Friday, 25 November 2016
Okay, here's what's happening:
I know we haven't spoken in awhile. Guess you guys probably missed me.
Oh! You didn't?
Who Una "missing" hep?
Do I care? Are you feeding me? Abeggy!!!
Amaka doesn't give a flying f**k what you think.
I'm back. Period.
Anyway, the last time we spoke, I was possessed by an evil entity called,Olukwu the Native Doctor.
Since Opus feels my story is not important, I decided to post myself.
Who Kollupia season 2 and Rise of the Clans 3 hep?
I am Amaka.
I made this blog what it is today. I deserve the front page.
Because I am the Numero Uno Runs chick. In Naija, I'm like MMM--everyone's heard of me.
So allow me to introduce myself, I am Amaka the Unrepentant Mistress. First of her name, mother of hotness and swag, body of a goddess, mistress of the night, the best shag of your life,and money-making-vagina extraordinaire.
Simply put, I AM THE ISSSH.
Deal with it.
But right now, business is slow.
Well, ask the demon incarnate currently inhabiting my amazing body.
Amaka rises to her feet and looks around the room. There's anger in her eyes. She stands stark-naked in front of her dressing mirror as if daring the voice to speak again.
The words had come from her lips. It was as if for a few seconds she'd lost control of her body.
Long silence.
She's alone in her apartment.
She slowly sits in front of the mirror.
She turns to us again.
"This is what I have to live with," she says.
"I haven't been able to go anywhere or do anything. My business is suffering.
Each time I try to leave the house for 'business,' he would start acting up again."
She looks like she's about to cry. Amaka sniffs and wipes a tear from her eye.
"I'm running out of cash," she says. "I can't go out because, Olukwu doesn't trust 'women-drivers'."
"Stop this rubbish," Amaka snaps. "you're ruining my life. If I don't go out, I can't get money. No money, no food and we starve."
"Yes, because that's what I do!"
She flings her comb at her mirror. It bounces off the glass without denting it.
"It's not your body!!"
Long silence.
"Shut up!!!!"
"YA TELLING ME TO SHARRAP," She suddenly slaps herself. "EH..?"
Amaka's look of shock is comical. She stares at her hand as if it were an alien entity.
"Olukwu," she's clearly containing her rage. "do not ever do that again. I do not appr---."
This time its the other hand.
"Don't you dare call me that!"
She suddenly goes pale.
"Is that why I woke up with...cucumber in my......what the hell were you doing to me last night???"
"Leave me alone!!!!"
The sound of her voice echoes in the empty house.
She tries to catch her breath. She stares at her reflection for almost a minute. Then stares at us.
"This isn't the end of my story. Yeah, laugh all you want. I am Amaka. I am the Ace of the deck. Like Trump, I will shock you. Just wait and see. As long as I live, your rich husbands and boyfriends wont be safe. Sooner or later, I will get past this and you'll all be sorry for laughing at me. I'm not done. I will never stop hunting your men.
Wait and see.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Phone rings.
Mary frowned at the screen.
She didn't like private numbers. Anonymous callers were dangerous.
This one time, a guy called her up, screamed, "Bitch!" then hung up.
That was the thing about Anonymous callers; they could get away with anything.
Usually she would've ignored the call, but it was a Sunday, she was just chilling in her room, and Joe hadn't called. Which was odd because they'd had a movie date for that day.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
KOLUPIA finale
All eyes were on Zikha's mangled body.
"...impressive," Sokha said.
"You should've killed me when you had the chance Sokha," Overlord said in a small voice.
"Sokha regrets mistake."
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
SOUND of the alarm.
Micheal and Lucious held each other; oblivious to sounds around them.
OVERLORD leaned into the glass with a smile on his face.
Alarm continued.
"Sir..?" Came a male voice behind him."the alarm."
"Grab them both," Overlord said turning away. "The rest of you come with me."
Men screaming.
Monday, 3 October 2016
Kolkupia S2 E12
HE slipped into the darkness of his mind just as the doors opened.
Everything that was Lucious Black faded away.
His heart rate slowed down.
He was going to kill again.
He fought against it-- damn near causing himself a migraine,but like all other times, it was pointless. He barely even glimpsed the figure of the man thrown into the room before he lost himself again.
Micheal stood facing his son.
Everything that was Lucious Black faded away.
His heart rate slowed down.
He was going to kill again.
He fought against it-- damn near causing himself a migraine,but like all other times, it was pointless. He barely even glimpsed the figure of the man thrown into the room before he lost himself again.
Micheal stood facing his son.
Saturday, 1 October 2016
I don't know how you'll take my story. Some of you will probably think I made it up.
I won't lie, i wish I did.
That way, people wont be trying to kill me.
Let me just start off by saying I'm not a superstitious/religious person.
Don't get me wrong, I believe in a higher power: God, Allah or whatever you want to call him. But I've never been a church-going, bible-toting christian.
I doubt I could name the first four chapters of the Bible.
But does that make me a bad person?
I don't think so.
I believe in being good to people.
I believe in Karma.
In my life, I want to believe I've been fair to everyone I've met.
I met Efe Three years ago.
I wasn't looking for love. I know society expects most single women in their late Thirties to be thinking of marriage, kids and making cereal for yelling kids that look like you.
Not me.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
OPUS & IVY. Diamonds are forever.
Hello dearies.We are happy to invite you our online family, to our marriage ceremony. Yup.... Its going down in a jiffy. On Saturday 17th September 2016, all seas( literally) lead to Bonny Island...
Thursday, 1 September 2016
"Did you hear that?" John asked with a fearful look in his eyes.
"Hear what?" Chris said. "Is there something wrong with the car?"
Then they heard it together. It was coming from the backseat.
The cries of an infant.
John's hands tightened around the steering wheel. "Tell me that isn't a baby in the backseat."
Chris slowly turned around.
Sure enough, there was an infant neatly strapped to the backseat. It stopped crying the instant its eyes met Chris'. Next to the child was a large Mickey Mouse bag with the business ending of a Feeding-Bottle sticking out.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
I was losing my mind. This is what crazy feels like. I thought as I ran. What I saw in the mirror wasn't real---it couldn't be. Everything at the party was a blur. I could see flashes of myself in the mirror, shocked faces as I ran out of the house, the sound of Silvia's voice as she screamed my name.
I didn't stop running.
I wanted to get the image of the scorpion's tail from my mind. It had to be a dream. I'd had too much to drink. Alcohol messes with the brain---makes you see crazy shit. Well, since
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
SHE felt the sting of icy water on her skin. Her heart rate sped up, she jolted and rattled the steel chains holding her wrists above her head. Her feet barely touched the damp floor and her head felt three times its weight.
At first, she couldn't remember the moments leading up to her loss of consciousness. Then slowly,....... images unfolded from her mind like figures from a mist: She remembered Brohollo being blown to bits, she remembered Micheal screaming, she remembered the chilly night air, guns being pointed at her and the prick of a needle against her skin.
The dimly lit room smelled of piss, blood and sweat. There was a single light bulb dangling above her---right next to where her wrists were bound. She could feel the water dripping fron her body. Stupid, she thought. Getting caught was stupid.
Sound of footsteps.
The faint glow of the bulb didn't spread very far. The rest of the room was dark-- which wouldn't have been a problem for her if her vision wasn't so hazy from whatever shit they'd dosed her with.
"You have a beautiful body," a male voice said.
He was behind her. She felt his touch on her lower back. "toned, athletic....." He slowly walked into her field of vision. He was clean shaven and was actually quite attractive with eyes as empty as starless space.
"You'll die today" Zikha said simply.
He smiled. "...God is the ultimate artist, did you know that?"
More details of the room became clearer. To her right was a table with several shiny objects.
In seconds, she realised they were knives.
"...the human form is truly a work of art......a body like yours is a masterpiece," his hand cupped her breast. Zikha stilled herself.
He moved away from her into the darker regions of the room. "Why are you here,what is your mission? Answer me truthfully and your death will be quick and painless."
She could see better now. There were extra layers of glazing on the walls that were tightly sealed around the edges.
"I know you're well-trained." His breath said at the back of her neck again "Probably skilled in the all the ways of long do you think it will take for this perfect body to breakdown,.... and become a bloody,screaming mass of flesh?"
"If you're going to torture me, fucking get it over with."
He chuckled."Impatience is unattractive."
"Where's Micheal?"
"The screaming man you were with?"
Zikha held her breath. She hoped Micheal was still alive. She was fucked if he wasn't.
"He's alive.....for now."The Man's voice said.
She strained to hear sounds just beyond the room they were in....there was nothing. She tried again.
He was pacing again.
"Sound proof room?"
He paused."How did you know that?"
"Lucky guess."
Long silence.
"People in agony tend to scream," he said.
Soundproof rooms are....necessary,don't you think?....I am truly sorry for the discomfort you are about to experience."
"No you're not." The drug was fast leaving her system. " I've known men like you all my life.
Pain is the only currency you deal in."
He came into the light again. "Perceptive, beautiful....and not stupid. You are quite a trifecta." He moved towards the table, his hand touching the blades in a manner that was almost sexual.
Long pause.
"As a professional courtesy," he began. "I will say this. You will face extreme pain if you do not answer my questions correctly."
"If this place is sound-proof," she whispered. "Does that mean the guards just outside the door can't hear us?"
"That would defeat the purpose of a soundproof room wouldn't it?"
"That means YOU'RE fucked."
"Do you think this is a game, soldier?" He said picking up one of the knives. "I assure you, No one is coming for you and you WILL die here today"
"No," Zikha said exerting pressure on the Chains. "YOU'RE the one who's gonna die today."
The chains snapped.
"What the---?"
Zikha lunged at him, grabbing his knife-hand, she twisted and snapped his arm in one swift motion. He screamed. She forced his face into the floor, crashing her knee into his spine.
"As a professional courtesy," she said picking up the knife and inserting an inche of the blade into his ear. He whimpered and struggled, but it was pointless. "You will face extreme pain if you do not answer my questions correctly."
SOUND of Chains rattling.
He felt the coldness around his wrists. He tried to move, but felt the agony of metal against his flesh.
"Long time no see, Micheal." A male voice said.
He was seated and his hands were bound behind him. The room was cold and the air smelled of rotten meat. He tried to open his eyes, but a bright glare from overhead caused him to shut them again.
"How long has it been? Ten? Eleven years?" The voice said.
"Where....where am I?"Micheal forced his eyes open. There was a single flourescent bulb above him. He couldn't make out the rest of the room. His head was pounding. He stared at the damp floor.
A hand with a strange smell raised his head.
The face above him was badly scarred and bruised. One eye was concealed under an eye patch, the other was blood red.
"What?" The face said. "You don't think I'm pretty?... I've killed for less."
"Who... are you?" The pain in his head spiked.
"You want to insult me and tell me you don't know?"
Micheal forced himself to remember, but his mind had one too many black holes.
A vicious blow hit the side of his face. His head crashed into the the cold floor. He tasted something salty and slimey.
"Get him up!"
Strong hands picked him from the floor and put him backup again. The pain was still there, but the black holes were slowly filling up again.
He recognized the face now.
"Captain Ibim," Micheal winced. A fist like a sledgehammer bashed into his nose. Pain exploded in his head. His chair tipped but someone from behind stopped it from falling.
"That's Overlord," the scarred face said softly. There was raw rage in its eyes. "You will address me properly."
Micheal stared at him for a long time. There was nothing in the face that remotely resembled the man he used. To know. The skin around the scars was nearly pitchblack. The eye that stared back at him was like a rabid dog's.
" You're either wearing make up," Micheal said softly. "Or you did something new with your hair"
Long silence.
A smile slowly materialized on the Overlord's face. Laughter exploded in the room. He could hear chuckles from where the light didn't reach.
"That's the guy I remember," Ibim giving him a friendly tap.
"You have to let me go Ib...Overlord," Micheal said ignoring the pain in his head. "The General is-----."
"Trying to improve his 'experiment'?"
Micheal froze.
The Overlord brought his face within kissing distance. Micheal could almost taste the sweat on the man. "Yes...Mikey, I know all about the General's experiments......I helped him create the first one." He pulled away and stepped into the darkness again.
"Cut him loose." Overlord said. "I have something to show you."
THE bag smelled like piss and the rope was tight. His hands were tied by ropes behind his back. He could sense others in the room. But no one spoke. He could hear one of the men whimpering in the corner of what he assumed was a cell.
Amatuer, Sokha thought. Soldiers weren't what they used to be. He let out a heavy sigh.
Getting caught was could be useful. He'd learned long ago not to let setbacks get to him. The boy was here. He could feel it. The young wolf was his salvation---his destiny. He would get the formula from the boy, if it meant draining every drop of his blood.
He heard the metalic clang of the door. He smiled inside the stinking bag. He knew what was coming.
Sokha counted three sets of footsteps. They stopped a few feet from him.
"And the others?"a male voice whispered.
"Dead weight," another said.
There was the sound of a hand gun being cocked. Then five loud explosions in the room.
Each bang accompanied by a thud. The smell of gun powder filled his lungs.
Then the room was silent again.
"Bring him," The second male voice ordered.
Sokha was pulled from the ground. He never stopped smiling inside the bag. He'd already loosened the binds around his wrists.
EVERY inch of his body ached. His insides felt dry---as if all his fluids had been sucked out.
His breathing was shallow, his eyes refused to stare at his bloody hands. He barely noticed the tears dripping from his eyes. The blood trail leading out of the room was a reminder of what he had done. He closed his eyes and looked away. Three times now he had gone, 'dark' and three times he had woken up to find himself alone with a broken body.The lights went out again, Lucious started sobbing, it was happening again.
"The years have been good to you Micheal," Ibim gave him a friendly tap."See you've kept in shape." They were in a semi dark room. He knew the guards behind him had their hands on their guns.
There was a large mirror in front of them. The warm room smelled of stale ciggarretes and sweat. He knew they were staring at a one way mirror. The mirror lit up.
The room on the other side was larger. It was a grotesque series of bloodsplatters and sprays across the floor and walls. On the far end of the room was a figure covered in blood. It was small, holding itself together in fetal position.
It was trembling.
"What is this?" Micheal heard his own voice ask.
The Overlord's face was blank but something in his one good eye seemed.....happy somehow. "You're about to witness a miracle."
The figure in the room raised its head. Though covered in dark crimson smears, Micheal recognized the frightened face instantly.
He froze. He fought the urge to scream, to charge in there and hold his son. But he remained perfectly still. He had a feeling the Overlord didn't know who the boy was.
"My men found him in the forest," Overlord's voice said. " interestingly enough....he killed a boy twice his size in the most amazing way......"
Lucious staggered towards the glass, his expression scared and confused. He looked smaller than Micheal remembered. His clothes were dirty and torn up.
Micheal clenched his fist and forced himself to remain still.
"Magnificient isn't he?" He said. "He's strong and fast enough to kill ten highly trained soldiers with his bare hands."
Lucious was touching the glass. He was only a few feet away from them.
"Can...he see us?" Micheal whispered.
"You've forgotten how One Way mirrors are designed?"
Lucious eyes had something else in them....something Micheal recognized instantly. It was a look he'd seen on his son's face during training sessions.
Lucious was going dark.
"He's been at it for six hours," Overlord continued. "We release an odorless gas into the room that activates 'the phase' everytime a stimuli is added to his environment."
"Stimuli? ....phase.....what are you talking about?" Micheal said trying to keep the rage from his voice.
"A live subject. How else do you test the perfect soldier?"
"'ve been... Sending people in for him to....kill?"
The Overlord smiled. It was a demon's face mimicking a human expression."The General isn't the only one with experiments, Micheal.
We've been searching for the perfect host of our own for years."
Micheal slowly turned away from the glass and stared into the Overlord's face. "What does one little boy have to do with the General's experiments?"
" All the General's subjects have died because his formula was incomplete. We haven't had that much success either. As you can see our facilities aren't exactly state of the art."
From the corner of his eye, he could see Lucious tracing his hand on the surface of the glass. What have they done to my son?
"The other half of the formula was stolen by you," Overlord went on. "...when you left the agency years ago."
Micheal felt cold inside.
"...I don't know what you're talking about?" Micheal said, doing his best not to look in his son's direction.
"The General took my eye for letting you go....," The Overlord's smile had vanished.
"....soon after that,... my son."
"I'm....I'm sorry," Micheal whispered. "I----."
"You should be," Ibim said softly. "It was because of you ....... I lost everything thing. My boy wasn't much older than the child on the otherside of this glass."
Long silence.
Lucious' face was pressed against the glass. He was crying.
Micheal swallowed the lump in his throat. He had to play it cool.
"What...what are you going to do with him?"
The Overlord was silent for a long time.
Lucious had moved away from the glass to the far side of the room again.
Micheal looked around. The guards were poised as if anticipating any sudden movements from him. Even if he could somehow kill the Overlord, he wasn't certain he could make it out before they caught him down.
"I've sent my best soldiers in there." Overlord sighed. "The results have always been the same. Lets see how the boy fares against a more formidable opponent......Throw him in and release the gas!"
Strong arms grabbed Micheal and hoisted him towards the door leading to Lucious.
"...Wait...Ibim...this isn't you---"
"Only one of you will survive. My money's on Lucious."
The door opened and Micheal was shoved in.
THE guard didnt know what hit him. One second he was on his feet, the next his neck was snapped. His body started to fall just as Zikha heard approaching footsteps from the adjoining hallway. With one hand she caught the guard's body in mid-air before it hit the ground. So far, her escape had gone undetected. She wanted to keep it that way.
She watched the two guards stroll by oblivious to her presence. Assuming any of them decided to turn left, they might've noticed her holding the soldier's corpse just inches from the floor.
She held her breath.
The soldiers went by.
She had to find Micheal quickly. She decided as she eased the body to the ground. If any of the bodies of the men she'd killed were found---.
She spun around faster than a blink--knife ready for a strike.
"Apologies.." Sokah whispered with his hands in the air.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"Sokah felt Zikah needed company."
"How ..... why are you here, Sokah?" Her voice was scarcely above a whisper but there was rage in her eyes.
"Sokha came through front door like Zikha."
She pushed the blade against his throat.
"Brohollo's dead, I've been stripped and drugged. I'm really not in the mood for your shit-talk...what are you doing here Sokha? Has the mission objective changed?"
With a finger, he moved the blade away from his neck. "The young wolf has escaped....he has the formula."
"Bullshit! We would've found it on him."
"Not if formula were INSIDE the little wolf."
She froze.
" do you this Sokha?"
Sound of soldiers approaching. She counted two sets of footfalls.
"Where's the Old wolf?" Sokha asked quickly.
"He was captured...probably held somewhere nearby."
"Then we find him, kill him, kill the Overlord then we escape and go find the young Wolf."
The footfalls were getting closer.
"We wont have to leave," She said."The boy is here."
Long pause.
"Then we kill our way till we find all three of them," he said brandishing a bloody blade.
"We're not bullet proof,Sokha. The place is crawling with armed soldiers."
"HALT!" Came a Soldier's voice.
"Then we kill them before they can shoot us!"
"Who goes---?"
Sokha's blade sang threw the air, cutting off the man's words and throat just as Zikha's knife impaled another guard's hand to his chest. His scream lasted a fraction of a second before the blur named Zikha closed the gap between them and crushed his windpipe.
Monday, 29 August 2016
Lady at the Bar
He watched her fillup a bar stool. Her long legs slide across each other like a work of art. Everything else seemed to vibrate but her---as if the world around her were on Fast-Forward and she was on Pause.
He watched a guy in a suit walkup to her and whisper something in her ear. She listened, her big beautiful eyes regarding the half empty glass of whiskey in front of her. Whether she was intrigued, aroused or bored was hard to tell. She turned and whispered in the man's ear. He watched the man's face go from excitement to shock in an instant. The suit stared at her at what could only be described as fear. Then he walked away, blending into the sea of bodies, cigarette fumes and loud music.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
"Sam..? that you?" I rushed up the stairs like a crazed bull. I heard the front door slam behind me so hard the whole house seemed to vibrate.
"Sam...?" Mum's voice called out from the kitchen again. I didn't need her drama, I just wanted to get into my room and shut the door. Was all this a nightmare? Was I going crazy? Had I just lost my virginity and didn't know how? ---- Ofcourse I knew how, I'd felt Joshua inside me, I had felt him moving----CHRIST! How had that happened? How had we gotten from the school hallway to.....?
I could feel my skin crawling. I pulled the latch on my room door and more or less tore off my clothes. I dashed into the bathroom, turned on the shower and just sat there, feeling the cold water on my body. This had to be a dream.
"Sam...?" Mum's voice called out from the kitchen again. I didn't need her drama, I just wanted to get into my room and shut the door. Was all this a nightmare? Was I going crazy? Had I just lost my virginity and didn't know how? ---- Ofcourse I knew how, I'd felt Joshua inside me, I had felt him moving----CHRIST! How had that happened? How had we gotten from the school hallway to.....?
I could feel my skin crawling. I pulled the latch on my room door and more or less tore off my clothes. I dashed into the bathroom, turned on the shower and just sat there, feeling the cold water on my body. This had to be a dream.
Monday, 8 August 2016
KONG....MY NAME IS KONG! finale.
Keep your guard up!"
Richard's arms were heavy, his shoulders ached. Sweat stung his eyes.
He hit the bag with two quick combos. A hard slap rocked the back of his head.
"Hey...!" He protested.
"Too slow," Strongface's voice yelled.
"I would be faster if I wasn't in so much pain."
Another slap.
"What the---?"
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Celebrity Bad boy2
I felt a sharp pain in my shin. It hurt like hell.
"Ouch!" I exclaimed.
"Are you even listening?"Renee' yelled. I sent a tiny probe into my memory files and came up with nothing. I couldn't even remember how we ended up at the cafetaria. It was almost closing time.
"So its like that?" Renee' said. "First you hookup with the hottest star since....Thor without telling me about it, and now you can't even talk to me?"
"Ouch!" I exclaimed.
"Are you even listening?"Renee' yelled. I sent a tiny probe into my memory files and came up with nothing. I couldn't even remember how we ended up at the cafetaria. It was almost closing time.
"So its like that?" Renee' said. "First you hookup with the hottest star since....Thor without telling me about it, and now you can't even talk to me?"
Saturday, 6 August 2016
The air turned black all around me and I felt tingles around my skin. The chanting continued. I still couldn't understand the language, but I knew something was coming. The ground underneath my feet trembled and a putrid smell filled my nostrils.
"Come forth," I heard my mother's voice say. "Take this vessel." I could feel the blood rushing to my head. It was coming. I was terrified. I didn't want to do this. Somewhere in my head, I could hear whispers. It was more than one voice-- hundreds, thousands maybe. They were calling me. They were coming to claim me.
The chanting continued.
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Celebrity bad boy
"Hello?" I said.
There was silence on the other end of the phone. Maybe it's a bad connection, she thought. I was about to hang up when—
"Hello? Is this Samantha?" A sexy male voice said.
I leaned into my pillow and smiled. I had a feeling this was the call I'd been waiting for.
"That depends," I said. "Are you Joe?" There was some static on the other end. Then it passed.
"Did you say something?" I asked, pressing the phone to my ear.
"I said you sound the way you look."
"Meaning?" I couldn't stop smiling. After weeks of just being a series of pictures on Facebook, I was actually talking to him.
Monday, 25 July 2016
West and Kina
"So?" West asked. It was hard for her to stare at him for too long. His eyes held her like the gravitational pull of a large planet. She forced her eyes away. God! He was gorgeous.
"Are you mute?" His voice was deep and made her insides tingle-- in a good way.
She smiled at him, allowing the moment to linger. Under different circumstances, she'd have enjoyed feeling his hands on her body. But somehow she knew he'd snap her neck faster than she could touch him.
"May I ask why you're doing this?" He said.
"Why I'm doing what?"
"This job," he said. "Don't know many beautiful women in this line of work."
"Why do you do it?"
Saturday, 23 July 2016
He stared out the window at the sky. It was a full moon, and he didn't feel like venturing out. He could hear the sounds of the city; car horns,music, people chatting and a couple having sex half a mile away. The girl was noisey. She was screaming profanities like a meth-head.
He sighed and leaned against the windowsill. It was getting harder to get through this time.
He wished he could go to sleep and wake up in the dark ages again. He felt so....disconnected, so alien in this time.
He hated these interruptions. He really assumed he was alone.
He sighed and leaned against the windowsill. It was getting harder to get through this time.
He wished he could go to sleep and wake up in the dark ages again. He felt so....disconnected, so alien in this time.
He hated these interruptions. He really assumed he was alone.
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Tracy was speechless.
Here? Now?
Her heart was on hyper drive. The movie was great, the dinner was epic. But this? This was on a whole new level of awesome.
The night air was chilly, but she could barely feel it. The sounds from the restaurant seemed miles away. For her, they might as well have been coming from another continent.
She covered her nose with both hands. Not to ward off a bad smell, but simply because she was too excited to do anything else.
Here? Now?
Her heart was on hyper drive. The movie was great, the dinner was epic. But this? This was on a whole new level of awesome.
The night air was chilly, but she could barely feel it. The sounds from the restaurant seemed miles away. For her, they might as well have been coming from another continent.
She covered her nose with both hands. Not to ward off a bad smell, but simply because she was too excited to do anything else.
“Your money or your life. “ Musa said.
The girl paused over her meal, her fork hovering just inches away from her mouth. She stared at the gun pointed at her, then slowly turned to look at the rest of the restaurant.
All the seats and tables were empty. Even the staff were gone.
She returned her gaze to Musa, then shoved some spaghetti into her mouth. She chewed for a few seconds, then swallowed.
“Why? “ she asked sipping from his glass.
“…. Why…what…? “ Musa said. The girl hadn’t responded as he’d expected.
“Why my money or my life? “
“Huh? “
“I mean seriously,” The girl said with a shrug.
Saturday, 25 June 2016
Everybody has problems. So I'm entitled to mine ain't I? I knew from a young age that I was special. I saw it in the faces of my mother and the numerous men who lived with us at one time or another. I didn't care about what she did with them even then. She was a slut, that was her problem. I had better things to do with my head than worrying about her. My father had not been anyone special in our lives.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
She squeezed the steering wheel like it were a living thing she were trying to strangle.
How could Joshua do this to her? How could he hurt her so? There was no justice in the world, only pain and betrayal. She had given him two good years and all it took was a young piece of ass to make him stab her in the back.
How could Joshua do this to her? How could he hurt her so? There was no justice in the world, only pain and betrayal. She had given him two good years and all it took was a young piece of ass to make him stab her in the back.
Monday, 20 June 2016
Introducing Feature Friday
Hey guys, . how was your weekend? Happy Fathers' day to all that Daddies in the house. All the men in the house, and also all the ladies who are both father and mother to their children, wards or siblings.
Saturday, 18 June 2016
My name is Kong 3
They must've walked for close to an hour. Ugo took him to a part of their neighbourhood he'd never been to before. It was the Far southern block known as "Babylon". This block was were the drug addicts, Prostitutes and the hopeless came to live. There was no electricity and very little water, which meant the stink was not of this world.
"Kai!" Ugo said, covering his nose. "Fly wey dey learn work no fit survive for here oh."
"This was your idea, not mine."
"So becuz of dat, make I no talk abi?"
Richard was silent, not because he didn't feel disgusted, but because he was scared of opening his mouth in such a place; there were free flowing streams of excrement in the gutters. He moved away to avoid a young girl pouring some dark smelly fluid on the road.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
Maris turned the tap, once… twice….
Not again!
The neighbours must've forgotten to pump water. The pot sizzled on the cooker, she needed water. She turned the cooker off, and went into the living room.
“There's no water…..” she called out.
No response.
Fred was staring at the screen of his tablet like it were his life support system.
“Fred… there's no water,” she said louder this time.
She might as well have been speaking to a coma-tose patient via sign-language.
“Em….did you say something?”
There were times when she pondered if she had made the right choice marrying him. This was one of those times.
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Saturday, 11 June 2016
Bang Bang Bang!!!
Her eyes popped open at the sound of the first banging. Sleep departed instantly; faster than she could say "oh my God!" Few seconds before the next banging, she told herself (like most people would, upon being woken up in the middle of the night) that it was all a dream; that she'd imagined it somehow. But as her heart beat began to slow down, she heard it again.
There was no mistaking it, someone was at the door.
"Jesus!" She gasped as her eyes settled on the small Casio clock on the dresser. In the darkness of the room, the figures were clear: 3:04am.
There was no mistaking it, someone was at the door.
"Jesus!" She gasped as her eyes settled on the small Casio clock on the dresser. In the darkness of the room, the figures were clear: 3:04am.
Friday, 3 June 2016
Okay. So I haven't posted in a while. I know, I know, I promised you guys that I wouldn't do that, but the truth is .....ITS BEEN CRAZY!!!! I mean, I get the feeling my boss hates my blog and is on some secret mission to make certain I don't have time to post. I've tried everything --- save for googling "where to find assassins to kill my boss" (not that It hasn't crossed my mind)
So here's the scenario, I'm on my way to work one morning, when Victoria starts acting up.
Oh! Victoria's the name of my car(long story). I just think anything that's yours, that has the propensity to act up when you don't give it enough attention, HAS to have a female name.
Enough said.
Anyway, I managed to get her to the mechanic shop, took one last look at her, and hailed a cab. I'm sentimental like that (try asking me to lend you my external hard drive and see what happens-- the Drive's name is Betty by the way!)
Oh! Victoria's the name of my car(long story). I just think anything that's yours, that has the propensity to act up when you don't give it enough attention, HAS to have a female name.
Enough said.
Anyway, I managed to get her to the mechanic shop, took one last look at her, and hailed a cab. I'm sentimental like that (try asking me to lend you my external hard drive and see what happens-- the Drive's name is Betty by the way!)
Thursday, 26 May 2016
AFTER THE RAIN! #horrorstory
May 21st 2078.
It's been five years since the virus hit. At first many thought it was a lie; another hoax by some crazy political party to destabilise the country. But as the sickness spread, as more people died and became the stuff of nightmares, we realised this wasn't lie. Hordes of the dead scouring through the streets; killing and devouring the flesh of the living.
Law and order disintegrated into madness.
Streets soaked in blood. This was humanity's last stand, and I was in the vanguard.
It's been five years since the virus hit. At first many thought it was a lie; another hoax by some crazy political party to destabilise the country. But as the sickness spread, as more people died and became the stuff of nightmares, we realised this wasn't lie. Hordes of the dead scouring through the streets; killing and devouring the flesh of the living.
Law and order disintegrated into madness.
Streets soaked in blood. This was humanity's last stand, and I was in the vanguard.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Catherine watched them go by; the sounds of their laughter ringer through the cold night.
Funny, she thought. There was a time she'd have given almost anything to be part of the joke; or at least know what the punch-line was.
There was a time when she'd have given anything to walk with them through the streets; with knee-high boots and short skirts.
It seemed like the best place to be. She looked at the the hair on jacklyn's head. Peruvian hair was still all the rage like Iphones, skinny jeans and Lady gaga. Its funny how all that seemed so unimportant to her now.
Funny, she thought. There was a time she'd have given almost anything to be part of the joke; or at least know what the punch-line was.
There was a time when she'd have given anything to walk with them through the streets; with knee-high boots and short skirts.
It seemed like the best place to be. She looked at the the hair on jacklyn's head. Peruvian hair was still all the rage like Iphones, skinny jeans and Lady gaga. Its funny how all that seemed so unimportant to her now.
Three months to the wedding. I should be excited right? I should be full of joy; picking out gowns, decor and caterers abi? Maybe I'm an ungrateful woman, maybe its just cold feet, --- or maybe I don't want to do this.
God forbid!
Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Paula knocked on the door three times. She could tell Jesse was nervous; if the fact that he was trembling was anything to go by. She stared at her eleven-year-old son and sighed; letting out a small fog into the night air.
Long pause.
She ignored Jesse tugging at her sleeve. This had to happen, she thought; this had to be done.
She knocked again.
No one came, and the crickets kept on singing.
More tugging at her sleeve. She ignored him and pounded the base of her fist against the door.
That did it.
Sunday, 24 April 2016
An eight or Nine year old girl walked up to me on the street and asked me if I had seen her parents. I was a little taken by this; 1. I didn't know her and 2. she was wearing a funny looking Barney suit with weird colours smeared on the front. She looked like she'd escaped from a childrens' lets-see-how-much-paint-we-can-get-on-our-costumes birthday party. It was the middle of the day and the Port Harcourt sun was in a bad mood. The Barney costume must've been like a sauna in there; but the girl wasn't sweating. I wiped my hand across my dmpp skin, there goes my brown powder!
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
The air was a weird orgy of delicious food aromas, designer perfumes and scented candles.The restaurant was full, but as always relatively calm. Chatter levels were barely above whispers. On most tables were couples on their first, second and tenth dates. Mariam's eyes followed a beautiful slender waitress gliding between pristine tables draped in fine purple cloths. The slender girl carried a tray, on it was a steaming bowl of what she assumed was soup. The music wasn't bad. Jazz, always jazz. It was supposed to be soothing. But She was too pissed off to give a crap.
" You've lost your appetite?" Richard asked softly.
She stared at the untouched plate of noodles in front of her.
"Your powers of perception are outstanding" she shrugged.
Richard sighed and dropped his fork. It clattered unceremoniously into his plate. The music switched to soft rock. She didn't bother looking up. She knew he was staring at her with those steady eyes of his.
"I've always been honest with you" he said.
"Is that some supposed to be an apology?" She said sipping from her glass. The wine was delicious, but it seemed her taste buds were on a time-out.
"We both knew this day would come" he said.
"Now you sound like shitty script for a movie."
Long pause.
"What's wrong with you?" Any other person hearing his voice would've said it sounded calm and steady, but she knew Richard was getting worked up. Her eyes strayed towards his hands. She considered well-manicured nails sexy. It was one of the things that turned her on about him. Then her eyes fell on his wedding band. The 22.Carat gold ring BLINGED mockingly at her it seemed.
"My mind hasn't fully processed everything" she said looking away.
"There's nothing to process" he shrugged. "It is what it is"
"Really?" She stared at him. "You want to pull the tough guy act on me?"
"Don't make this any more difficu...."
"Oh please!" She raised her hands in the air.
"Enough with the cliches. I've been replaced by a younger model and that's that"
"Please Don't say that"
"Then tell me," She finally stared at him. "What exactly should I be saying, that you're NOT leaving me for someone else?"
"Its really not like that and you know it"
" HAVEN'T found another mistress?" She arched an eyebrow.
"Don't call her that"
"I don't know what else to call a woman you're fucking behind your wife's back....but then again, I'm old fashioned." Her smile was without humour.
"Leave Elizabeth out of this!"
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your wife part of our weird little foursome?"
"This really doesn't concern her"
"Just because she doesn't know her husband's a dog, doesn't mean it's not her business"
Long pause.
The music had switched again. Classical Music wasn't really her thing. To her it sounded like something they played in Mafia movies, during gun-fight scenes.
Richard leaned into the chair.
"Stop trying to make me the bad guy" He was back to his Tough-Guy voice again.
"Ever notice how it's always the bad guys who always say that?" She grinned.
Richard suddenly lunged across the table and grabbed her hand.
"I don't want this relationship anymore. How else do you want me to say it?" He had an intense look in his eyes. It almost turned her on, if not for the fact that he was hurting her hand. He looked like he was about to hit her.
Long pause.
Several people looked up from their plates at them.
Time held its breath.
Enduring the pain, she slowly turned her head towards the table to their left. It was a subtle way of telling him not to make a scene. He slowly looked around, as if realizing where he was. Then he composed himself and let go of her hand. He settled back into his seat and sighed.
Another long pause.
"Do you love her?" Mariam said, nursing her hand.
"Don't be ridiculous" He scoffed and looked away.
"Ridiculous is a married man whom leaves his mistress for a younger one" She poured some wine into her glass. "Ridiculous is that married man denying it"
Richard didn't meet her gaze.
"Should I repeat the question?"
"Yes!" his eyes finally met hers. "I love her. Infact I love her so much I want to---- I want to leave Elizabeth for her!"
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"No, I'm being serious"
Mariam felt a shudder run through her. She wished she hadn't asked him, she wished she hadn't heard him say those words.
"You're an idiot" she heard herself say. "You're such an idiot"
She watched him compose himself . It was almost comical to see.
"I'm going to leave you some money in your account." He began. "You'll be well....."
The sound of her laughter cut him off.
He stared at her incredulously as she laughed on.
Several heads turned in their direction again.
"Wait...wait.." She said between giggles .
"You're going me off?....Should I do you an invoice?"
She giggled some more.
" You've lost your appetite?" Richard asked softly.
She stared at the untouched plate of noodles in front of her.
"Your powers of perception are outstanding" she shrugged.
Richard sighed and dropped his fork. It clattered unceremoniously into his plate. The music switched to soft rock. She didn't bother looking up. She knew he was staring at her with those steady eyes of his.
"I've always been honest with you" he said.
"Is that some supposed to be an apology?" She said sipping from her glass. The wine was delicious, but it seemed her taste buds were on a time-out.
"We both knew this day would come" he said.
"Now you sound like shitty script for a movie."
Long pause.
"What's wrong with you?" Any other person hearing his voice would've said it sounded calm and steady, but she knew Richard was getting worked up. Her eyes strayed towards his hands. She considered well-manicured nails sexy. It was one of the things that turned her on about him. Then her eyes fell on his wedding band. The 22.Carat gold ring BLINGED mockingly at her it seemed.
"My mind hasn't fully processed everything" she said looking away.
"There's nothing to process" he shrugged. "It is what it is"
"Really?" She stared at him. "You want to pull the tough guy act on me?"
"Don't make this any more difficu...."
"Oh please!" She raised her hands in the air.
"Enough with the cliches. I've been replaced by a younger model and that's that"
"Please Don't say that"
"Then tell me," She finally stared at him. "What exactly should I be saying, that you're NOT leaving me for someone else?"
"Its really not like that and you know it"
" HAVEN'T found another mistress?" She arched an eyebrow.
"Don't call her that"
"I don't know what else to call a woman you're fucking behind your wife's back....but then again, I'm old fashioned." Her smile was without humour.
"Leave Elizabeth out of this!"
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't your wife part of our weird little foursome?"
"This really doesn't concern her"
"Just because she doesn't know her husband's a dog, doesn't mean it's not her business"
Long pause.
The music had switched again. Classical Music wasn't really her thing. To her it sounded like something they played in Mafia movies, during gun-fight scenes.
Richard leaned into the chair.
"Stop trying to make me the bad guy" He was back to his Tough-Guy voice again.
"Ever notice how it's always the bad guys who always say that?" She grinned.
Richard suddenly lunged across the table and grabbed her hand.
"I don't want this relationship anymore. How else do you want me to say it?" He had an intense look in his eyes. It almost turned her on, if not for the fact that he was hurting her hand. He looked like he was about to hit her.
Long pause.
Several people looked up from their plates at them.
Time held its breath.
Enduring the pain, she slowly turned her head towards the table to their left. It was a subtle way of telling him not to make a scene. He slowly looked around, as if realizing where he was. Then he composed himself and let go of her hand. He settled back into his seat and sighed.
Another long pause.
"Do you love her?" Mariam said, nursing her hand.
"Don't be ridiculous" He scoffed and looked away.
"Ridiculous is a married man whom leaves his mistress for a younger one" She poured some wine into her glass. "Ridiculous is that married man denying it"
Richard didn't meet her gaze.
"Should I repeat the question?"
"Yes!" his eyes finally met hers. "I love her. Infact I love her so much I want to---- I want to leave Elizabeth for her!"
"Are you being sarcastic?"
"No, I'm being serious"
Mariam felt a shudder run through her. She wished she hadn't asked him, she wished she hadn't heard him say those words.
"You're an idiot" she heard herself say. "You're such an idiot"
She watched him compose himself . It was almost comical to see.
"I'm going to leave you some money in your account." He began. "You'll be well....."
The sound of her laughter cut him off.
He stared at her incredulously as she laughed on.
Several heads turned in their direction again.
"Wait...wait.." She said between giggles .
"You're going me off?....Should I do you an invoice?"
She giggled some more.
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
"Fuck this!" Broholo hissed. "
The sounds of approaching vehicles.
"Cool it, Broholo." Zikah cautioned. " Just stay exactly where you are. Don't try anything....."
But Broholo was already running towards her.
"Stop, you'll step on....."
"Shut your trap old man!" Broholo cut Micheal off. He crouched by Zihka's feet.
"What are you doing?" She hushed. There was a tinge of panic in her voice. "Get out of here, now!"
"Every landmine works the same way" Broholo said hurriedly as he flicked out a small knife.
"If I can just replace the pressure....."
"We're shit outta luck if you get it wrong!"
"Just fucking Shut up and, let me focus Zikha"
The sounds of the vehicles were louder.
Micheal counted at least four distinct vechicle -engines. The soldiers would see them for sure. Even without their present predicament, a gunfight would be suicide. He doubted these hair-triggered militia wouldn't t open fire once they'd been spotted. Understandably, he didn't couldnt care less about Broholo and Zikah. He had to save his son.
A blinding light exploded in his face. He q
"HALT!" Came a male voice that from the trees. "IDENTIFY YOURSELVES!"
Sounds of automatic weapons being cocked.
"Fuck!" Broholo exclaimed. His hands working fervently under Zikha's foot.
"Don't shoot!" Micheal threw his hands in the air. A quick mental calculation told him there were at least ten different automatic rifles pointed at the three of them. Even If they somehow made a run for it, there were the landmines to contend with.
"Now, move your foot....slowly" Broholo was saying.
"..just leave me you idiot!" Zikah said under her breath.
Micheal could hear the men behind the glare moving into position.
"Don't be stupid, Broholo"
"I'll leave you hear, Zikah. Now move your Fucking foot!"
"They're going to open fire if we don't drop our weapons" Micheal said, dropping his rifle.
"This is a bad idea!"
"Just fucking trust me, Zikha"
"If I die, Lucious dies. Now do as they say"
Micheal was losing his patience. Something in the Soldier's voice told him he wasn't bluffing.
Zikha took a deep breath, and gently lifted her foot off the ground. Broholo's blade was inside the soil, its tip still pressed against the mine.
"Move away from me, Zikha." Broholo panted .
He moved his hand gently across the ground. Her nocturnal vision could see the fear in his eyes. In that cold moment, She realized what he was really trying to do. A sharp volt of panic shot through her.
"Fucking go, Zikha!"
Micheal heard movement just beyond the light. Someone was trying to get a better angle.
Zikha slowly backed away from Broholo.
"STAY EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE!" There was agitation in the voice now.
"I'm trying to disable the fucking mine!" Broholo barked.
Zikha lunged at impossible speed. Her body crashed into Micheal's just as bullets tore the air. Hot lead ripped into Broholo's chest, arms and face. The dagger flew from his grasp.
Then the Mine exploded.
It's metal casing ruptured into fragments upon the detonation. The steel ball bearings inside the device turned into lethal projectiles that shredded Broholo's upper torso, tearing sections of his body into the air.
Zikha screamed as the heat from the blast burned through the fabric on her back. Dirt, blood and body parts rained on her as she pressed against Micheal.
Then the dust slowly settled.
There was a searing pain in Micheal's head. It's intensity blocked out everything else. He couldn't feel Zikha's weight on him. He couldn't hear the soldiers around them. Only the pain existed. With each passing moment, it rose like a merciless Tsunami wave, until all he could do was scream.
It was the same voice from behind the light.
Zikha felt a kick to her ribs. A lesser human would've groaned in pain, but Zihka was irritated. Not only had they killed her brother-in-arms, but they had the audacity to kick her too. She had half a mind,..okay maybe a little bit more than half, to crush the kicker's windpipe with her hands once she was on her feet. But the number of heart beats around her warned her to be cautious.
"Show me your hands!"
She slowly got off Micheal.....and why was he screaming so much?
"What's wrong with him?" A tall slender soldier staring at Micheal. There was no emotion behind his voice. It was like listening to of a Computer generated voice....cold.
"I...I don't know" Zikha replied staring at Micheal's writhing form on the ground. His screams tore through the cold night air like a madman's.
"He's too noisey" The Slender soldier pointed his rifle at Micheal. Zikha jumped into his line of fire.
" We're from the General's camp!" She blurted out staring into the rifle's nuzzle.
"Tell me something I don't know" he said simply. His finger began to squeeze the trigger.
Micheal was still screaming.
"He knows the location of something of great value to the General!" She exclaimed, speaking as fast as she could.
Long silence.
The barrel was steady. At this range, the first two rounds would split my head in two,she thought.
Micheal's screams were louder.
"So...he's crucial to your mission?" The soldier said. His expression was like granite.
"We both are!" She said quickly, eyeing the other soldiers around her. They weren't especially well trained, but their numbers were enough to make a difference.
Micheal's screams had become loud groans.
"Are you lying to me?"
"You've just killed a member of my team" She replied quickly. "Why would I lie?"
Long pause.
More groaning from Micheal.
"Bring them" he ordered the men. "We're taking them back....and shut him up"
A soldier smashed a rifle butt into Micheal's head.
"Let's move out!"
"Interesting turn of events" Sokha said, watching them take Micheal and Zikha away.
"Should we engage them?" One of the soldiers said.
They were standing on a ridge, approximately Fifty metres away from Micheal and Zikha's position.
The soldier was staring through a pair of Night-vision Binoculars. Of course, Sokha didn't need those to see what was going on.
"Sokha is not interested in gun-fight" he smiled. "Besides, those soldiers are part of larger force bearing down on us as Sokha speaks"
"DON'T MOVE!" Came a loud voice from behind them. The Soldiers froze.
Sokha slowly dropped the rifle in his grasp.
"You knew they were here?" The soldier's flabbergasted expression was comical under the moonlight.
"Sokha can hear Rat's fart Twenty metres away. Of course Sokha di
"DROP YOUR WEAPONS!" Another voice said.
The soldiers were all around them.
"You led us into an ambush?" The Soldier was looking around. The rest of the men were in the same state of panic. They looked around wide-eyed, fidgeting with their weapons. It was clear they were trapped.
"Wake up"
He felt a hard kick to his ribs. He had no memory of falling asleep. He remembered talking with Baba, he remembered being scared, then nothing. He fell into a dark dream in which he was being chased by shadows, "Blood! Blood! Blood!" They were chanting. He was running through a forest of black leaves.
Phantom voices over lapping one and another in the air. And so he ran. One of the shadows reached out with an arm twice, No...thrice as Long as a man. Its fingers were almost on his skin, when he woke up.
He more or less jumped awake. Baba and the boys stared at him, poised. It was as if they expected him to attack them.
Long pause.
The sunlight was trickling in through the trees.
The grass glistened with fresh dew drops. If Lucious hadn't been preoccupied with being trapped with these killers and the conundrum of saving his family, he would've heard the beautiful songs the birds were singing.
But he wasn't listening.
Baba's hand rested on the butt of his pistol. He had to admit it, the boy was dangerous. Was it wise to leave him alive? He wondered. The speed and strength he'd demonstrated earlier was frightening. The boy was clearly possessed by a demon. Whatever that meant for the war was unknown. But no doubt Overlord would know what to do with the boy- If they could get him back to their camp without incident.
The boy stared at him in silence. Maybe the kick was a bad idea.
"It is morning," Baba said softly. "A chopper will take us to The New Pride City"
"I want to see my father" Lucious whispered.
"Your father, your father," Baba rolling his eyes.
"None of us have fathers!" He grabbed one of the boys by the arm and raised it into the air.The
boy either didn't notice or didn't care. The last three fingers on the boy's hand had been crudely hacked off.
"Where was his father when his fingers were cut?" Baba snarled. "Overlord was the only father who cared for him, protected him"
He dropped the boy's hand and leaned into Lucious' face. He suddenly seemed like a blackened skull come to life.
"The spirits have brought you to us...Overlord is your father".
Long pause.
"No?" Baba wasn't certain he'd heard right.
"You would refuse?"
Lucious was about to say something when he heard the sound of an approaching vehicle.
Every boy seemed to tighten his grip on his weapon.
"It's Skull!" a particularly thin boy called out.
He looked like if he'd screamed any louder, he'd faint out of exhaustion.
The tension in the air went down a notch.
"Our ride is here" Baba smiled.
There was a flurry of movement just beyond the trees. The boys and Baba seemed pleased some how as if they were meeting very old friends.
Apparently, two trucks had arrived. One of the truck drivers seemed to be quite popular.
"Skull!" The boys cheered.
A large muscular man came through the trees.
"Always a pleasure to see you, my friend!" He shook Baba's hand.
"I trust your trip was without incident?" Skull said. To be fair, the man's head actually looked like a very large skull.
The boys were still cheering behind them. They were like children running around a favorite parent. Lucious remembered running around his Dad when he was younger. Funny how it seemed like a life time ago.
"Where's Scatta?" The big man asked. His large eyes scanned the faces of the boys . A weird silence descended. It seemed a thick cloud had suddenly darkened the morning.
"Where's my brother?" The big man's smiling face had vanished. In its place was a fierce expression of rage. He turned towards Baba.
"We had a small problem,..." Baba began, picking his words carefully.
Skull's eyes followed him the way a lion's would follow a Hyena in the forest.
"He didn't survive the test" Baba said finally meeting Skull's gaze.
"How?" Skull asked without blinking.
Long silence.
"The--boy we found in the forest---"
"How did my brother die?" Skull advanced towards Baba. He easily towered over him. He was like an armored tank standing next to Baba. The boys seemed to hold their breaths.
"---the boy," Baba pointed at Lucious. "he may be of use to----"
Skull moved faster than anyone could see. In a less than two seconds, he grabbed Baba's head with both hands and twisted his head anti-clockwise. A loud sound that was like the breaking of a branch echoed across the clearing. Baba stood there for a few seconds with his face grotesquely twisted at an impossible angle. He seemed to hover for a few seconds before his body fell to the ground.
No one moved.
The boys stared at their fallen leader with fear in their eyes. Lucious noticed a small dark patch form on the trousers of one of them.
Lucious felt a thunder in his chest. His legs suddenly felt flaccid underneath him.
"How did my brother die?" Skull said stepping over the fresh corpse towards Lucious. " Tell me the truth,or I'll break you two"
Lucious stared at Baba's lifeless form. The other teenagers withdrew as far as they could from him. Up close, Skull was like a mountain.
His shoulders were easily four times bigger than Dad's. There was no doubt that this man could squash him as an after thought.
"don't --- know what happened," Lucious began. "I blacked out---when I came to---"
"HOW DID MY BROTHER DIE?" The air from his mouth smelled of rot. His eyes were like peep holes into hell.
"Baba--- told me,----that I broke his arm---as if it were a twig," Lucious gulped.
In a flash, Skull's hand was at his throat. He felt the fingers squeeze into his flesh as the ground seemed to give way under his feet.
"How is that possible?" Skull's breath was in his face. "How could a twat like you kill my brother?"
Lucious was making choking sounds, the pressure on his neck was excruciating.
"Scatta was a warrior" Skull continued. "I trained him myself,"
The pressure on Lucious' throat was intense.
The rest of Skull's arm was like an Oak branch.
He was losing consciousness.
"---how could you kill Scatta?"
"He's one of them!" One of the teenagers blurted out.
The pressure around his throat loosened.
"Them?" Skull grinding his teeth.
Through his hazy vision of pain, Lucious saw one of the boys fearfully forward. He was the teen with the mutilated hand.
"--Yes" the boy said. The other teens drew away from him as if he were a hand-grenade about to go off. "He's--- one of the Strange Ones"
"Don't play games with me, Seven" Skull snarled. The fingers around Lucious' neck tightened again.
"---Its true" another boy said. "Baba----wanted to bring him to Overlord"
Skull turned his head to stare at the smallish boy.
Long pause.
"Let him go, Skull" said a man walking out of the trees. "We're here to drive the trucks. You can kill him when Overlord's done with him.
"And why not now?" Skull growled. The black spots at the edges of Lucious' vision were spreading.
"You really want to piss Over Lord by killing one of them?"
"No one would know"
"We would," the man shrugged. "And you can't kill all of us"
He stared at the man for a few seconds. Skull's contempt for the man was glaring.
Long silence.
Lucious dropped to the ground, clutching his throat, and gasping for air.
"Make no mistake, you piece of shit" Skull hissed. "You're mine once the boss is done with you."
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Very crude. Sokha thought. The boy's head was nearly cut in half by what could only have been a machete. He hated crude kills. Death was a gift that should be given cleanly, he thought.
He crouched next to the body and stared at it for a long time. The blood was still dripping from the teenage corpse. What piqued his curiosity was the boy's broken arm. The splintered bone still jutting out of torn flesh. Judging by the angle, he surmised that it had been the result of a single blow. He recognised it because he'd inflicted a similar injury on a soldier only weeks ago.
He touched the boy's skin. It was still warm. The area indicated that it had been previously occupied by twenty to thirty people.
Sunday, 3 April 2016
The lights went off and I shut my laptop down in anger. I had wasted a lot of time typing out reports trying to meet a deadline and just when I needed to submit them, the laptop ran out of power and the mifi didn't have network. So I was justifiably angry wasn't I? I sat up, looking around my office as the heat descended.
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Today is another Saturday, a lot of marriages were celebrated today, but there is a problem, a lot of marriages don't survive the first year. So what is the solution? Where has our generation gone wrong?
Friday, 1 April 2016
Do I look like I am joking with you? Peter asked in that icy cold tone. Hilda didn't bat a lash. She rolled her eyes and flicked her hair. In the first few years of their marriage, the tone had been enough to shut her up, not anymore. His famous Kryptonite Rock weapon had become as flaccid as soft "Fu-Fu".
Thursday, 31 March 2016
..My childhood memories are full of smiles and laughter. I was doted on by everybody, and never lacked. I was shielded, protected from the harsh realities of life. My mother was a socialite and to her, life was all about status.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Broken, bodies and shattered bones. Is this my 'normal?'. The carnage seems so warmth of a lover's hand. The stink of bodily fluids and gun powder conjugate to conceive the stench of death. I do not feel the bleeding holes on my body,....I can not feel the blood oozing from my skin. I feel nothing......I am static....a tabla rasa,....undefined. I am featureless and out of focus like a blur. Detached and yet connected to everything....and nothing.
Broken, bodies and shattered bones. Is this my 'normal?'. The carnage seems so warmth of a lover's hand. The stink of bodily fluids and gun powder conjugate to conceive the stench of death. I do not feel the bleeding holes on my body,....I can not feel the blood oozing from my skin. I feel nothing......I am static....a tabla rasa,....undefined. I am featureless and out of focus like a blur. Detached and yet connected to everything....and nothing.
Tuesday, 29 March 2016
Happy Birthday Chuks
I present to you, his highness Lord Chuks the Magnificient. First of his name, Master of words, Poetry King, Online Dada Numero Uno, Master of Swag, Bobo fine no be small. His words bring Kings and Lords to their knees.
He stood on the edge of the cliff. The winds were kind this evening, he thought. He felt the cool breeze against his face. He stared at the dark trees thousands of feet below . He could hear them whispering to each other. Theirs was a language lost to man. They spoke in tones too faint for mortals to detect. They were afraid. The night creatures were also afraid.
Something was coming for the Clans.
Sunday, 27 March 2016
" Any plans for today?" Lilly asked.
There was no answer. Paul's entire focus was on the noisy Gigantic Smart TV screen. His thumbs vigorously it tapped the control pad repeated as his body swayed from side to side
More violent sounds emanated from the TV making the luxury living sound like a mini battlefield.
Long pause.
Wild colours danced on the screen as gunshots and explosions rang out. Her husband's entire being seemed mesmerised by the carnage of the game he was playing.
No response.
Saturday, 19 March 2016
Sounds of crickets.
Sounds of insects buzzing in the cold night air.
They went silently through the forests just outside PrideLand. The three of them were like shadows within the trees. Micheal marveled at how fast Zikha and Broholo moved. It almost intrigued him. Like ninjas, they ran noiselessly as if their feet barely touched the ground.Micheal could barely keep up. They carried on like this for about five minutes. It seemed the serum gave them Stallion-like Lungs. Through the lens of his night-vision goggles, he saw Zikha signal for them to stop. Ofcourse, she and Brohlo didnt need night-vision goggles to see where they were going.
They crouched low into the underbrush.
Micheal felt the coolness of the leaves against his face as they peered at the road up ahead.
Sounds of insects buzzing in the cold night air.
They went silently through the forests just outside PrideLand. The three of them were like shadows within the trees. Micheal marveled at how fast Zikha and Broholo moved. It almost intrigued him. Like ninjas, they ran noiselessly as if their feet barely touched the ground.Micheal could barely keep up. They carried on like this for about five minutes. It seemed the serum gave them Stallion-like Lungs. Through the lens of his night-vision goggles, he saw Zikha signal for them to stop. Ofcourse, she and Brohlo didnt need night-vision goggles to see where they were going.
They crouched low into the underbrush.
Micheal felt the coolness of the leaves against his face as they peered at the road up ahead.
Saturday, 12 March 2016
The drive to the airport was long and uneventful. We were silent through the journey, and my mind fleeted between wondering what he was thinking about, and when would be the best time to inform him that I have never gotten on an airplane. I was woken up by a soft shove, I didn’t even know I had dozed off.
When it was time for takeoff, I squeezed her hands so hard, he let out a loud yelp dragging the attention of people around us, but I didn’t let go. That was the second time we had bodily contact. The first time being during the payment of my bride price, when I had to give him wine from a cup. Our fingers had brushed.
Thursday, 10 March 2016
I locked the door of the goat shed, not like it was worth locking. The wood was old and mold of different shades grew from it. One kick and the door would give way. But no one would dare. No one would dare steal Ibi-orubo’s goats. I swatted a mosquito, satisfied to see the blood on my leg. Glad I killed the pesky thing. How dare it perch on me, to drink its fill? Blood is hard to come by, and I certainly have none to spare. If anything, I need some blood myself.
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Dear John
Your gate man say you no dey house, but I dey see ur motor inside compound. I know say e don reach two years wey we see and I know say you you fit still dey vex for me.
Last wednesday, I see your pic for Facebook. Ma mind cum cut, becuz I know say wetin I do u, no good
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Zikha felt the needle pierce her skin. Like always, what followed was the warm rush of the serum as it oozed into her bloodstream. To her, the sensation was slightly erotic, like being caressed from the inside. She closed her eyes and let the feeling engulf her. Sex didn't even come close to the buzz she got from this. She loved it. She listened to the busy sounds of the lab as the doctors buzzed about amidst the sounds of the lab machines droning away.
"This is better than fucking!!" Brohlo howled.
"This is better than fucking!!" Brohlo howled.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
2204 HOURS...Kollupia.
The soldier's grip was solid steel. Lucius was roughly yanked away from the door. He had felt a momentary surge of excitement when he saw his father. He'd wanted to dash into the room and wrap his arms around him. Why didn't they allow him into the room? Why was dad tied up? Where was Mum? What did they want from them? His excitement was replaced with rage. He wanted to hurt them, he especially wanted to hurt the one they called Sokha.
Dad was here , which meant Mum was too. He had to think of a way to save them. It was up to him to save them.
"Move your ass!!" the Soldier barked.
The soldier's grip was solid steel. Lucius was roughly yanked away from the door. He had felt a momentary surge of excitement when he saw his father. He'd wanted to dash into the room and wrap his arms around him. Why didn't they allow him into the room? Why was dad tied up? Where was Mum? What did they want from them? His excitement was replaced with rage. He wanted to hurt them, he especially wanted to hurt the one they called Sokha.
Dad was here , which meant Mum was too. He had to think of a way to save them. It was up to him to save them.
"Move your ass!!" the Soldier barked.
I know its been awhile guys. I know I know I know. I guess the " We've been really busy at work"- excuse is kinda over done, but that's just the truth. Between work and business, we kinda have our hands full.
Saturday, 20 February 2016
Trapped 4
"RUN!!" Bossy screamed, but she didn't have to as I was ahead of her. I ran blindly, tripping over roots and stems. I didn't dare look back, to check for either Bossy or the corpse. As I ran, I wondered if it was worth it. Can anyone outrun a corpse? Has anyone had to? How could a corpse be running? What the heck has my life turned into? I ran until I lost all the energy or zeal to run. I fell to the ground, hiding my face on the ground. I wanted to die, but I didn't want to stare death in the face. I stayed there tense, wondering what and how I would feel. Would it be painful? Would she claw at me or give me a bite. It was eerily silent.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Micheal hated hospital gowns. They were loose, short and made him feel old and exposed. He sat on the bed staring at Doctor Ngi. The cast on his left hand weighed a ton. He still felt a dull ache in his head. Each time he moved, the pain in his head went up a notch.
Dr Ngi stared into a writing pad for a long time. Then she sighed.
"Have you spent alot of time around explosions, loud artillery concussive blasts, Mr Black?"
Micheal said nothing.
"I'll be honest with you, Mr Black" She said taking off her glasses. "Your condition is a bit more serious than I'd previously anticipated."
From the Corner of his eye, he could see Dhamiete hold his breath.
"Tell me" Micheal said softly.
Dr Ngi stared into a writing pad for a long time. Then she sighed.
"Have you spent alot of time around explosions, loud artillery concussive blasts, Mr Black?"
Micheal said nothing.
"I'll be honest with you, Mr Black" She said taking off her glasses. "Your condition is a bit more serious than I'd previously anticipated."
From the Corner of his eye, he could see Dhamiete hold his breath.
"Tell me" Micheal said softly.
Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Good morning darls. Today we join Pamela Ugochi Orji to thank God for adding a year to her beautiful life.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
The warriors marched towards the palace. They numbered in the thousands armed with swords, shields and spears twice as tall as men. The men's facial features obscured by war paint with fearless eyes. Their seemed to be no doubt in those eyes. These were men going to battle, these were men willing to kill or die this day.
And so they marched on.
Saturday, 13 February 2016
He sat in the corner, hugging his knees against his chest. The floor was icy cold and his butt cheeks felt numb. The chill was coming from air vents in the ceiling. There was no bed in this four by four cell. All he had for company was a metallic sink and a toilet seat ( which had come in handy in the past two days...or so).
The smell of bacon and eggs filled the room.
He stared at the untouched food for a long time. His stomach rumbled, Father had taught him to ignore pain and visualise a 12 inch thick steel wall.
"You are a steel wall," father would say. "
The smell of bacon and eggs filled the room.
He stared at the untouched food for a long time. His stomach rumbled, Father had taught him to ignore pain and visualise a 12 inch thick steel wall.
"You are a steel wall," father would say. "
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Sorry about your comments guys. We had some minor technical some comments were deleted by accident......long story. Wont happen again sha.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
ALEXA RANTS pt 4. 7days to Valentine.
Na God go punish all these men!
Can you believe it, seven days to valentine and I still don't have a man? Chai! E don reach wey I go carry my rant reach Huffington Post and Facebook oooh! Infact, I should go on Twitter and Nairaland and vent. What rubbish? Is sex all they want? Nobody wants to get to know you or take out time to woo you. All they want is; " Oya hang leg for window, ....or hold protector make we Fire down!!!" And people wonder why women say Nigerian men are not romantic. This is just wrong. I'm so tired of all this. My parents think I'm either confused or a lesbian. "Alexa," my mother said softly over the phone Last week. " If you're a lesbian, please tell me. I promise I wont judge you. I'm your mother"
Saturday, 6 February 2016
Micheal would remember that sound for the rest of his life.
Time became one horrific congealed moment.
Micheal watched the side of his wife's head explode into a thick spray of bloodied skull fragments and chunks of flesh. He watched her lifeless body fall (almost in slow-motion) to the ground. He would play that image over and over in his head for the rest of his life.
Micheal would remember that sound for the rest of his life.
Time became one horrific congealed moment.
Micheal watched the side of his wife's head explode into a thick spray of bloodied skull fragments and chunks of flesh. He watched her lifeless body fall (almost in slow-motion) to the ground. He would play that image over and over in his head for the rest of his life.
Thursday, 4 February 2016
Trapped 3
She looked around, knowing it was a trick. Just like the baby. But she listened carefully wondering where the sound was coming from, then she went in the opposite direction. Gracie moved stealthily trying not to make too much noise. This was almost impossible, as the dried grass crunched under her feet. She was grateful to have found her shoes. At least the cuts on her feet were no longer exposed to all the dirt.
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Richard's first impulse was to fight......(scratch that) Run! He was no fighter. Even if he were, he wouldn't pick a fight with a monster like Beast.
"Richard, it's not what it looks like" Stella's hysterical voice said. "He forced himself on me.....I swe....."
Monday, 1 February 2016
Micheal stood at the balcony of the house and stared into the yard. All was quiet and peaceful. The night air felt good against his skin. Lucious had been sent to bed early. Nse had cut off all his Inter net and phone privileges. She still hadn't quite decided on the proper punishment for his crime. She was still really pissed.
Friday, 29 January 2016
The room was silent.
Miss Kingston scribbled into the file in front of her. She seemed entirely oblivious to the couple sitting across her table. There were sheets of papers neatly stacked on her left, next to the tiny tag that said "Head Mistress".
She stopped scribbling and stared into the file for a few seconds. It was difficult to determine the size of her eye balls through the goggle-sized glasses she was wearing.
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
She stood up slowly, trying to trace the cries. She turned around and walked towards the sound. she had lost her shoes while running, and her feet were bleeding. She walked with a limp and tried to be as noiseless as possible.
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Gracie woke up with a start. She felt pain in a thousand places, of and something hard was pressed against her back. It hurt like crazy. But of all the pains, her head topped the charts.Then she remembered being struck on her head and falling to the ground. Her last thought had been her baby. She had been on her way to the day care, to pick her up. She tried to move, but her body felt heavy. She couldn’t move any of her limbs.
Friday, 22 January 2016
They stared at the ceiling in silence. There was actually nothing to say. John's mind orbited around a single question over and over again.: Why the f**k did I let that happen?" For the life of him, he couldn't give a satisfactory answer to that question other than; he was horny....and he just wanted to.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
"Impossible....." The Kulgan hissed at the Elemental.
Everyone stared in shock.
Bonhye's radiance was unearthly, even the blade seemed to glow like a distant star in her grasp.
" You will not win this time" the Kulgan snarled. "I am Tyrohk. The last of the Superior Race. Rahbrocs, Kill her!!!"
With the ferocity of wild beasts, the Rahbrocs charged at the elemental. Bonhye took a strange fighting stance as the monsters swarmed all over her. In seconds, even her light was eclipsed by scores of the dark creatures.
Long pause.
"We're f**ked!" Muuaji heard her own voice whisper.
Everyone stared in shock.
Bonhye's radiance was unearthly, even the blade seemed to glow like a distant star in her grasp.
" You will not win this time" the Kulgan snarled. "I am Tyrohk. The last of the Superior Race. Rahbrocs, Kill her!!!"
With the ferocity of wild beasts, the Rahbrocs charged at the elemental. Bonhye took a strange fighting stance as the monsters swarmed all over her. In seconds, even her light was eclipsed by scores of the dark creatures.
Long pause.
"We're f**ked!" Muuaji heard her own voice whisper.
Saturday, 9 January 2016
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! opustjkwrites.
It's been a year already? Wow!!! It's amazing how time flies (and yes, its been fun). Learnt a lot from blogging these past months. It's really true what they say, "You'll never know until you try." It's been an amazing ride. Can't say I haven't loved it. It's been suuuuper!!! The feed back has been epic. It's shocking to recall that opustjkwrites is just a year old.
Thursday, 7 January 2016
Adele walked into the house, trying to keep her face neutral but she was angry…. Very angry. Her mother was in the living room peeling egusi and watching a soap opera when she swiftly went into her room. She knew her mother would shout on her for days, when she realises that she had broken yet another bucket, but she didn’t care. That silly girl deserved it.
Monday, 4 January 2016
A series of explosions occurred around the court yard. Multiple ruptures took place, throwing clouds of dust, debris into the air.
Men were flung from the ground, screaming as their bodies were torn to pieces by rocks. The first Rahbrocs broke through the surface. The sight of these monsters tremored the insides of every sword-wielding man.
Men were flung from the ground, screaming as their bodies were torn to pieces by rocks. The first Rahbrocs broke through the surface. The sight of these monsters tremored the insides of every sword-wielding man.
Friday, 1 January 2016
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!2016 is here at last
2016 is here!
The year of prosperity, the year of fantastic weddings, the year of beautiful children, the year of New Jobs and businesses, the year of break throughs and miracles, the year we find out if John Snow is alive or dead (I'm especially very curious about that one.....sue me!)
Ada gathered her nightgown about her. She felt her heart pounding inside her chest.
More banging at the door.
"UNA NO WAN OPEN D DOOR???" Came a harsh male voice from the other side of the door.
"Jesus!" She heard her husband exclaim from behind her. " you think its armed r..robbers?"
"No Simon, its Jehovah's Witness pounding at our door at 3am in the morning."
"Are you mocking me?" He whispered back defensively.
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "" "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...