Happy independence day" he declared with a less than pleasant smile on his face.
Between the blazing sun and the stench from his armpits,I didn't know which offended me the most.
"Gerrout of here!! "I screamed at him, scarcely recognising my own voice amidst the blaring of car horns and the stink of sweat.The Air conditioner wasn't working,and if any body knows traffic is Port Harcourt, a hot afternoon is the worst situation to be in when your AC is bad.
"Happy independence day".he said again as if he hadn't heard me tell him to f**k off.I glared at him.I'm fairly certain at that point we must have seemed like the prequel to a Newspaper headline;"ANGRY WOMAN ATTACKS STREET HAWKER!turn to page 2 for the inside story"
I'd had enough of his voice. Not just because I was an impatient woman,but because I simply wasn't in the mood.
My husband had cheated on me.
True story.
I had caught him with his proverbial 'pants down' humping the s**t out of our house help Ekaete(I know....the name sounds cliche) .
What did I do?
I went numb,THAT'S what I did.
I had nothing in my head save for the image of him and Ekaete in doggy position.
Now who's fault was it?Don't look at me!How the f**k was I supposed to know?Was there a manual for this sort of situation? Was there a 'how---you're -supposed-to-act when-you -catch-your-husband DOING-Ekaete-in-your-bedroom?Noooo! There wasn't.Believe me,I checked.
But I digress from my story. I was on the street with a hawker from Planet Stinky.He as staring at me like he'd just won the lottery and I was the first family member he'd informed.Dude barely even blinked (at least I don't think he did).He just kept on staring at me with that same idiotic expression on his face.
"What do you want"?I had no choice but to engage him.He wasn't going any where. And apparently neither was I.The traffic was from hell and devil was in the sun.My driver side window was faulty .Yes, yes I know.You're asking, why I hadn't fixed it.Well, aside from shagging my house help, my good for nothing stingy husband had done nothing about it.
I mean who does that? I can't believe I had put up with all his bulls**t for so long.Okay I loved him.(yet another cliche ) Jump to whatever conclusion you want to.The fact of the matter is ,I loved the promiscuous little f**k .I believed him when he told me things were rough....(financially)Well I sort of already knew that.
The recession hit his job really hard.They were not making money .And you know what happens to a business manager when the Company isn't making money?You guessed it.Nothing ABSO-F**KING-LUTELY nothing.
We were broke.In fact we had been for years. And who was bringing home the bacon?
Right again!
Me! me, me, me, me!!!Was I drugged? or did I loose a f**king bet?How did I end up with a house girl f**ker for a husband?
I mean c'mon, Ekaette was barely Eighteen.And He put his d**k in that little twat?How in the hell did she know how to do the doggy.?And lets not forget.Peter hadn't f**ked me in months.
Yeah,you heard right .Months!
He usually gave me the whole song and dance about being tired, having a headache bla bla bla.Did i complain?No f**king way!
I was his wife,and I loved him.So how the hell could he do this to me?.How horny do you have to get to f**k a house help?
Please tell me,I want to know.Is there like a horny scale I should know about?
Once again,I digress.
Mr Smelly Armpits was by my window waving one of them national flags
"HAPPY INDEPENDENCE!" he said again.
I got thinking.
How could Peter sink so low.How could he be so evil ?I was soooo furious.
"Get in the car,lets go and f**k" I said without thinking.Mr Smelly Armpits looked at me as if I had just farted loudly and pinned it on him.
"Eh?"he said. He obviously was no Rocket Scientist.
"I said get in the car"
Just then the traffic began to move .I mean seriously ?At that point?
So I repeated the order like some frustrated Drill Seargent.
The car horns behind me began their roar.Like I intended being on the street forever.
Images of Peter and Ekaete flooded my mind again. I wanted to scream!I wanted to f**king rip someone's throat out.How could she have f**ked my husband?Scratch that, how could HE have f**ked her?
More car horns blared behind me.
I didn't care!
To be fair at that point if I'd had a Hattori Hanso sword, I'd have gone Kill Bill on those f**kers.
Why was I the victim?
More horns.
"Shut the f**k up!"I screamed at no one in particular, but I was staring behind my car in case you were wondering.
Mr Smelly Armpits just stood there in shock as if I had slapped him.
"I said get in the car,We're going to f**k" The guy snapped out his idiocy, rushed round and entered the car.He apparently didn't know what to make of me whether I was Joking,homicidal or just nuts.
As the traffic moved on I locked the doors.
Okay,the central lock was the only thing still fairly functional in the car.
Mr Smelly Armpit's stench filled the interior.
If body odours were a sport,his smell f**king won the Olympics.If the world were to end due to body odours,his would be at the top of the list.
"Madam ,where are we going ? He asked,apparently confused.I ignored him.
By the time we got to my house,I noticed Peters car wasn't in the drive way.
"Come down!" I barked at Mr Smelly.He more or less stumbled out of the car .
"Madam I..."
"Shut your mouth, drop your things and follow me."
Yeah,he truly was no Einstein.
The house was empty.No doubt,when I'd stormed out earlier,Peter must've tried to follow me.
Oh! did he just feel a tinge of guilt or was it the fact that I had interrupted his f**king that had upset him.?Well,two can play at that game Mr House help F**ker.
So I took Mr Smelly inside,grabbing him by the nuts like it were some leash .To be fair I thought maybe that was all men were; dogs on a leash.They could only think with their d**ks hence, their inability to multitask.
Think about it.A d**k only has one thing on its mind.
You guessed it!
A vagina.
I realised Ekaette wasn't in the house either .Or maybe she was hiding.God save the bitch if I had found her in the house.
We got into the bedroom.I could still smell Ekaette and Peter in there.I was soooo mad.
I more or less tore off my clothes.Mr Smelly armpits watched the process the way a Civil Engineer watches the unveiling of a road project.
In case you were wondering, I have an extremely rocking body.I hit the gym more than threes times a week and had just started yoga classes.So in a word,I was HAWT.So why didn't my husband think so?How the hell was I supposed to know?
All I know is,Mr smelly began to ravish me before the fabric of my clothes hit the floor.His smell was atrocious,I almost choked on it.
And then it finally dawned on me.That small part of the human mind that wasn't numbed with rage.
"What are you doing,Ngozi?"it was a small voice in my head but it felt like canon blast.
Really,What was I doing?I had been so upset that I went out of my house and grabbed a total stranger and now I was going to what?Shag him to get back at my husband?Was I nuts?What if the guy had Aids or some other f**ked up disease?
This was a bad Idea.
"Stop,wait"I struggled.
But it was too late.Mr smelly was in pure f**k mode.There was no stopping him.He threw me on the bed and in seconds was struggling to enter me.
I kept on struggling but the dude was like Hercules.
"Nyanga dey sleep,trouble dey come find am....you go see f**k run today"He said with his mouth on my body.
He Drooled over me,whispering crazy s**t in my ear as he struggled to penetrate me.
"Please..."I whimpered.But Mr Smelly was in La La land of F**ksville.He was going to DO me whether I wanted it or not.
Then suddenly,he was off me.I looked up to find Peter smashing his fist into Mr Smelly's face.
"Gerrout of here!"my husband screamed.Never had I been so happy to see him.
Mr Smelly stumbled out of the house at near warp speed.
I was still crying.
Peter wrapped his arms around me.I didnt flinch.I was too scared.My heart was still pounding .and I could still smell Mr Smelly on my skin.
Long silence.
"I'm sorry"He whispered
"I'm sorry too"I whimpered.
We remained like that for a long time.Then I felt his temperature rise.Something hard pressed against me.
I was shocked.
Then the implications of it all dawned on me.
His hand strayed across my body.
I smiled to myself.
Maybe the day might not be so bad after all.I just hope Peter and I can get past this.....somehow.
Happy Independence to our country Nigeria...happy celebration.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
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I'm just saying
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Sister Priye 2
"So...uh." I began. His good looks were over powering. "Mr...um..." "Black." He replied. "Richard Bla...
I don't know why People like me exist in the world... .Perhaps we are nature's way of striking a balance between normal and F**kup. ...
“Come off your high horse, Mimsy, this dude is cute and rich. What more could you ask for?” Adaure said to her friend gesticulating wildly....
Good morning, guys. I am really sorry to have been M.I.A. I have been ill for a couple of days now, but you all have been in my mind the w...
Happy independence opus/ivy/opusites. More birthdays for us all to celebrate
ReplyDeleteAwwwwww so nice.lol @mr smelly armpit.they are gonna get tru it.most pple don't realise that every relationship is different. Forget abt what pple would say,if u really luv him shallow ur pride an accept him bk that's if he is really sorry.
ReplyDeleteWow! I love how dis story ended. It's always a bad idea to act out of anger bc regret always come at last.
ReplyDeleteHmmmm. So so so!
ReplyDeleteI'm d newest addict on this blog and believe me when i say that i have read all d stories and i totally enjoyed all.
Wow! Opus and Ivy, una dey try o. U both have a rare talent. Keep it up while i keep refreshing this page. :)
Wow! Retaliation in anger nearly turned violent. Cheating can have a devastating and lasting effect on a relationship, even if you'll both work on the relationship to move forward, something will forever be lost. Takes the grace of God.
ReplyDeletePeter!!! Hmmm
ReplyDeleteHmmm anger distroys thing faster than we realize.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wrong way of righting the wrong!
ReplyDeleteThis is why my people said that we should leave vengeance to God.
ReplyDeleteBut then one thing i detest in marriage is cheating!
By the way, mr. Smelly armpit should have demanded for a handsome compensation from them or he will not leave without********** you know now!
Hmmmm! Will I have picked a stranger to get back at my husband? N fucking O, NO!!!
ReplyDeleteWill I have forgiven so easily? Don't think so. Come on, I caught him banging my maid for crying out loud, despite the hawtness of my bod and my willingness to give him at all time, no matter how tired I am.
Wait, why shouldn't my hubby bang me for a freaking month? Please, I am hawt and probably lie close to him naked most of d night. His thing should rise most times if not all times.
Wait again, will he have forgiven me if d case was reversed? Think about it.
Won't he won't bang anoda random check out there?
Abeg, make I stop here make e no turn to epistle.
Happy Independence day everyone.
Ehmm, try visit this blog wen less busy.
ReplyDeleteRule 1. Never act in anger (one of the 10 human commandments my father gave me). I have tried to rationalize actions borne out of anger, after the adrenaline stops pumping, it's either the action looks stupid, senseless, childish or lands one in trouble. Always calmly and carefully act. Like always tell those around me "I will bear the consequence of any action I take, because nothing I do is careless, everything is carefully analyzed, even in split seconds". Peeps, learn to control your emotions, sex drive, actions, etc. no blame devil when you f**k up!
ReplyDeleteThis story is more fictitious than Kollupia and Rise of the clans put together.
ReplyDeleteHello Monsieur Opus et Mademoiselle Ivy, I know you probably wont mind and it is your blog to do as you please, plus people will most likely insult me but I will say it. Please please, the cuss language on some posts, it literally makes me cringe. I don't think you have to put a lot of it in so much sentences to make your point on the seriousness or realness of the matter. It is just way to crass. I beg you. At least take my words into consideration. Thank you
DeleteI share the same thots chisom
DeleteMy sentiments exactly.
ReplyDeleteNah mehn.
No deal.
Signing out...
Blazingly HAWT for years.
I'm a guy and I overheard my female flatmate and her friends talking about how they fake orgasms just to please their men. They went on to analyze how 90% of women fake it to boost their men's egos and all. So I started my research... asked some close female friends questions and discovered that 9 out of 10 female orgasms are faked. I know that many men don't care. They just wanna nut & pull out. But I'm still deflated. My ego is kinda bruised. Though I've always been told (and I know) that I'm a stud and I know I'm huge (lol) but I'm Just wondering how many my own woman has faked and I'm gonna ask her. Guys, please ask your women how many orgasms they have faked.
ReplyDeleteAnd when U get that information what will U do with it????
DeleteKaii she forgave toooo easily.