"Impossible....." The Kulgan hissed at the Elemental.
Everyone stared in shock.
Bonhye's radiance was unearthly, even the blade seemed to glow like a distant star in her grasp.
" You will not win this time" the Kulgan snarled. "I am Tyrohk. The last of the Superior Race. Rahbrocs, Kill her!!!"
With the ferocity of wild beasts, the Rahbrocs charged at the elemental. Bonhye took a strange fighting stance as the monsters swarmed all over her. In seconds, even her light was eclipsed by scores of the dark creatures.
Long pause.
"We're f**ked!" Muuaji heard her own voice whisper.
The strange noise suddenly filled the air. It was the sound of a violent whirlwind. Then a blinding glare exploded from the midst of the creatures. The closest Rahbrocs instantly disintegrated into clouds of ash and dust.
All who saw it had to shield their eyes from the brightness and exploding ash.
Tsunda covered Fhuro from the flying debris.
The dust cloud rose high...... then slowly cleared.
Bonhye's figure stepped out of the smoke unruffled and as radiant as she first appeared.
The air around the Kulgan shimmered and a mighty Black sword appeared in his hand.
"You would send puny Rahbrocs against me?" Bonhye screamed in voice that seemed to reverberate within the bones of all whom heard it.
"I am the Alpha of the Bloodline, I am the Wahri battle Cry, I am the First Kulgan Champion, ,....I AM BONHYE THE MIGHTY!!!"
"Rahbrocs, Kill them all!!!"
Multiple explosions rocked the ground.
Bonhye charged at the Kulgan. A bright blast of light exploded between the fighters as their blades clashed sending a powerful shock wave that trembled the walls of the palace.
"You've already lost, Bonhye..." The Tyrohk grinded his teeth. Their swords continued to press against each other as violence erupted around them.
"You're uglier than I remember" Bonhye grinned.
The Rahbrocs attacked and Muuaji spun into action, stabbing, kicking and shoving the creatures.
The Wahri and Kivuli warriors seemed suddenly energised by the arrival of the elemental. Fierce War cries rang out across the court yard as claws and blades, stabbed and slashed through the air.
In the blur of battle, Muuaji stole a glance at Tsunda. What she saw chilled her heart. The Wahri Captain was still on the ground, with Fhuro's head still cradled in her lap. Her sword lay next by her side. She seemed oblivious to the battle around her.
Mallish had escaped the fall with little or no injuries. He cursed himself for underestimating the High Wizard. Fortunately for him, Lord Zahr was no longer a factor, he thought as he watched a Rahbroc tear open a soldier's throat. He could feel the vibrations in the earth whenever the Kulgan sword met Tyrohk's blade. He gazed across the frenzy of battle. His eyes settled on Thari. Without her Wizard, she was a sitting duck. This was too easy, he thought as he levitated towards the platform.
"Tsunda!!!" Muuaji screamed as a Rahbroc claw narrowly missed her mid-section. She side-stepped away from the demon's charge, and shoved the Rahbroc into the waiting blade of a Kivuli warrior. For a fraction of a second, her eyes met the Kivuli warrior's. The man gave her a small nod returned to the fray. Muuaji's eyes returned to Tsunda. The Captain was still on the ground. Several Rahbrocs were bearing down on her position.
"Tsunda!!!" She screamed again as she stabbed another Rahbroc. But the captain seemed oblivious to anything. Muuaji saw an opening, and lunged towards the Captain.
Tsunda stared into Fhuro's lifeless face. The sound of battle and danger around her drowned out by the pain she felt inside her. She touched his face tenderly. His skin was fast losing it's warmth. She felt something charging towards her. She looked up just in time to see Muuaji impaling a Rahbroc with her long sword.
"B**Ch, get off your a**and fight!!!" Muuaji panted. Suddenly, three Rahbrocs crashed into the Kivuli Mistress. Muuaji's sword was torn from her grasp as she was knocked to the ground. She felt a creature's weight on her as claw descended towards her chest.
Thari watched the Warlock float towards her. She retreated into the hallway behind her. She turned to run, but the Warlock's form suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her path.
" I own you, b**Ch" He grinned. "There's no one to protect you"
"Please, don't kill me" She fell to her knees.
Something about her seemed off. The warlock noted. She seemed......different somehow. But there was no time to think. He had to get this over with quickly.
"Please.....I'll do anything" Thari whimpered.
"You're pathetic" he snarled as his hands began to glow. His eyes caught something partially hidden behind a door. Fear gripped his heart when he realized what he was seeing.
It was Thari's limp physical form. In that same instant, he felt her phantom fingers on his skin. He instantly lost control of his body, and remained perfectly still. He cursed himself for being so stupid. She'd tricked him. Her whole act was just to get him within touching distance.
Thari's spirit form rose to its feet.
".....'I own you,....b**ch'..." She grinned triumphantly. " I command you to go down there, and kill Lord Tyrohk"
"....Yes...Mistress" Mallish heard his own voice say.
The claw never made it. The creature was thrown off the Kivuli Mistress by an incredible force. Through the glare of the sun, Muuaji watched the captain dispatch the remaining two Rahbrocs swiftly.
"Get off your a**" Tsunda panted. " And don't ever call me b**Ch again"
"Aye, Captain!" Muuaji grinned.
Thari watched Mallish descend into the fray. From where she was standing, she couldn't see the Captain. The Rahbrocs out numbered them five to one. Her soldiers were dropping like flies.
The clashing of swords between the Elemental and the Kulgan were like blinding lightening flashes. Their movements were invisible to the naked eye. They were like phantoms in a mist doing an ancient dance.
"Do you know what happens to an elemental in death?" Tyrohk growled. Their blades were pressed against each other again. Their strengths were evenly matched. " Your essence wanders the underworld aimlessly finding no peace for millenniums"
"It is you that shall know death this day" Bonhye retorted.
The Kulgan used his might to shove the elemental . The force of the assault threw Bonhye backwards, sending her into a wild skid across the ground.
Tsunda and Muuaji stood back to back stabbing, hacking, dodging and blocking Rahbrocs.
"Do you have eyes on Thari??" Tsunda screamed as she stuck her dagger into a Rahbroc's chest.
"I'm a little busy, Captain!!!" Muuaji smashed her fist into one of the creatures, sending it crashing into it's comrades.
"I have to f**king get to her!!!"
"In case.... you haven't noticed, captain...," Muuaji plucked her sword from a demon, swiftly slashed at the legs of another, then finished it off with an upward thrust to its chest. "....We're in the middle of a s**tstorm!!"
"If Thari dies, we've lost.....aah!!" A large Rahbroc grabbed the Captain by the throat and lifted her off the ground. "A....little help....Muuaji....?"
The Kivuli Mistress spun around in a blur and impaled the creature with her blade. The Captain dropped to the ground, choking and coughing. A warm spray of blood rained on them. They looked just in time to see a Rahbroc shredding the chest cavity of a soldier with its claws.
"The F**kers are too many" Tsunda panted. "We're losing"
Muuaji stared at the carnage around them. Bloodied torn up bodies of warriors littered the ground. Tsunda was right, she thought. The Rahbrocs were everywhere.
Tyrohk sensed magic close by. He turned to stare at Mallish. The Black Warlock's hands were glowing. The Kulgan instantly realized the warlock was under the High Queen's spell. In an ideal situation, he'd have killed Mallish in an instant. But the Warlock could still prove to be useful. Tyrohk broke the Spirit- Walker's spell with a simple stare. In seconds, the Warlock stood there as if he'd just been broken out of a trance.
But Kulgan had taken his eyes of the elemental one second too long. In a blur, Bonhye threw herself at him spinning in mid air like a brutal tornado, she swung her sword decapitating the Kulgan in one blinding strike. She landed expertly on one knee, still holding the sword in an after-strike pose, as the shocked entity that was Tyrohk exploded in a blast of light.
Long pause.
All the Rahbrocs stood still as if frozen in place.
The soldiers held their breaths, anticipating more attacks.
Then the creatures literally disintegrated before their eyes as if their bodies were mere ash and dust.
Long silence.
"It's over" Muuaji panted. There was an instant roar of excitement as the soldiers (Kivuli and Wahri) threw their swords into the air and began to chant:
Tsunda and Muuaji stared around themselves in disbelief.
The elemental slowly rose to her feet and stared at her cheerers.
Tsunda rushed to Fhuro's side again. The Champion's skin had grown cold.
"You can save him, right?" The Captain pleaded. "All you have to do is use the sword, right?"
There was sadness in the elemental's eyes as she stared at the Captain.
The elemental crouched beside the Captain and the fallen Champion. One could almost touch the sorrow that radiated from her.
"Tyrohk's curse was absolute" she said softly. " Fhuro's soul is too far away..... There's nothing the Kulgan blade can do for him. .....I'm sorry"
"What.....the f**k does that mean?" Tsunda's voice was breaking. The tears hadn't descended to her cheeks, but they tremored in her eyes. "What the....f**k does that mean?.....Save him!!"
"Calm yourself captain" Muuaji said softly. " If Bonhye says there's nothing....."
"Shut the f**kup, b**ch!!" Tsunda snapped and rose to her feet. Muuaji instinctively tightened her grip on her sword.
The chanting stopped.
"There's nothing I can do for your friend, Tsunda....Fhuro's soul is...."
"Don't you f**king say his name," Tsunda spat, taking an aggressive step towards the elemental. But Muuaji blocked her path.
"Easy, Tsunda" said the Kivuli mistress.
" She has to f**king save him" The Captain's rage was like a sudden blast of heat. " ....if he dies the bloodline....."
"....shall continue through you" Bonhye said gently, stepping past Muuaji towards the Captain.
Tsunda stared in shock as the elemental pressed a warm hand against her belly.
" You have known more pain than anyone here" Bonhye began. Her voice was gentle and soothing as morning breeze. " I sense you will know more pain. I do not envy the path ahead of you. But it is yours to walk.... It is your duty to protect them both"
"...them....? " Tsunda's rage slowly dissolved to confusion.
"The two that grow inside you as we speak"
Muuaji and the other soldiers all wore dumbfounded expressions.
Tears rolled down her face, as Tsunda unconsciously placed her hands against her stomach.
"What the f**k?"
The elemental flexed the sword and expertly pinned it into the earth.
"Your burden will be heavy" Bonhye said, turning away. " But you must protect the children.....you must protect the sword....by any means necessary"
Seconds after these words were uttered, the Elemental vanished from their sights. Tsunda slowly fell to her knees. The enormity of her situation was just too much for her to bear. She covered her face with her hands and softly cried into them.
None spoke. No one had ever seen the captain cry.....No one even knew she were even capable of crying. Muuaji hesitantly placed a hand on the captain's shoulder as she continued to cry.
The throne room was full. The past few days had been spent burying the dead and trying to put the palace back together again. The Kivuli had been helpful, more of the Shadow warriors had arrived to help with rebuilding. But as Thari looked across the sea of people, she knew that not all things could be easily buried or rebuilt. So much had been lost. The people seemed to have lost all hope. Even Tsunda didn't seem the same anymore. Her eyes seemed to have lost their fire....her fierceness seemed diluted with pain and sadness.
Despair filled the air of the throne room. She returned her eyes to Muuaji, standing alone just before the throne steps. The Kivuli Mistress' eyes were fixed on a section of the floor in front of her. This was going to be difficult, Thari sighed.
"Muuaji of the Kivuli!" Thari began. " You have been found guilty of using magic against the people of Wahri, Killing the People's lieutenant...."
Thari paused at the memory of Letulo's head and the attack in the throne room. She stole a glance at Tsunda. The Captain's eyes met hers and slowly looked away.
So much had been lost.
" .....and raising your sword against the High Queen...The punishment for your crimes, is death"
Long silence.
The entire throne room was deathly still.
Muuaji didn't even budge.
"However," Thari rose from her throne. " without the aid of you and your dark warriors, we would all be dead"
Several Wahri soldiers shifted uncomfortably, but none spoke.
" In light of these actions," Thari went on as steady as a soldier's hand. "I have no choice but to banish you from the Kingdom of Wahri. You and your Kivuli are never to return to the clans....ever again"
The silence remained. But more than a few nobles and peasants were pleased with the High Queen's judgement. None desired to see the Kivuli Mistress hang.
The void was opened again but this time, in the Palace court yard. The Kivuli warriors darted through the rift soundlessly as the entire palace watched.
"Thank you, Tsunda" Muuaji said as she stood close to the Captain.
"I still want to f**king gut you"
"Is that any way for the mother of Kulgan Champions to talk?" Muuaji smiled.
"I don't know s**t about motherhood" Tsunda said.
Muuaji unhooked a small pendant from a pouch at her hip. The pendant looked old and cracked in many places.
"Take this," Muuaji offered her. " I know what I've taken from you, can never be replaced. But if you ever need my help.....just call my name"
"This old s**t looks almost as ugly as you" Tsunda shrugged.
" Whatever, captain" Muuaji said with a bow and swiftly flipped into the rift.
Tsunda stared into the faces of the twins. A boy child, and a girl. The girl had Fhuro's eyes...and as far as she could tell, the boy seemed to have his mother's temper. Giving birth to them had been f**king painful. She had cursed, punched and bitten the royal medics. But when she looked into the faces of the twins for the first time, she knew her life would never be the same. Dark images of Rahbrocs and Shetanis instantly flooded her mind. She saw Fhuro fall to the ground after by struck by Tyrohk's curse. Was this the world she was bringing them into? She silently cursed Fhuro for leaving her with this burden. She cursed herself for delaying what she knew she had no other choice to do. Where the f**k was Chuhks when you needed him? She wondered.
But this was the only way. She picked up the Kulgan blade. The damn thing was heavier than she realized. Then she gathered the twins to her. The boy made a weird sound. She suddenly got the sense that he didn't like being moved about unexpectedly. Like mother like son, she smiled.
She brought out the s**tty looking pendant Muuaji had given her. She took one last look at the twins, and with a heavy sigh, she spoke the name:
"Muuaji!" At first, nothing happened. The her chamber room was still as it was. The girl made a sound that Tsunda could've sworn sounded like a giggle. She always seemed to have a bit of her father's mischief in her eyes.
Tsunda was about to say the name again, when the pendant trembled in her hand and the room suddenly vanished in a blinding light.
When the light dissolved, she realized she'd been shielding the twins from the bright glare.
The boy had the same weird look on his face, the girl was smiling. Like her father, she always seemed to find humour in everything.
They were somewhere in the mountains. The air was cool and windy. She held on to the twins tightly. Their fur covering would provide a certain degree of warmth for the children.
"Stop!!" Came an authoritative voice from above them. Tsunda looked up to see a Kivuli archer, pointing an arrow at her.
"I am Tsunda" The Captain spoke " tell your mistress I am here"
The archer instantly dropped his bow and bowed to her and gestured for her to follow him.
They walked for what seemed like a really long time, they came to a clearing, in a great valley There were easily Five thousand Kivuli warrior scattered about the valley.
"I'm surprised you accepted my invitation, Tsunda" Muuaji said stepping out from a small crowd of Kivuli warriors.
" I f**king hate 'Magic- travel' ...." Tsunda shrugged.
"Is that them???" Muuaji exclaimed excitedly. She came towards Tsunda and covered their faces with kisses. "They're so adorable" Muuaji suddenly seemed like a loving aunt as opposed to a stone cold killer.
"So, how can I help you, Tsunda?" Muuaji asked minutes later. She seemed so entranced by the twins. She literally couldn't keep her hands off them. Watching her play with them, Tsunda couldn't help the deep sadness she felt inside her.
"I want you to take them" she heard her own voice say.
Muuaji paused. They were seated close to a fire. It was evening, and the flames cast light shadows across Muuaji's face.
"You what??"
"....and the Kulgan Blade" Tsunda said handing her the weapon.
"Whoa,Whoa,....Whoa!!!" Muuaji exclaimed, jumping to her feet as if they were under attack by Rahbrocs. "Have you been drinking enchanted water?.....I was there when Bonhye said, they were YOUR responsibility"
"The f**king palace has been breached more than once by monsters" The Captain spat.
"Tsunda!.....'Language'...." Muuaji exclaimed as she attempted to shield the ears of the babies.
Tsunda arched an eye brow and stared at her.
" They wont be safe at the Palace"
".....And you think they'd be safe with me?.....Me and my warriors have been banished, remember?.....we are hot on Mallish's trail. That fuc......that man will pay for his crimes"
Long pause.
Tsunda stares sightlessly into the flames.
" I will not lose them like I f**king lost Fhuro"
"Fhuro's death was not your fault" Muuaji retorted.
"But Letulo's was yours"
Long silence.
Muuaji seemed to recoil at that last remark.
"That was f**ked up" Tsunda sighed. "I shouldn't have said that"
"No,...... it's not f**ked up.....I had it coming"
Tsunda continued to stare into the flames.
" I'm not the Tsunda I used to be" She said. "I can barely f**king hold a sword without seeing Fhuro's face. It's only a matter of time before some lucky f**ker gets a blade into me."
Muuaji was staring into the flames also. Her mind was in a thousand places at once.
"If they stay with me, they'll die" Tsunda continued softly. "I cant f**king protect Thari and them at the same time. Even now, the nobles are scrambling to replace her. If that happens, I don't want to be the only thing standing between my babies and a violent death. They are the last of their bloodline, they must be protected"
Muuaji was silent.
" You can train them,....raise them" Tsunda continued. "But if you f**king tatoo their faces, I'll f**king behead you"
"I dont know s**t about being a mother" Muuaji said in a small voice after a long silence.
"You'll figure it out" Tsunda rose to her feet. It was night time, and the air was cooler.
"Why in such a hurry to return to the palace?" Muuaji asked without looking at her. " You can stay here with the children, you'll be safe"
Tsunda turned away from the flames and stood perfectly still.
"Years ago,I made a promise to a great King to always protect his daughter" she said. "I will die by Thari's side."
They remained silent for close to an hour after that. Both women preoccupied with their thoughts.
Without staring at the twins, Tsunda walked away from Muuaji.
"Just open me a f**king portal" She said with out turning around.
" Its suicide, going back there" Muuaji called after her.
"Tell my children the truth about me"
Long silence.
Tears were in Muuaji's eyes. With a heavy sigh and a loud voice she declared;
"All hail Second Blade Tsunda,the Unkillable!"
Tsunda stopped and turned around.
"Destroyer of Shetani," She continued. "....Destroyer of Rahbrocs, Captain of the Wahri Army, Mother of Kulgan Champions.....and a friend....of Muuaji"
The entire moutain top came alive with Kivuli Warriors chanting;
A portal opened in behind the Captain.
Both women were grateful for the dark. As they couldn't see each other's tears.
"Be brave...Muuaji" Tsunda declared, throwing her hand into the air.
The Kivuli Mistress copied the gesture and muttered under her breath :
"....and never doubt.."
Tsunda turned around and walked into the rift.
....................THE END......................
Thursday, 14 January 2016
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "Mr...um..." "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Opus I F**KING LOVE YOU. Ivy no vex biko. U killed this story d right way. Please, it can't just end dis way.
DeleteOh, my Tsunda, *wipes tears.
Oh Fhuro, why should you die?
Oh opus, I don't want it to end. Pleaseeeeee.
Opusites, I love u guys too. I see u all.
Biko where is my boo?
Dede Iyke kedu?
Hawt Mrs darl, how u dey?
Opusites nno nu.
Pam hunnay, I full ground.
Ryt here.
DeleteAm still loyal ma!
DeleteWow!Thanks so much opusivy...
ReplyDelete#wipes tears
ReplyDeleteThe end you say? The what? Opus, don't get me angry o. Wait first. Ivy, plz come. I want to report Opus to you. He ended the story!!! How can? Do something about it please. But opus dear, thari needs to die, Mallish needs to be king for a lil while, Tsunda needs to die, and the twin need to play like simba and his babe b4 going for war. Haba!!! Av pictured it all in my head o
ReplyDeleteSame line of thought here!
DeleteThat was heartbreaking to say the least. A moment of silence, i'll comment on the story much later...
ReplyDeleteAwww this broke my heart. Can a mother love someone more than her children? I doubt it sha.
ReplyDeleteYes, a mother can
DeleteNo no no! Opus,this cannot be d end o. Season 3 loading. I fucking love this! Tsunda n Muuaji will make a great fiend but those children being train as a Kivuli warrior will be unstoppable. Nice story Opus, it was worth d wait.
ReplyDeleteOMG!!!m f***ing crying ryt now.dis story is WOW!.great job opus...
What an emotional episode! Opus and Ivy, where have you been all my life? This is a masterpiece, I mean world class. Danielle Steele in all her glory and awesomeness has nothing on you. You both are just blessed, you have no idea. Long live opusivy. But please, post more often, you have no idea how many times I have checked...
ReplyDeleteLeave my Danielle Steel alone o. Lol
ReplyDeleteI'm just so sad (even though) I strongly suspected it would end this way. Nevertheless, this story is a masterpiece. A world class award winning series. I sense series 3 of the Wahri tales seriously load. We'll done OpusIvy. You get better by the day.
ReplyDeleteWAOW,WAOW WAOW!How do i express myself?
ReplyDeleteLet's watch out if part three is coming!
Opusivy,thanks for making the long wait, worthwhile!
Worthwhile indeed and emotional too.
DeleteWow! Just wow! Who would have thought... Heart wrenching end to the story,rip fhuro...and bravo Opus, bravo!
ReplyDeleteEnter your comment...Gud job Opusivy. I must say i Neva xpected it to end dis way. Pls post more often, I checked so many times my hubby started to complain.
ReplyDeleteThanks Opus. Loving this climax though I wish it continues. Take care my darling Tsunda.
ReplyDeleteOpus, you are GOOD. This is awesome. You made me cry. It takes great love for a mother to give up her children so they can live. Hail Tsunda. Great respect for Muuaji. Waiting for season 3.
ReplyDeleteI've been a silent blog visitor for a long time, today I have to break the chain. Opust and ivy, you guys are unbelievable! God bless you real big.
ReplyDeleteAhh. Fhuro. Hm. At long last. This is a story meant for Hollywood. What a ride.
ReplyDeleteFhuro is gone. Let Thari cool down. I hope she won't continue to resent Tsunda for getting Fhuro (even if it was for a short while. I will seriously miss Fhuro.
ReplyDeleteWow. Season 3 oh
ReplyDeleteGot some mixed feelings here. This story cant end. What about Mallish? Is he coming up with more mischief in season 3? Wait! Is there going to be a season 3? If yes, can you kindly kill Tsunda and Thari and have Fhuro's son be the king of Whari Kingdom?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the beautiful stories though; cant wait to read more...
Wow infact woaw!!! Damn!!! Opus igbakala m isi.... U re more dan gud opus!!! Chai y dos my beloved fhuro has 2 go? I feel 4 Tsunda she didn't even get 2 enjoy fhuro @ all. @ tosinjacob pls leave my danielle steel alone o Seriously waiting for season 3 opus biko emela m ihe a
ReplyDeleteI can't stop crying. I don't know if its bcos the story have come to an end or bcos fhuro is dead or bcos muaji and tsunda are friends. Its so overwhelming. Good job opus. More grace to write more of dis. I salute you. It ended just right but I won't might if we hv a sequel.
Pam n chuks wia art thou??? U guys shud get in here b4 d story gets cold n also help me beg opus 2 extend d story biko.
ReplyDeleteThe story will take on a new life in a different dimension.
DeletePlease it's okay. No more extensions. Let's have Kollupia instead. Micheal and Nse can't just vanish like that.
DeleteNnenna dear, I dey oh. Opus bikonu, do something. Atleast tell us if there's going to be an extension.
DeleteOooh, *sniff!!! Sad that this is the end. What a riveting story. Opus, thumbs up!!!
ReplyDeleteI woke up and the 1st thing I checked was this blog. And in all the carnage, I had hope that Fhuro wasn't dead. Right now, I'm actually hurt. I really am.
ReplyDeleteWOW...Awesome way to end this season. I believe there be next season. Thumbs up Opus
ReplyDeleteOpusIvy, simply the best. A poem should be in order for dear Fhuro.
ReplyDeleteBut this is a great story! Please do remember to call Columbia pictures to shoot the movie... nice one!
ReplyDelete... And Fhuro had to die! Sad, but a beautiful way to end. Thuogh I'll keep my fingers crossed as I await d fate of Mallish, which I hope Opus would do something about. I enjoyed every episode. Thanks Opus and Ivy.
ReplyDelete@ chuks any tribute 4 my darling fhuro? @ opus z it wen am admitted in d hospital outta high blood pressure u willl post somefin?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI cried, and was so ashamed to say it was fiction that made me cry. Opus and Ivy I respect you a lot.
The end. #mourningfhuro..
ReplyDeleteThank you Opus.
Are we on break? No stories?
ReplyDelete@ opus n ivy pls can u pls post somefin even if it's jez a line so we'd knw u still got us.... In btw ope u guys re gud tho
ReplyDeleteOmgosh I'm just in awe. Super!!! Kisses Opus you have done well.
ReplyDeleteFriking awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteI love it