Tyrohk Stared down from the hill top. A large crowd of citizens had gathered at the gates of the palace. He could sense the confusion and fear in the air. The place was ripe for the taking, He thought. He could almost feel the contours of the Kulgan Blade against his fingers. It was his birth right, it was his destiny. His time had come, finally he would reclaim what had been denied him for more than a millenium.
He could sense the Rahbrocs below. They were hungry. They wanted blood. But he had to hold them at bay for a few more seconds.
"It seems all is not well for the Clans" Mallish chuckled.
The Kulgan frowned. The Black Warlock was a pest. He hated such intrusions. In ancient times, this fecal heap would've been offering up sacrifices to him instead of interrupting his thoughts with unintelligent statements. He made a mental note to end him once the Blade was in his grasp.
"It would appear so" Tyrohk said softly. "Go down there and announce my arrival"
Mallish paused for a few seconds. He obviously couldn't understand why they were not attacking immediately. He stared at his master for a few moments, but said nothing. Death was the last thing he desired for himself. He went down towards the palace.
The air was deathly still. Not a single soldier stirred. The Shock in their eyes was priceless, Muuaji thought. No one had ever bested Tsunda so effortlessly. She pressed her sword a little bit more into the Captain's neck. The blade nicked the flesh there. A tiny stream of blood trickled down her flesh.
"Her name, was Tamihla," Muuaji said steadily voice. "She was High Priestess of Aglasar, true descendant of the First Kivuli lords"
Long pause.
"Tamihla,......" Tsunda's voice trailed off.
Instantly, an image of a tall, dark-haired woman flashed into her mind's eye. Then she remembered. "That...was your mother?....she was under Mallish's control, you b**Ch. Her order believed in the old ways:...human sacrifices, dark magic.. Her s**tty rebellion was tearing the Clan apart.She refused to see reason with my King....she tried to kill him for f**ksake!!"
"Liar!!!" Muuaji spat, smashing her foot into Tsunda's face.
The side of Tsunda's face exploded with pain the instant Muuaji's fist made contact. Tsunda grunted, and rolled on her side.
Fhuro took a cautious step forward.
" Think you're fast enough, Kulgan Champion?"
Muuaji smiled. " Do you think you're fast enough to get here before I ventilate this b**ch?"
Fhuro paused. Judging from her skill and speed, he doubted he could get there in time.
But he knew he had to do something.....fast.
Muuaji crouched next to Tsunda. The Kivuli Mistress seemed completely unruffled from the fight before.
"My mother," Muuaji continued. "Was a true Kivuli Mistress. You and your King had her executed for her beliefs..."
"Your mother...." Tsunda managed. " was already dead ...when I put my sword through her....Mallish took over her mind....."
"Shut up!!" Muuaji's fist crashed into Tsunda's face.
Thari gasped. This was hopeless. If she felt fear before, now she was petrified. She felt helpless.
If Tsunda died.......But teenage Queen didn't dare finish the thought. It's implications were too terrifying.
The agitated Wahri soldiers didn't dare make a move for fear of what would happen to their Queen if they did. For all intents and purposes, Tsunda was on her own.
"My mother would never let the Black Warlock control her !!!" Muuaji's eyes were bloodshot with rage.
Tsunda's sword lay on the ground, just a few feet away. She lunged for it, but Muuaji was quicker. Like a lightening strike, her foot kicked it away seconds before the Captain could reach it. Tsunda crumbled to the ground again, tasting sand and blood in her mouth.
"Scratch that idea" she grunted to herself
"I've spent years studying your moves, Tsunda"
The Kivuli Mistress chuckled. " I know every blow, and counter-blow. You're f**king easy to read"
"Just shut the f**k up and get it over with."
Tsunda spat. "Your s**tty rants hurt my ears"
The Captain of the Wahri Clans slowly struggled to her feet. She had to be cautious, If she made any sudden movements, Muuaji would end her.
"You f**king think you're the first to try to kill me?" She stretched opened her hands to the heavens. "I fought alongside the great Chief First Blade Tonhye, I faced the Shetani horde in battle, I killed Krouh The dark,... I f**king came back from the dead, you b**ch..." Tsunda was screaming now. " I never f**king killed anyone who didn't deserve it. You want to end me?.....you want to a legend with your s**tty blade?....then f**king do it!!!"
Long pause.
The two women stared at each other for a long time.
"So be it" Muuaji said calmly.
Suddenly, the air behind the Kivuli Mistress rippled. There was a bright red flash of light. Many of the soldiers shielded their eyes. When the glare subsided, the Black Warlock was standing behind Muuaji.
"Mallish.." Fhuro gasped. He charged at the Warlock only to be thrown aside by some invisible force. Fhuro hit the ground hard, hurting his side.
" Dear gods" Thari heard her own voice say when she saw Fhuro fall.
Long pause.
Mallish stared at the hesitant soldiers, as if daring them to attack him. They held their weapons at ready, but none attempted an assault.
"Long time no see, Tsunda" he chuckled.
"F**k you"
"I never thought I'd see you put on your back so easily. You must be getting old"
Muuaji's back was still turned. She hadn't taken her eyes off Tsunda. Kivuli Magic was old, old enough for her to discern the identity of an enemy without seeing him.
"This doesn't concern you, Warlock" She said in a calm voice. "Leave while you can"
"Do I know you?" He said with a comical frown.
"You seem so familiar" he continued.
"Why....are you here?" Fhuro said, struggling to his feet.
"Ah! Fhuro," Mallish said with humour. "..the child who wants to be a man....you're all grown up, how nice. Well, my master wants the Kulgan Blade and the one who wields it. Give them up, and you may all be spared"
" Muuaji," Tsunda said urgently. " He'll kill us all, we can pick up our drama later....kill this f**ker......"
" Stand down, b**ch" Muuaji's snarled. "I don't give a s**t about Mallish. I'm here to avenge my mother you stupid c**t"
"That's it." Mallish said, snapping his fingers.
"Muuaji! I thought I recognised you. Tamihla's daughter. I see your mother's sacrifice paid off"
Time froze.
Muuaji slowly looked over her shoulder.
"You knew my mother?"
"Of course I did. And I must say, you've grown into quite a beauty"
"I don't give a f**k about your stupid blade, trickster" Muuaji hissed. "Did you know my mother or not?"
The Black Warlock sighed. He seemed to be enjoying himself standing there in the midst of enemies that couldn't touch him.
Fhuro caught Tsunda's eyes for a few seconds, then he followed them till they settled on the Captain's sword lying a few feet away from Muuaji. Tsunda moved towards the weapon...slowly.
"Your mother came to me years ago" Mallish smiled. " The Aglasarn King had outlawed the old ways. She wanted peace for her Kivuli Order, and she wanted her only child to be safe. She knew your father wasn't strong enough to protect you when she was gone"
"What are you saying, Demon?" Muuaji's hand couldn't grip her sword's hilt tight enough.
"She asked for a dark spell to make you stronger, faster and more skilled than any mortal alive...The spell would also make sure you don't age beyond your prime"
"Bulls**t!" She snapped.
"I wish it was," He scoffed. " Of course you can be killed by a sword, but there's none alive to match your skill, strength or speed. Your father knows this, so he hid it from you. How else do you think you've never been sick a day since you were Eight? How else could you defeat the great Tsunda so easily?"
"Lies!!!" Muuaji screamed. "I've trained for years and......"
Her voice trailed off as Mallish laughed. The sound was like a thousand cackles from hell. It chilled the bones of all who heard it.
"You're the product of my magic, Muuaji" he chuckled. "But of course, such magic came at a price."
Long silence.
Mallish leaned forward and whispered,
"Your mother's sweet soul."
Muuaji's upper lip was trembling.
"I needed the Kivuli rebellion to continue. So I took control of Tamihla's soulless body and sent it to kill the Aglasarn king.....Tsunda did the rest"
Tsunda saw her chance, she flung herself at her sword, but once again Muuaji was faster. In a blur, she closed the distance between them and snatched the weapon away before the captain could reach it. Tsunda felt a sudden blast of pain in her side when Muuaji's foot crashed into her. The impact threw Tsunda across the dirt, slamming her back against a rock.
"Bravo" Mallish chuckled. " Now, Surrender Fhuro and the Blade and your lives may be spared."
Muuaji was silent. Her eyes slowly scanned the hills far away. She could see no invading force.
But she had a feeling the Black Warlock wasn't one to mince words.
A whiff of black smoke suddenly appeared next to her. She didn't bother looking, she knew who it was.
"Muuaji," Lord Kifo's voice said urgently.
"We're wasting time. Kill Tsunda, Kill the Queen and give the Warlock what he wants"
"Smart man" Mallish shrugged. "The Kulgan Lord has this place surrounded by Rahbrocs"
Lord Kifo gasped.
"I see you're familiar with these creatures"
Mallish smiled. " Kill whoever strikes your fancy, and give us what we want, or die"
" We should give them what they want, Muuaji" Lord Kifo sounded scared. " We'll be long gone by the time the Rabhrocs are done with this place"
"You mean, after they've killed everyone here?"
Fhuro smirked. " No one's safe from them, Muuaji. They'll kill everyone"
Long pause.
All eyes were fixed on the Kivuli Mistress.
Long silence.
"So if I understand this correctly Warlock," she began. "YOU killed my mother?"
"But I gave you so much more." Mallish shrugged. "To be honest, I'm hoping you'll say no. I can't wait to see what the Rahbrocs will do to ...."
He never got a chance to finish the sentence.
Muuaji swung her sword but the Warlock was already gone. Her blade hit nothing but air.
"This is madness" Lord Kifo sounded petrified.
"You've doomed us all."
"He killed my mother, you c**t" She snapped.
Muuaji tossed the Captain's blade into the air.
Tsunda caught it and stared incredulously.
Shock filled the air.
"Kivulis and Wahris !!!" Muuaji called out in a loud voice. She Pointed her sword at the hills. "
Our real enemy's out there. In seconds they will be upon us. F**k our differences, we either fight together or die"
The ground began to rumble.
Everyone was terrified. The citizens outside screamed and scrambled about in a frenzy looking for a place to hide.
"I have killed many of you this day" Muuaji paced about, with the earth trembling under neath her feet. "But if we keep on fighting with each other, we will all die. I don't give a f**k who, or where you're from.....we can't let these f**kers win."
More rumbling.
The Kivuli let go of Thari and stepped back.
She stared at her captors skeptically, unsure of what to do next.
"High Queen !!" Came Muuaji's voice from below. Thari looked down to see the Kivuli mistress raise her sword high into the air.
"I, Muuaji, Mistress of the Kivuli Order pledge my sword and my men are yours to command!"
More rumbling.
Thari stared at her. The hatred she felt for this woman hadn't ebbed. She wanted nothing more than to have her beheaded. But, as much as it pained her, she had to agree with the Kivuli b**Ch. They only stood a chance if they fought side by side.
"Defend the Palace!" She screamed. "Defend Wahri!!!"
Muuaji turned to Tsunda
"Will you fight by my side Captain?"
More rumbling.
"I'll f**king kill you when this is done"
"Fair enough" Muuaji nodded.
"But for now," Tsunda raised her sword. "Lets kill these f**kers
to be continued......
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "Mr...um..." "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
Sweet, I think am d first to enjoy dis beauty. Opus u really need to produce dis as a book. It's definitely a page turner
ReplyDeleteOpus! I lift my back for you!
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Unbelievable ! Thoroughly enjoyed this one, if this could happen in this country between these two waring factions, it would be nice.
Sincere apologies to you if you tried www.uniquedailycoupons.com and saw a sign indicating it's not authorized. I have to contact My Web Host to fix that issue. That site has been inactive for a while, since I've been busy with work. Everything will be up and running pretty soon, so, keep checking. There is a segment there that is okay with videos from Empire, should in case you choose to browse. Thanks Opus! Continue to Shock and shake us.
ReplyDeleteEnemies turning to friends in times of trouble!
ReplyDeleteThis is cool Opusivy!
ReplyDeleteWho woulda thunk?
I want dis as a movie, it wud be so much fun, blockbuster!!!! #muchloveopus#
ReplyDeleteWow..this is the ghen ghen of all battles
ReplyDeleteWow! This is fantastic! Fabulous! Awesome! Mesmerizing! Spellbinding etc! Etc! I'm out of words to describe this story. We'll done OpusIvy. More ink to your pen!
ReplyDeleteWow!!what a twist of event.Good job Opus
ReplyDeleteInteresting twist! The enemy's enemy is a friend!
ReplyDeleteGhen Ghen moment. Kill dem all, I hope.
Simply a master piece
ReplyDeleteLol opus you just had to add this twist with mallish. Brilliant. How are they going to defeat tyrohk now. Can't wait. I'm sure mallish has a get away plan
ReplyDeleteMasterpiece from Opus... always knew that the Kivulis will unite with the Wahris and f**k Tyrohk and the wizard up! Great as always!
ReplyDeletewhoa...dis is getting interesting.can't wait for the next episode...
Nice opusivy
ReplyDeleteDon't I just love this! Thanks Opus
ReplyDeleteHell yeah! I can't wait for this action to explode.
ReplyDeleteOpusIvy won't cease to hold my spellbound.....great twist as always, nice work.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, whoop!!!