
Monday, 19 January 2015

A BAD relationship,is A BAD relationship (don't sugar coat it)

"He beats me,he cheats on me(occasionally with my sister), he  is very stingy, he doesn't appreciate or respect me(except at the end of the month when I give him money)but I'm  believing God that he will change, because I love him!"

"She has a bad temper, she sleeps around,she gave me gonorhea, syphilis (and something else the doctors don't have a name for yet), but I just know that with God all things are possible!"

Here's the scenario
Theres a guy in Port Harcourt (names withheld) who lives in mortal fear of his wife.
He is a softspoken, smallish and slender guy.
His LOUD and badtempered wife on the other hand, is  an  unusually strong woman with the physique of a seasoned sumo wrestler(on steriods).
This man doesn't dare raise his voice in his own house for fear of a "brushing".
The one time he threatened to divorce her, his  ABLE BODIED WIFE dragged him into the bedroom (kicking and screaming) and administered a WWF style beating that left him in tears pleading,
"Na joke I bin dey joke oh! "
In the interest of self preservation, the young man has since then resigned from his job and is currently  hiding out in an undisclosed location in town, secretly making arrangements to leave the country.
True story.

A neighbour of mine has a cheating husband(whom has slept with their last two househelps) and all she says is,
"As long as he uses a condom he is still my husband!" True story.

Recently a colleague of mine (after being hospitalized from a beating from her boyfriend)told me that,
"Good men are  scarce, lemme manage the one I have than start all over with another person." She said as she nursed a bruised and swollen eye.
"Nobody is perfect" she added with a wince.
True story.

There's a very popular (and in my opinion) stupid saying that goes;
"The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know"
So if I understand this correctly are we saying that it is better to manage a bad thing (the devil) than to go out and seek a good thing (the angel) because angels are scarce??
Last time I checked there's no where in the Bible where the devil is better than an Angel.Enough said.

A bad relationship is a bad relationship.
Its  like watching a bad movie at the cinema.You buy the ticket, grab your popcorn and drink and settle into the hall. The movie starts and 10 minutes into it, you realise you're  watching not just a crappy movie but the TITANIC of crappy movies.
Here's what's funny, most people stay all through to the end either out of boredom or because,
".... I paid 1500 for dis movie....biko my money no go waste!"

A similar principle is applied in some relationships
A lot of people just "zombielikely" stay to the end and hope for the best even when they know it's not what they want.That's like being anally raped by a gorilla and hoping for an orgasm.

That's madness.I know sometimes relationships change for the better but that only comes from some effort from BOTH PARTIES.

Look I personally agree that relationships can be worked on but like I said it takes
The only place you can work on a relationship all by yourself and get all love affection, kissing, cuddling, understanding and loyalty you deserve  is in a padded cell of an asylum.
Love is a choice, relationships are a choice, marriage is a choice.

I hate cliches' but please, DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS!!!
If he  beats you,he can kill you.
I read somewhere today that a man beat his wife to death recently.

People are scared of a lot of things, being alone, starting over, never finding love, ebola....
Fear is no excuse to remain unhappy.Trust me!

Life is a choice my friend
Choose wisely
Enough said
                                                     Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
                                                             I'm just saying


  1. true talk but I guess we ladies tend to be too accomodatin n tolerant..

  2. Wow, wonderful word play, macabre and grotesque sense of humour. I like this blog. Now to the topic at hand, people endure bad relationships because they are weak but a good beating ought to put enough calcium on your bones to strengthen u to leave. Staying in an abusive relationship never yields anything good. EVER!

    1. LWKMD......@."....a good beating ought to put enough calcium on your bones....."
      Thanx for visiting dear.and please drop by any time.

    2. Sure thing, please stop being such a tease. We need more stories faster...chop chop, get to work.

  3. Some ladies enjoy abusive relationship! My cousin's galfrnd actually left cux my cousin wasn't beating her so she said he was a weakly. Dat was her excuse 4 breakup! It's well

  4. Some ladies enjoy abusive relationship! My cousin's galfrnd actually left cux my cousin wasn't beating her so she said he was a weakly. Dat was her excuse 4 breakup! It's well

    1. Broke up with someone once cuz of dat.kept on saying I should prove my "manliness" by beating me,I know what dats like.
      Thanks for stopping by dear

    2. Poor girls! They probably grew up watching their father bash their mum and were told its what real men should do.

      Had a couple of kids visit and the elder boy started slapping the sis around for a comment she made which wasn't insulting (in my opinion) but he found it so. We were appalled and tried to tell him never to hit her only for the second sister to say that they deserve to be beaten whenever they disrespect him and their dad has directed him to beat them if they don't obey his requests.

      We still remember the incident at home and pray his perception changes before he becomes an adult else that one na certified woman beater.

  5. Sometime ago, I was having a really heated conversation with my friends about this same issue of women who liked to be hit by their partners, one of them was a victim, in fact i realized then that it was even more common than i had thought. When i aired my opinion, i was accused of being judgemental. I think people who have this "condition"(yes condition because they have to be sick to be comfortable with such a situation) should seek some professional help because its abnormal. Some probably grew up in abusive families and have been affected psychologically. No normal person should enjoy being hit.

    1. U honour me great ceo/fashionista!!!
      Thanks for the comments Your royal diva-Ness-Ness!

  6. U got me laughing at the "hung by the toe nails..." nice word play.

  7. Thou shall not settle esp women, you have to love yourself enough to realize you don't deserve trash.

    Please visit

  8. **very deep sigh**

    When the people you feel pity for don't pity themselves,what else can you do but continue looking,sighing and praying they don't end up dead(I wonder if The Almighty answers such prayers though).

  9. The part about you running your car over spammers had me laughing! Ye please don’t abeg you! Anyways (bad English) people will do anything to be a MRS. Like I always say marriage is not compulsory it is OPTIONAL! Hmm I hope that you will not start been stingy with gist(that is today you go post tomorrow nothing) mbok no fall my hand because I am no a convert abi na follower of this blog ooo, bros o e no go funny if you no deliver ooo. I am out for now

  10. I can barely stand mental abuse how much more the physical abuse... it's sheer appalling, the man who does hit his wife, girlfriend. Such a man should be amongst Opus Spammer list who should be run over a cliff or hung by their toes.. and the ladies who have not gathered enough calcium from the beating they get or those who think love is displayed by beating, we would buy a beautiful wreath and place on their tombs when the beating finally leads there and watch the man marry another woman.

    1. I've been looking for the comment box, couldn't find hence my commenting under someone's post.
      First off, this blog is awesome... I've been reading through the stories and I have cracked up at every single one. U have a flair for telling it as it is and yet making it relatable, that's a good writer. If u should write a book at some point, i'll buy!
      About this post, I can relate...that's all i'll say.
      Already bookmarked this site, u just got a self a faithful BV!

  11. I started reading last nite and couldn't stop till when my nodding head hit my iPad twice. You write well, I love it. I have written a lot but no drive yet to start publishing. Your word play is perfect and the picture your stories create are so impressive. Kudos bruv

  12. "If he doesn't beat you, he does not love you" . Are you kidding me? That's the dumbest phrase ever. Women, you were not sold into slavery, you were married as his better half. Does he hit himself? No. So why hit you?
    Dear Ladies, use your tongue and count your teeth.


Comments are welcome......
Spammers on the other hand, would be shot, run over with my car, thrown off a cliff,
hung by their toe nails, and made to watch me do the MAKARINA....... in slow motion.
I'm just saying

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