
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

UNREPENTANT MISTRESS PT 6. ........Amaka is pregnant!!!!!

Amaka steps out of the Large office  Complex and strolls towards her GOLD Range Rover.She has a weird expression on her face .

Several men(and a few women) follow her with their eyes as she goes by.The slutty AMAKA moves with all the  'Ease' of the Grand Mistress she is.She seems  excited about something as she steps into the car.
For a few seconds she just sits there, allowing the Air conditioner's chill to fill the car.


Then she turns to us and says;

"I recently learnt that I am six weeks pregnant.Now I know what you're thinking;'How can the great  Mistress let that happen?'

What? You've never made a mistake before??? My dear, even the great gods of Olympus made mistakes.So a Grand Mistress such as myself is no exception to the rule.

The next question is obvious,....'Who's the Father?'

Well here's what happened.

One of my clients is CEO of a TELECOMS Giant In Nigeria.His name is Alfred, and he resides in Port Harcourt. This dude has pockets deeper than the ATLANTIC, he has cars and  houses in almost every major city in the world.

You know one of those TEE-SHIRTS with the funny inscriptions that goes; "MY MONEY' IS LIKE GRASS,IT GROWS EVERYWHERE?" Well that's what his money is like.

Guy bought me my first Range Rover just because he stood me up on our first date.
In this business, 'JUJU' comes with the job description.No self respecting Runs-chick comes into this business with 'empty-hand'.
It's like running a marathon in high-heels, just wont work.

The reason for juju is obvious....some men can be STINGY.
These are the men we do juju for.But every once in a while, you come across men you don't need to "Jazz" to give you millions.
Alfred is like that.
He could throw  a million naira into my account in a blink!

The only snag with Alfred is the condom thing.He hates it!

He loves to "feel me".....Which always cost extra of course..
But because he pays like an Arab Prince, I don't mind. What? STDS?

I don't even think about that.
As I Said earlier No one enters this business with 'empty-hand'
There are a host of deadly diseases My "Jazz-man" helps me with (including AIDS).
You don't believe me?HA!!!!!!
 That's your business!!! I am living Proof that Juju  cures STDs  in Nigeria. I've been in this business for years without so much as a Rash from a Man.Deal with that!!!!

Anyway Alfred has been married for eight years.In my opinion, I don't think his wife is ugly.I just think her face frightens people.
And that's another thing I don't get. Do some married women grow ugly with time or do rich handsome men just love marrying Hybrid-Baboons?

Because I have seen some UGLY WIVES in my time.
Anyway, Alfred and his wife don't have kids. Something to do with her womb....or was it her Ovaries....? I'm not sure
In hindsight, I should've guessed that was what  Alfred was trying to do, get me pregnant so he could finally have that beautiful child he'd always desired.
Because a couple of times after our "sessions" he'd caught me swallowing Pills.I'd see a frown on his face indicating his disapproval.

Now please, when I say ".......caught me" I don't imply that I was hiding to take these pills..
Me?...... Hide?
Are Owls scared of heights?
Is a wolf scared of the dark?
A true Mistress hides from no one.

Anyway, I  can't recall taking any Pills after the last time we had our 'business' which was 6 weeks ago.Maybe I DID take them and they didn't work,all I know is I found out I was pregnant and Alfred was the only one I'd had unprotected sex with.GBAM!!!!

For the record, I am not ready to have  a child.
Children are annoying and messy.They cry too much and need to be fed and watched all the time.
I will have a child once I'm ready to retire from this life.Mainly because then, I would need the company and a Prodigy would be nice.I just pray its a girl,ooooooh!! The wonderful things I would teach her.
Besides right now,my body is too AWESOME to be ruined by pregnancy.

Anyway, I got to his office and told Alfred I was pregnant .I had no intentions of keeping the baby.But I figured it was a "cash" opportunity  for me.
After he'd asked the standard " Are you it mine?" questions, He literally started dancing in his office.
He told me how this was the Happiest day of his life Blah blah blah..Then he did the unthinkable.
He picked up the phone and called his wife.

I stared at him in shock wondering if the EVA Water bottle on his table was  actually "KAI-KAI" he'd been drinking.
Just when I thought I couldn't be more stunned, he gave me the phone.
"Please, talk to my wife" he said excitedly like a child in a toy shop.

I wasn't exactly certain what to make of it until the  Hybrid-Baboon spoke.

"God bless you my dear,.....And thank you for this child"
Was I dreaming? I thought.

"....Don't worry about anything, we will take care of you for the nine months and you can have the baby in any country of your choice,...afterwards, you will be compensated for the fruit of your womb..........oh  Thank You Jesus........!"

From my end, I could tell she was dancing.The image of the Hybrid-Baboon dancing was a little unsettling.

As for Alfred, he was over the Moon.
He was dancing in his office like some Pastor during Praise and Worship At a Crusade.

This was going to be tricky. I thought to myself.

So as calmly as  I could I told him my fee was Half a million dollars for my time and body to carry "their" child.
I half expected there to be some form of resistance.I mean no body would pay that much for a child......lie lie!!!!!.

Alfred smiled, with out breaking his stride from his dance he simply said;


Crap!!! I thought, why didn't I just say a Million dollars?

There was no way I was having this baby.
It would mean being " out of business" for Nine months.

I would lose my figure ....and Clients.
And by the time I'd be ready to work again, some "Smallie"
would've cornered my Market.
I couldn't have that.

In this business, the younger the meat, the sweeter the taste.
Once you have given birth (or "dropped-one") your meat is no longer young and sweet.

But the money was just too good.How could I pass up that kind of cash????''

Despite the coolness of the office, Amaka was sweating.

''Alfred then told me the terms of our agreement.

The money would be paid in two installments;

Half now, (as in $250,000.00) and the other half NINE MONTHS from now.
I would have the baby in any country of my choosing. Essentially, for the next Nine months I could have ANYTHING I wanted.

It was a veeeeeeery tempting offer. But I knew after the child was born they'd hand me the cheque and forget about me.

Before I could fully rationalize my options, Alfred pulled out his cheque book and made out a cheque for $250,000.00(....or rather, its equivalent in Naira......which was HUGE)

He told me I would have to move in with them(he and his wife) immediately.I'd stay with them until I'd decided what part of the world I'd want to go to.

I told him to give me a week..

By then, the Cheque would've cleared na!!!!

He agreed,but  said;
"Please keep in touch" he said firmly.

So here I am, with the cheque in My hand wondering what the hell I'm going to do. Do I;

A)Go ahead with it.After all its easy money.Go abroad,have fun for 9 months,have the baby and with the money start early retirement

B)Take the 250k and run(at all-at all naim bad pass)


C)Give him back his money and get rid of the baby.because the stress isn't worth it

Do I have any other options?


Need to come up with a solution .....FAST!!!!

Like a new friend of mine would say;"Tick-Tock!!!"


Life is a Choice my friend.
So choose wisely
Enough Said.


  1. Better choose A.....but as the Ole that u are, I'm sure u want to run.

    1. oh my Gosh Amaka. This is God telling you to quit.........

  2. hmmm.. Amaka. left to me, i would say pick C bcos i cnt imagine u having a child o. dt child would jst be a liability to goodness lyk its mother. rotfl.

    1. It's not like she's going to keep the child with her.

  3. A is just the best option. Do you plan to be a hoe all your life? C'mon! Think about it. With that money, you can start a new life.

  4. #singing...Amaka don get belle shakara don end ooh. U better keep that baby

  5. Maybe the test results were wrong, à mistake from the lab.

  6. Lol tamia,wrong test result indeed.amaka abeg pick option A

  7. First time I am visiting this blog from love for stories. U just earned another reader. Kudos

  8. Amaka, give birth and retire from the business biko. Dat money is enof to takia of u 4 life

  9. Being the ashi that she is,she can't choose! She wants to have her cake and still eat it. I'm guessing this is the beginning of the end of her shakara! Lol

  10. Amaka please am on bended knees, take money, have the baby, you can do all the plastic surgery to get back your figure and keep you in shape for business, please don't retire.. I enjoy reading about you, there would no fun if you retire, who would taunt and make us smile on a long boring day in the office.... *shewinks


  11. Her entire generation never see that kind money before. Oh! shes definitely going to stay and have the baby. Im sure Alfred knowing how greedy and hungry his amaka is would probably have left instructions with his bank to put a leash on her.

  12. Opus" I sincerely hope you're reading this, you didn't write story for us, but you went giving them at LIB story hun (evenifitsoldstoryManny).... it's been two days now, or you were kidnapped, had total black out/eclipse or your fingers or brain has writers block? We could zap you outa it by running you over a cliff or hanging you by your toes or kidnaping you....*shegrins*


  13. Opus" I sincerely hope you're reading this, you didn't write story for us, but you went giving them at LIB story hun (evenifitsoldstoryManny).... it's been two days now, or you were kidnapped, had total black out/eclipse or your fingers or brain has writers block? We could zap you outa it by running you over a cliff or hanging you by your toes or kidnaping you....*shegrins*


  14. Amaka baby do which eva 1 dat rocks ur boat o0 nne

  15. Lool I'm not pregnant nah *bats eyelashes*

  16. Am stunned. I just bookmarked dis blog. Am not gonna let go. I love reading nice stories, pls bring more on, am easily bored.


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