The Man stared at her as she savoured another scoop of Ice cream.It was nice to watch her.The way her eyes seemed to swoon each time the plastic spoon entered her mouth.
She wasn't an unattractive woman infact,she was quite a looker for a woman in her Fifties.
Personally,the Man didn't approve of her eating habits.
6pm every Friday was Ice Cream time for this woman.
The human body is a marvel of Bio Engineering.It deserved better than being bombarded by so much sugar.The Man frowned.
She didn't even exercise(If the last two weeks he'd followed her about was anything to go by).
Exercise was crucial for any human being.Even from this distance,he could tell that one of her bodyguards was in bad shape.
The guy was easily 6'5 or so with a chest the size of a Iroko tree trunk,his arms were thick.But with less than 50% muscle mass.No doubt,his reflexes would be slower.
He probably played a weight-lifter in a past life.But in this one,he was a incompetent looking one at that.
The second bodyguard was an entirely different matter.No doubt he was armed too.He was leaned muscled and agile.Even in a suit,he'd be quicker than most men.
He'd defintely be the first to go.The Man thought.
A family of four entered the Ice Cream Parlour.
Father,overweight Mother,a chubby son and an unusually skinny daughter.
The boy and girl couldn't have been older than Twelve and Eight respectively.
The family looked so happy.All colourful and smiling like something out of Disney Post Card.
Once he had wanted a family.....but that was a lifetime ago.
He took one more sip from the now not so icy glass of water in front of him.
Staff included,there were Fifteen people inside the small Ice Cream Parlour that Friday evening.
The Man rose from his seat and approached the woman and her two Protectors.
The Lean muscled Bodyguard had his back to him.The Big one seemed preoccupied with a large slice of Chocolate cake.
There was just no dignity in labour anymore.The Man thought.
There was a time when the Man loved his job.There was a time he lived for this...the adrenaline,the "rush".
Now all he wanted was for all of this to stop.
The Man smiled at a beautiful Waitress and Politely asked for her pen.She obliged with a flirtacious gaze.
Women.He thought to himself.
She was pretty,busty with the legs of a dancer.
Hmmmm.He thought as he turned away.
Another time.....perhaps.
The Man Casually walked towards the the table, and plunged the pen into the Lean Man's neck,puncturing his Cariod artery instantly.
The woman Froze.
Her plastic spoon hovered over her mouth as her eyes instantly expanded in a near comical expression of disbelief.
As expected,the Big Body Guard was slower.He frantically discarded his cake and fumbled for the weapon inside his jacket.
But the Man was quicker,in on swift motion,he leaned over the table,picked up a table knife and flung it.His aim was perfect.The blade sank into the bodyguard's hand,impaling it to his chest.
The Big Bodyguard screamed.
The Man's movements were a blur as he reached into the Lean Bodyguard's jacket.He knew where to look.He brought out a pistol,fired two rounds into the Large Bodyguard and fired a single shot into lean man's face....close range.
The bullet exited the back of his head in a dpray of blood,brain matter and shattered skull fragments.
From the first shot,the Ice cream parlour exploded into a flurry of panic,screams and violent crashing sounds.
As the Man aimed the weapon at the woman's head,he thought of the Pretty Waitress.No doubt,hers was one of screaming voices behind him.
He wondered what she thought of him now.
More screams all around.
Couldn't be bothered about that now.He thought.
He had a woman in herFifties to kill.
The woman still had the same idiotic expression on her face when he pulled the trigger.
"Don't move,hands on your head!!!"Came the first coarse male voice.
The Man rolled his eyes.
They were Fifteen Minutes late.He thought.But then again,what did he expect from the police?
After he killed the woman,he'd sat down and waited.
Ofcourse by now the place was deserted.He sat in total silence with only the scattered broken furniture and the three corpses for company.
He liked the quiet.It's amazing how difficult it is to find some peace and quiet these days.He thought.
Then he heard the sirens.
He heard the violent slamming of car doors accompanied by loud metalic sounds of rifles.
Even without seeing them,he knew how many men they were,the names of the weapons they carried and how easily he could take them all out if he wanted to.
But that wasn't his objective.
"Put your hands on your head!!!......Don't move!!!"
The Man smiled.They were nervous.Hence the conflicting orders they were barking.
Slowly....very slowly....he placed his hands on his head and went down on his knees.
"Get in!"A smallish Corporal commanded just outside the Police cell.
No one dared touch him.They seemed too scared.He hadn't even been hand cuffed.
His unusually relaxed demeanor frightened them.
He'd more or less been "asked" into the police vechicle.
Even armed with guns,the officers kept their distance.
There was a small gathering of spectators just outside the Ice Cream palour.
As the car pulled away,the Man caught a glimpse of the pretty Waitress amongst the frightened faces .
At the Police station,he was led into a a crowded cell that smelled of urine,sweat and feaces.
He counted Eleven Men inside the cell.
They all stared at him the way crows stare at a lonely wounded lion in the forest.
The Man smiled at himself.What they would soon realise was he wasn't locked in with them,THEY were locked in with HIM.
Corporal Mariam was uneasy.
In her line of work,she'd seen her fair share of crazy and Dangerous men.But today's latest addition to the cell was a different matter.She thought.
It wasn't just the people he'd killed,or how he'd killed them.
It was his eyes.
No doubt she'd seen alot of creepy eyes in her time,but this guy's were different.
They were soulness.
It was as if they lacked a single ounce of humanity.It was like staring into black holes in space.
She felt a frightening tingling sensation when he gazed at her.
Her shift couldn't end fast enough.But unfortunately,Linda had called in sick .Which meant Mariam would be running night shift .
Even though he was locked up in a cell,She hated the thought of being in the same building with him.
"You mean he just sat there after he killed them?"Corporal Ramsey whispered to her as some nervous looking senior officers went by.
Corporal Ramsey had been trying to sleep with her since the begining of creation.He never missed an opportunity to "try his luck"but this was one night he didnt even try.
"Yes,..."she responded looking over her shoulder.All around the station,officers huddled in groups discussing "the Stranger" as he was now called.
"....What sort of person does that? ...he didn't even put up a fight.Almost as if he WANTED to get arrested".Miriam hushed.
"Jesus....."Ramsey whispered.
" least the guys in the cell will beat the crap outta him"
Then the screams began.
The entire police station turned towards the direction of the long corridor.
The cell was at the end of the corridor.
Violent struggling sounds followed.Several loud thumps.....and then more screams.
The sound of something breaking.
Then a high pitched sound that was neither a wail,nor scream....but was undoubtedly human.
The sound was like icy breeze against Miriam's skin.
All the officers in the station felt it too.
They were all still as they listened to the eerie Raucus
At one point there was a thud so loud,it reveberated within the walls of the station.
Then it was all quiet....
...deathly quiet.
"What the hell's going on?"Someone's frightened voice whispered.
Long silence.
Miriam's body was on auto pilot as she walked slowly down the corridor.
Then came the sound of vechicles......Fast approaching vechicles.
Outside the Station,Six Black Tinted Range Rovers in tight formation pulled into the drive way and stopped.
Almost on cue, all the doors opened as men in Black suits and dark glasses emerged holding automatic rifles.
For a long time,they just stood there with their guns as the Vechicles' engines hummed.
Long pause.
Miriam and the the other six police officers emerged from the front entrance of the station....cautiously.
"what the.......??" A senior officer began as one of the men in suits stepped forward.
"You have a colleague of ours in your custody."The man said simply.
His manner was almost polite.
Joe was the highest ranking officer around.
He cautiously cleared his throat and said,
"...we have many individuals in our whom do you refer?"
The man in suit took another step forward and said,
" know the individual I refer to."
Long pause.
Joe was clearly afraid as his eyes darted from the weapons the men were carrying to his petrified colleagues.
"....This is a police station....and the person you speak of is a murderer...we can't just....."
But Joe's words were cut short by the sound of the men in suits cocking their weapons.
The sound was eerie in the coldness of the night.
"I'm afraid I must insist" came the man in a suit.
There was a deadly finality in his voice.
Another long pause.
Joe turned to Mariam,his face was a mask of raw panic.
"...go and get him"said
"But sir....."
"I have two daughters...."Joe began hotly.
"......I would really like to see them marry as I say!!!"
Mariam stood there for a few seconds, her eyes roving from the men in black to the frightened officers.
With a fearful shrug,she went inside the Station.
The Man was covered in blood as he sat on the filthy floor of the cell. The bodies around him had an assortment of injuries ranging from fractured limbs,bashed skulls to gouged eye balls.
He loved the silence.
Silence was good.
He heard the metalic cell door open.
"oh my God!!!" came Miriam's voice as she stood in the doorway.
The sight before her was a slaughter house from hell.
The Man rose to his feet as she emptied the contents of her stomach on the floor.
She felt the bile rise to the back of her throat.
He didn't even give her a second glance as he strolled out of the cell.
As the Man walked past the officers towards the waiting vechicles, Joe shuddered at the sight of him.He looked something out of a nightmare.
Everyone, including the men in black were perfectly still as the man stepped into the backseat of the lead Range Rover with neither a word or a glance in their direction.
"Thank you for your co-operation", the man in black said as he turned around.
His colleagues did the same as they all entered their vechicles and screeched off.
Long silence.
All the officers stared at Joe for what seemed like an eternity.
"Clean up the cell,burn the bodies,and never mention this again."He said as he walked back into the station.
The other officers stood in silence staring after him.
The man sat in the back seat staring at his bloody hands.
The interior of the vechicle was silent for a time.
Then the Leader of the men in black turned around from the front passenger seat and said,
"You've made a mess,....if it were upto me,you'd be dead.But our superiors fear you more than they hate you....If you wanted out,you could've just put a bullet in your head and be done with it......Your orders were to take out the senator ....quietly.We'll clean up your mess,but this can't happen again......Get your act together!!!"
The Man still stared at his bloody hands.
He really hoped they'd killed him.
He really hoped they'd let him go.Because,he was about to do something much worse.
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Monday, 20 July 2015
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "" "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
Hmmm, i'm speechless
ReplyDeleteOk can't just end hre
DeleteVisit DNB Stories Africa
Correct. Pls part 2
ReplyDeleteHe didn't kill them.
DeleteYes Cici, he just kissed them!
DeleteWe understand things differently. The fam took his dog, lol!
DeleteWoooooow this is goin 2 b an interesting 1. I wonder what he is goin to do next.
ReplyDeleteProbably to kill the people who came to rescue him
DeleteOpus baddo!
Absolutely enthralling.
I will tell you.....uhmmmm, let me not spoil the surprise.
ReplyDeleteOriegwu really. I wu onye Owerre anyi?
DeleteShit! I'm scared. Thank God I wasn't reading this at night!
ReplyDeletenot really scary dear
DeletePamela, I was imagining everything in my head. It was like real life to me. At the beginning, I even thought it would be a romantic story. You know, where the guy has been watching and admiring the woman from afar.
DeleteMystique is a drama queen.
Butty *tongue out*
@mystique do you scare easy? Lol, we know. @Pamela nothing scares you abi? Every time, not really scary dear", we shall see. @HawtMrs before nko? It's part of d game. *tongue out* like
Delete@chuks, I'm yet to know wat scares me. Fear obu onye? Bring it on.
DeleteCool, calm, collected....Liam Neelson would do justice to this character in a movie. Spine tingling as usual, bravo Opus.
ReplyDeleteTrue that!
DeleteLiam neelson is getting feeble and old.
DeleteJason startham will b better.
Jason Statham is practically a stuntman, he doesn't have the cool and calm demeanour at all.
DeleteIdris Alba will do that for me. Some cool broda, I say.
Deleteheld my breath all through!
DeleteExactly my thought @Janet. Jason startam would do beautifully here.
DeleteLiam Nelson all the way. Nobody is cool enough for this role but him. Old, tired, wants to retire character; just perfect Liam
DeleteBlack monday #speechless
ReplyDeleteThe concluding part should come quick abeg.
Kolupia alike is back. I'm intrigued. Opus my man, I like you ooo.
Captivating!!! Waiting for the next part.
ReplyDeleteOmg...gourged eyeballs!!!
ReplyDeleteVe seen that in an accident..scary ish.
Brain matter?have seen that too. When life deals u deadly blows..#story for anoda day.
Nice story...i'm loving horror movies/stories these days...!!
Bring it on Opus...u're gud @ wat u do.
Na wa!
Wow! Interesting. for fiction stories
Hmmmmmmn. Some crazy acts!!! Phew.
ReplyDeleteCool, cold, calculated and very lethal. I like him.
DeletePeople with cold personalities are a nightmare.
Deletewow..really captivating
DeleteCall me mad but i'm in love with this character. My kinda man : Dark and Mysterious with a good heart beneath all the madness.
ReplyDeleteUr kind of man u say? Hmmm side eyes @ u
DeleteFingers croz waitn 4 d next story.
Lmao... Don't blame d heart on who it chooses to love @Jennyif
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI love action packed stories
DeleteSunshine, did u say good heart?
DeleteDon't be scared when he will come calling then!
DeleteLol... yeah he does, he reminds me of Michael in Kollupia, dangerous in a sweet way @ Hawt Mrs.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@ Iyke David I won't be scared @ all but eeeeeeeh...
Delete@ sunshine biko michael personality is different frm that of this murderer, michael is a badass in a cool nd charming way. But this guy here is a barbaric maniac.
DeleteYou took the words out of my mouth @jennyif
DeleteHe may not be a maniac as you guys think, and I bet he is far from barbaric. Know his story first before you judge him, time will change everything. @sunshine he is coming for you in a sweet way *winks*
DeleteRemember Micheal has a very terrible past that hunts him. Opus didn't go into much details about his past but from the little he did, it's obvious he was a skilled 'barbaric manic' @ Hawt Mrs n Jennif. (See me defending this character like we are already dating... Lmao)
Delete@ Nwaogwugwu CHUKS thanks Babe *blushes* the heart is willing but the head thinks he is nothing but big trouble... lol
DeleteThere is something about this guy Dat is mysterious. Let's just give him a benefit of the doubt. He may not be dat bad. Fingers crossed as I want for opus ooo. Pls don't take too long biko.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOpus, I LOVE this!
ReplyDeletePlease make it veryyyy long. Yea Pam, this shows we've really missed kollupia.
I swear down. I miss Kollupia like crazzzzzy. And this captivating story dropped on my birthday. One of my many treats for the day. Hehehehe.
DeleteHappy belated birthday, hun.
DeleteHope your day was turnt.
Send my cake
Happy belated birthday @Kween, may all you wishes come true, and heaven will always watch over you.
Delete@Hawt mrs... thanks darling. It was awesomtastic... your cake is reserved for sure *wink* @Chuks, AMEEEN. Thanks a lot dearie. :*
DeleteHappy belated bday dear, God bless you and keep u, and may all u wish for be fulfilled. Amen
DeleteThumbs up Opus. You've done it again. You're simply the best
ReplyDeleteOpus where do i classify this one?
ReplyDeleteOpus you're a very good writer and what I like most about your write up is the casual way you add those insignificant details to the story. This is another interesting read and i'm looking forward to the subsequent part.
ReplyDeleteI agree
DeleteOpus you're a very good writer and what I like most about your write up is the casual way you add those insignificant details to the story. This is another interesting read and i'm looking forward to the subsequent part.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm oh my God! Speechless. I love this. Its very interesting. Part 2 pls.
ReplyDeleteOpus, I don't know what to say, but it is getting close to when we will meet and make something happen. I am mega impressed!
ReplyDeleteGuys, I woke up and felt like writing. I finished a poem and couldn't resist reading your comments. You guys are part of the reason this blog will always rock. @HawtMrs, @Pamela, @Tamir @IykeDavid and all my blog friends, a big thank you. No be only Opus we go de hail....*smiles*
ReplyDeleteI'll love to read ur poem. Let us know how it goes.
... And thanks. I see my name up dear. #winks.
DeleteYay me!
DeleteAll hail King Chuks!
Biko send Opus stories. I'm not really into poems.