. She feels a strong pair of hands on her shoulder, and she screams…..
She turns around, and sees an old woman holding her with the grip of a vise. She struggles to free herself, but the woman is too strong for her. She puts her hands on the woman's slimy face, disgusted as her tissue seems to fall off.
She uses her right hand and latches unto the woman's hair, but ends up with a bunch of hair on her hands.The woman didn't even scream at her hair being pulled out. Bisi throws the hair to the ground disgusted and the woman puts her hand on Bisi's face.
Immediately she feels her strength draining out of her and she falls to the ground. The old woman pulls her along the ground with her hair and Bisi cries out in pain, too feeble to help herself.
She opens her eyes, and finds herself in a heap of bodies. A foot is pressed against her face, and the second thing she registers is the stench. She tries to sit up, and that was when she realised her hands were missing, copped off at the shoulders and the pain is unbearable. She turns her neck, and she is staring into Halima's face. Her eyes have been gouged out and her tongue was hanging out of her mouth.
Then she feels movement above them, and moves her head to an angle to see better. A man with a harpoon-like rod, was piercing the rod through the pile of bodies.His intention was clear..... to kill any survivors. As the rod came close to her head, Bisi hoped there was neither Heaven nor Hell else she was damned again. Then she felt nothing.
written by Ivy Brown
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Pam, at this ungodly hour, I read it all! Wow!
ReplyDeleteWho's the bitch that vanished from the boot?
Why were they killed or was it karma?
Whatever, I enjoyed it. Welldone Ivy
Cici fear catch you? No hour is ungodly, the period people call ungodly is very important, it is when Angels and Demons deliver and when mortals touch heaven or hell (depending where you belong) and when super mortals determine their destinies on their knees or diabolically.....you feel me? Welcome to the nocturnal club *the elite sect on this blog*. Fear not, we are harmless.
DeleteIvy @ it again with dark stories,
DeleteYippy I wasn't scared this tym @ chucks am keeping 2 my wrds#wink#
Awesome piece!
DeleteThey got served.
This is your best yet, Ivy bae.
Flawless write-up.
I think the stories are great without the pictures. Who else agrees with me? Let our imagination do an overdrive. *wink*
Hawt Mrs.I agree with you about the pictures. Let Our imaginations run wild lol
DeleteHi-5 Kween.
DeleteOpus what of our erotica? It's weekend!
I'm sitting alone, in the dark, a lot of breeze, then this story. I'm scared of walking to my room. Somebody help.
DeleteBeautiful story Ivy. I love you already.
I am in agreement with you HawtMrs, like seriously, those pictures took something off the story..@Jennyif, atagirl! I am proud of you, no shaking, I am here with you and always alert.
DeleteCici dear, welcome to the club. It past 2am nd here I am reading ivy's horror movie/story. Nice one Ivy. We've gotten a glimpse of wat opus was talking about.
DeleteOK Cici, talk true, fear no catch u? Just whisper to my ears only. Lolz.
Lol. No be small thing o. Closed the page at a point but I knew I just had to read on.
DeleteCongrats Opus, the migration was successful. Ivy, I love your dark twisted mind the danger you exude. *claps hands* any nocturnal creatures here? See why people fear the night? Lol! Karma is a b**ch! Now, they all ended up dead.....who laughed last? Revenge has never smelled good to me.
ReplyDeleteI read this story at the right time---Day time!
DeleteCreepy! I love it.
Delete@Iyke, don't tell me you got scared,nice story.
DeleteIyke, y d fearing na. Lolz.
Delete@chuks, we rock d same boat men. Lol
Ehya. Poor girls.
ReplyDeleteI'm really dying to know why they commited murder.
DeleteTell us, Ivy.
Pretty please!
@Mystique,what is poor about them? think they got what they bargained for!
DeleteExactly Hawt Mrs.
DeleteDear Ivy maybe you could title it "24 hours earlier"
We all need to know what happened, and I believe that's where the sweet part lies. Ivy just took us to the end deliberately to whet our appetites.
DeletePoor ko, poor ni. They started it nd d evil people ended it. U see.
DeleteWell... They got served in a gruesome way. Do no evil, see no evil. The chance of going through any chasing or dismemberment in ones house is infinitesimal, compared to being in wrong places especially for evil reasons.
ReplyDeleteWow! This is so graphic and scary! But in another thought, it serves the gurls right!
DeleteOn point.
DeleteYa know!
ReplyDeleteThat missing part distracted me from assimilating the details the first time.
Let me read again.
Thank God I read this in d daytime..nice one Ivy
ReplyDeleteHahahahah. Nndo. No fear dear. Ivy is just warming up. More awaits.
DeleteBut pls u guys shouldn't turn this into a horror only biko, for those who r scared of horror stories.
Thank God I read this in d daytime..nice one Ivy
ReplyDeleteme too!
DeleteTrue true, my guy fear o!
DeleteInteresting!!! Nice job
ReplyDeleteI was about to read it last night then I saw the picture,I closed it and decided to read it lojumomo lol.
ReplyDeleteFear fear #lol
DeleteHahahahah. Sorry
DeleteYeah congratulations!that's a stepping stone opus!it is well
ReplyDeleteIvy!!!! *screaming* your mind is really twisted...(I love it). My heart is still beating even after reading the story. I love d way u give details to your stories, it gets d readers entwined with the characters.
ReplyDeleteYea, Ivy is good like that, the girl good gahn!
DeleteWay too good for her own good... lol. No wonder Opus is head over heels in love with her.
DeleteIvy, I don't understand you again! You are bent on scaring the sh*t out of me nowadays,why?
ReplyDelete#claps for the change
ReplyDeleteNemesis caught up with them real quick.
Haaaa, and my name come up, bisi... BTW am nt a murderer
DeleteWow, scary and gripping... Oh my! Quite descriptive too. But gotta say this, found the mix of tenses utterly confusing. Narration started out in the past tense and then became a present tense delivery... made it hard for me to quite enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteIs it deliberate?
It depends on who is doing the narration, a god narrative or a character based narrative. As the story progresses, a shift is feasible.. it moved from past tense to past continious. got u confused? kpele dear.....
DeleteTM, nice observation.
DeleteI was so into the story, I didn't notice jack.
@navaisha, my observation had nothing whatsoever to do with Narrative Point of View. From my study of the story she was using a Multiple Third Person POV. It could have been narrated in the Vern Present Tense or the Verb Past tense. She started out with the Verb Past tense and then midway, switched to the use of the Verb Present Tense therefore creating, without a clear indication of a change in scene, a confusion in Tenses.
DeleteI was not confused by what I read, not in the least. And if one is a good reader, one would have made that observation. After all, beyond the basic entertainment, we read to learn, right?
All Narrative POVs - whether Omniscient, Third person limited or Multiple Third person and the different First Person narrative styles - can all be either narrated in the Verb Present Tense or The Verb Past tense.
The choice is simply just the writers. But once a choice is made, be careful how you switch.
That was the point I was making. If it was a deliberate switch and not an error, then it appears like it wasn't properly done.
Thank you
Twisted. Twisted. Twisted.
ReplyDeleteWho did they kill... their friend. Why did they kill her... She stole Bisi's man ( I think it's Bisi's man cos Bisi made the most hateful comments *calling d dead girl bitch*; even where she was hiding, d word 'bitch' was still in her mouth). Anyway, the girls (Halima, Bisi and Chioma) didn't know that Ekaette(lets assume it's d dead girl's name) is a witch and they murdered her. Ekaette had to come back in her real form (old woman) to catch up with them. That Explains the mystery behind the death of 'The Girl'. *walks away like a boss*
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHawt Mrs read again kwa? jeez i held my breath all through and u wanna read again. damn. Ivy u r worse than Opus mehn this piece is dark n twisted but i still love it though!
ReplyDeleteNemesis, their own death no go get part2. But we need to know who they killed and y they killed. Ivy sharperly katapot d next part
ReplyDeleteHahahaha. Sunshine for the money!
ReplyDeletePrecious, I'm coming to do ojuju for you tonight o. Be very afraid..
Oh my God! What goes around comes around. He Who kills by d sword, dies by d sword.
ReplyDeletePrecious, the new Agatha Christie! You have solved the puzzle, oya come and take your price. Hahahahahaha, I like *walks away like a boss* boss lady!
ReplyDeletePrecious do u need a hug? Lol.
ReplyDelete@chuks, let's teach them how to read/watch anything horror.
ReplyDeleteNo be small hmmmmmm o...
ReplyDeleteYeah I agree @hawt Mrs
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one who didnt agree with the pictorials.it took the edge of the story.i like imagining the pictures in my head.
Meanwhile Ivy you're one dark twisted writer. Fear catch me small. Waiting for the motives behind the death of *Jane doe*
ReplyDeleteSo scary...and the pictures made it more horror.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is you are always in the dark when you read these kinda stories. F***