
Friday, 16 January 2015


What would you do if your partner cheated on you?
Here’s the scenario.
Its a hot  Tuesday afternoon. You left the office early because of  an unsually painful migraine.

On the way back home, there’s mad traffic.You’re terribly hungry and  the car’s air conditioner stops working.

In annoyance you roll down the windows, letting in the merciless heat of the day and the pestering stench of street hawkers.
At this point you’re  raining  abuses (some in your local dialect) on your mechanic and the stupid grin he had on his face the last time you paid him for his services.Which was the day before.
Anyway, so you’re stuck in the heat for about 20 minutes,your head is pounding.

Some ignoramus of a bus driver SCRATCHES the side of your car with his large-rickety-passenger-filled death machine and speeds off in the opposite direction.(oddly enough, he kinda looked like your mechanic)
After an intense  homicidal moment   (during which you considered ripping off your steering wheel in rage), you managed to calm yourself.

Minutes later, you’re finally home.
You notice a strange car parked in the yard.Probably one of your Partner’s friends, you think to yourself .But what is he/she doing home at this time?, you wonder.

You enter the house, at first it’s deathly quiet.
Then the sounds start coming to you…….from the bedroom.They’re  moaning  sounds. The kind of MOANING that would impress any seasoned Porn movie director.
Your heart starts racing as the intensity of the moaning increases.
Your head is still Pounding as you approach the room door.You can  hear your partners voice in there, talking dirty like you’ve never heard him/her before .
The door is slightly ajar, you push it and…

The sight before you is like a large glass of vinegar mixed with lime……..impossible  to swallow.
Your partner is lost in the delicious  oblivion of hot sex.They’re locked in a sexual position you didn’t think your partner was physically capable of.
It is in that moment that…. THEY SEE YOU!

Your partner screams as she/he jumps off the bed as if it were a nest of scorpions.
If this were you,
Married engaged or dating, would you;

A#.say nothing and just walk away

B#.politely excuse yourself from the room and search the house for a decent matchet,

C#.burst into tears screaming, “why? why? why?”

D#.with a loud battle cry, charge into the room with  punches, bites, kicks, and saliva,


E#.a combine B and D and hope for the best?

After something like this, do you think you could ever forgive your partner again?

Life’s a choice my friend .
So choose wisely.
Enough said

                                                 Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
                                                 I'm just saying


  1. i am undoubtedly a nutcase. E looks pretty good to me. i detest infidelity. many a head hv been broken.......

    1. I heard of the story of a man who caught his wife cheating in the act. The moment he sees them, he walks out to the living room, turns on the TV and starts watching a show. The guy ran away out of fear and the wife came begging. This man told her everything was ok, still disturbed and guilty, she begged him overnight. One would think this man had no idea or was dumb. She begs continually for 3 days, still with the same response from her husband. On the 4th day, this woman decided to hang herself out of guilt and frustration. It was worse that her husband had no words or reaction to her misdeeds. LMAO.....That was his whole idea of dealing with her. He knew his wife and was certain she couldn't LIVE with guilt.

    2. OMG! That man went too far...

    3. A, i will quietly walk away. And yes i can forgive but cannot take such a man back.

    4. God bless satan..what I would do ehn..I could combine A to E together

  2. hmmm.dis is a serios question.I refuse to think abt it so no comment

  3. Say nothing and walk away, trust me, it is for their own safety cos if anyone comes to me with the overused line "its not what you think" murder will definitely be the case.

  4. I'll tell them to continue. While I watch.

    1. I don't think you would. Let's be realistic this is someone you have feelings for adding to the fact that you had just gone through a lot of rubbish to get home. (although all that falls away at that moment)

  5. Option A-say nothing n walk away....n I doubt I'd ever 4gt such,so if we not married d r/ship is over!

  6. I have a terrible temper plus i also know the consequences of killing another human being so it would definitely be A and whether married or not. That relationship is definitely over cus according to me trust lost is trust gone. It can never be earned back. Ever. And they had the guts to bring it to the house? Thats d height of disrespect o.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Won't even utter a word, will just close the door, go downstairs and find food and paracetamol. Then help her pack her bags in the evening and call the parents for my bride price immediately

  9. Won't even utter a word, will just close the door, go downstairs and find food and paracetamol. Then help her pack her bags in the evening and call the parents for my bride price immediately

  10. I will jez walk away without sayin anytin buh if he dares touch me I will b in d back of a police car some seconds later cos of d kinda action I will take. If he z my hubby den I will leave d haus 4 sometym of wich d temperature n boiling point of my anger determines d duration I'd stay away buh if we re engaged or jez dtain den I ve nthin 2 say 2 d guy as long as I live.

  11. A...
    I'll be too shocked to react

  12. A" best suits me, because I don't have strength for drama, but if we are dating, it's goodbye my lover, it's been nice doing business with you. If we are married with no kids, I would forgive you but separation wouldn't be a bad tot(at least society wouldn't say I didn't get married,it was my husband that became "looseband")if the picture of the act can't seem to be erased from my head. If we have kids, I would try and beg God sincerely to help erase the picture because of my kids. But if I didn't catch him in the act, I only over heard the stories,he apologizes I would let go, because there is no gory picture to torment my mind,my soul or my spirit...

  13. Option A mehn. I cant shout. If he has chosen to cheat, he will. No matter d volume of tears I shed b4 him or how loudly I shout or how many threats I make so, yle I pray against such, I've always imagined dat kinda scenario. Anything we have to say or do, we can after sme hours. Let crime of passion nt come an goan b d name of d wahala.

  14. Option A for me. I don't know how to cry but I will probably kill the man @ a convenient time and if the lady ever crosses my private path again she may just have "an accident".

  15. I have found out that most people never react the way they expect/predict when they face such situations. Most people saying they'll walk away may break down and weep or charge at the couple.

  16. Go in and pick the man's clothe and tell him to go in peace!

    1. That's an option, but any reaction might make me lose control. They will bounce before I return again.

  17. if i walked away, id only regret, wishing I did something...what would i have done? thats a hard one... no answer or id probably just go with what Iyke David the girl's clothes and ask her to leave in peace... sure id forgive my partner but the relationship is so over...

  18. I will leave the house, but she knows what to do before I return.


Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
I'm just saying

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