
Friday, 16 January 2015

Smiling could save your life

Did you know that smiling lowers your stress levels and blood pressure? That’s amazing!
When you smile,your brain secretes these chemicals called Endorphins.In the simplest “Endorphins for Dummies” terms, Endorphins are chemical secretions your brain secretes when you are  happy.Enough said.

Anyway, when this happens our stress levels are lowered.It also makes you look younger.Ever heard the expression, “Frowners age faster than smilers?”…… (of course you haven’t .I made that one up.But you get the idea)

Now at the time I read this, I was having a monumentally f#@ked up day at the office.It was one of those days, I was so certain would end  with me  being escorted off the premises in handcuffs, right after I had beaten up  one of my co – workers to death with a keyboard. One of those days I wished the Law was a bit more lenient towards “rage-killings “. I  was reeeeeally p@*sed off.
My vision was blurry, I had an extremely malicious headache and, I could literally feel my blood pressure rising (probably from rehearsing my post-homicide-alibi in front of a mirror for so long)
Anyway, after reading about this particular benefit of smiling, I literally hit a pause button in my head .All that tension and anger was eating me up inside.Stress kills by the way.
I decided then that being this angry at a co-worker  wasn’t worth my health  (no matter whose stapler it was)
I took a deep breath and with some effort, super human effort, I tried  smiling.
My facial expression was at least a Millenia away from anything remotely resembling a smile.But i tried it anyway.It wasn’t a hall of Fame smile(if my reflection in the office’s mens room mirror was anything to go by).

Almost a full minute later, I felt better.The headache had dropped from a 100% to some where around 50-50% .I Sh*t-you-not, I felt a lot better.
I have been using this technique ever since and been doing wonders for my stress levels.
Moral of the story?
Choose a smile over a frown.You’d live longer and  look better anyway.

Choose wisely my friend.Enough said!!!

                                               Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
                                                 I'm just saying


  1. Anger kills u slowly... I hope to be able to control mine...its ain't an easy thing to do!

  2. Anger kills u slowly... I hope to be able to control mine...its ain't an easy thing to do!

  3. Anger kills u slowly... I hope to be able to control mine...its ain't an easy thing to do!

  4. Yea... takes less muscle of the face to smile, why expend them frowning? Makes one look ageless, more effective than a surgical face lift...


  5. Thank you for this piece... Office wahala fit mad person.

  6. lol@Clare's comment. soo true.

  7. Some colleagues can be pain in the a*se, and make you feel like murdering someone. Some days just turn gloomy like that......smiling and laughing are good tonics.

  8. Lol
    So true. Your health is more important.


Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
I'm just saying

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